19. Together

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I'll edit later guy's 😇✌️
Sorry if there is any mistake🫠


"Some moments are saved for special days but even the ordinary one can get special if you have your loved ones with you"

"Let's have it together then…!", she said, making him freeze at the door.

Hearing her yearning voice which was slightly husky and a little bit of shyness made his legs jammed at the door. He was leaving, letting her have her shower controlling his hormones. But the moment she asked to join him made his heart stop for a few seconds and then ran like a wild horse as he felt a thunderbolt drop on him.

He craned his neck making half of his body turn to look at her and confirm if he was actually right or not with a jaw dropped. His eyes were balling out, throat choked making him struggle to speak but clearing his throat he asked her with great difficulty.

"What did you say? Say again!!", he asked.

"Umm… nothing actually…Unm...Bye!", she said and ran inside the shower glass.

Dia was perplexed by her own actions.

She didn't know why she even blurted that in the first place but when he asked again it made her conscious and she went into denial.

Her chest was going up and down as she started sighing heavily, feeling her knees weak. She put the shower on making the cold water cascade her skin and while her head was still hung low with her eyes closed. Her mind was recalling how close Krish and her were standing a few seconds ago. How his hands roamed on her bare skin sending a jolt all over her body. 

She was on fire a few seconds ago, lost in the world of desires she never knew existed. The sweet salty assaults of him which made her feel good but at the same time irritated him. He was messing with her knowingly and when she wished for a kiss he just… he just didn't and that made her frown deeply.

On the other hand, Krish was dumbfounded when she said bye. He felt sorry for himself after being rejected and left alone. He started walking out of the washroom feeling disheartened when something in him stopped.

'Where the hell are you going, idiot? She called you to join him..', his subconscious yelled.

'But she declined the next moment after blooming a flower in my heart', he replied with a sad pout.

'You idiot you made her nervous asking her again', his subconscious scolded.


So, should I go or not?', he asked, feeling unsure of his decision.

'No.. of course not! What's the need?.. You just sit and chill!', his subconscious replied in sarcasm making him roll his eyes.

He quickly entered the washroom again, removed his shirt and in excitement was about to draw his pants down as well when he stopped. He felt like it's too early for that and a part of it is not so sure what's actually gonna happen. So, he let his pants be on and rushed inside the washroom where Dia, taking the wall support, was just drenching herself in a cold water shower.

He looked at her for a second and smiled brightly like a switched on tubelight. He then quickly with slow and steady steps went toward her and collided his bare chest to her back. 

Dia flinched at the sudden touch making Krish smile as well as feel apologetic for scaring her. His hand gently snaked around her hourglass waist to not let her slip or fall and her eyes snapped open. She almost left the hope of him joining her and felt like a stupid teenager making cosy and blunt wishes. She was so embarrassed by her act that she was cursing herself to do so. But as she felt his hands over her waist and face closer to hers she forgot her embarrassment which now was replaced with a pinkish blush and butterflies in her tummy.

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