31. Old Wounds

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"Sometimes we find the wounds healing medicine by opening it again"

Dia was sleeping peacefully and so were others. She was in Aira's room on the second floor and at the other corner was Claire's room. She had lights off and almost in the deep slumber when she sensed something just fell on her chest. She groaned in her sleep and turning her face tried to sleep again but that creepy crawly thing moved at her neck and then suddenly back to her chest.

First, Dia feels that movement over her body and groans and wince. She even muttered something gibberish thinking it was Krish doing that to her. But as the moving didn't stop her slumber broke and she remembered Krish is not around her.


With a jolting effect she got on her bum shrugging whatever was above her and switched on the lights only to scream at the top of her lungs seeing a big fat creepy lizard. She bounced on bed getting on her feet and jumped from one side to another while the lizard seeing her paranoid self got scared as well.

"Claire… Claire… help!! Please any..one help… ….aa…ahhh..nn…a..", she cried.

Karan who was passing from the staircase hearing her voice came running inside her room. He thought Riya harmed her or something and insanely ran to her for help. With a hard push he entered her room and called for her name looking worried for her like hell. But before he could analyse and figure out what happened   Dia jumped in his arms and hugged him tight.

Karan was too shocked and surprised with her sudden action and just held her tight in his arms, in reflex. He was utterly baffled to understand what made her run... no.. jump on him. And after a long few seconds he finally normalises himself despite being tamed by her hot breaths fanning his neck and asks what happened.

"Pleasee… please…eee … please… save me… ahh… hmm…mumma..a…please", she cries out with her eyes still close and face dipped in his neck while finger pointing at the floor.

His furrowed brows crease up more hearing her reply and eyes followed her fingers with confusion and concern for her. But when he saw that actual cause of her paranoid state which was nothing but a small crawling lizard which was staring at Dia as well. As if glaring at her and cursing for her overdramatic whipping and screaming.

It was like the lizard was saying-  'Dude… I'm just an innocent harmless lizard not a fucking crocodile. Fuck you scared me as well making me doubt at my existence.'

And imagining all this Karan started laughing heartily. His one arm was wrapped around her waist holding her tight while the other one lies beside him. His laugh was not stopping while Dia who was shivering in fear few seconds again was now shivering because of his hearty lpud laugh which made his and hers body reverberated. She pulled her head a little from his neck freezing on her cries and looked at him with a pissed face.

"Stop laughing and save me… from this monster..  …ahaha…", she scolded him.

"Monst..er", he laughed more but soon nodded as she continue glared.

He made the lizard hush away while his son Samar, catching it in his little hands, threw it outside of the window.

"It's gone now..!!", he chirped, closing the window.

Dia froze , stopping her whipping and murmuring. She snapped her head behind to find a bunny boy standing proudly with his hands resting on his waist. He was smiling more like laughing at his angel while she with a stuttering voice asked where the lizard was and he said he threw it away. Her eyes popped out hearing that 'He' threw it away.

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