32. Samar

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"With few people make a different connection which gives us pain but more than that love and happiness"

Karan kicked at the chair kept near him and threw the beautiful stone near the pillar in the dining area, making it shatter into pieces. Kabir didn't know what to say or do but seeing his son and the drama which just happened he felt disappointed, disturbed, and worried for his son and his happiness. He silently left from there while his mother snuffling her cry left from there as well. Claire, feeling scared, left from there silently for the office as Dia handed her some work. While Karan pulled on to his hair and screamed in frustration.

Why the fuck can't I have a peaceful day without any drama?

Agghhhh...!!, she growled and punched his first at the marbled pillar.

His knuckles were stinging through pain but giving it no fuck he ran to check upon his son. When he reached upstairs Karan found him in Dia's lap hugging her with his head resting on her chest. She was caressing his back and massaging his scalp softly. Her eyes had tears filled in her eye bags with heart aching in pain. Karan seeing her so concerned for that poor child could see she was acting like a mother to him reliving the painful memory of her life as a reality. She was thinking and treating him like her own son ready to protect and preserve him from any harm. While pain in his eyes was making her feel the same as Samar felt at her time. And this loving bond put his heart at ease. He felt calm down and his thudding heart beat got normal again.


Samar after crying for like an hour got calm and quiet. He smiled again and saw that Karan who was sitting at the doorstep without disturbing them went to bring his breakfast. He came up with his breakfast and Dia's as well and handing it to her he started leaving. But Samar held his hand and made him sit with them. They had breakfast together with a bit of awkwardness and lots of smiles and giggles. Later, Dia and Karan got ready for work and were ready to leave but Samar was not allowing them to go. He was scared his mother would beat him up after these two leaves.

"Baby don't you have school?", she asked.

"It's late... now", he replied, batting his lashes.

Dia sighed and looked at Karan for help, while he cleared his throat and started to speak when his son started pleading with his puppy face making him shut.

"Fine.. baby, you and daddy play but I need to leave", she said and stood up.

Samar started tearing up and seeing that her heart melted. But seeing the sparks in Karan's eyes, don't why but she refused to stay and left from there.

Her heart was heavy but keeping a stone above it she left for work. And till afternoon she got free wrapping all her works. But for some reason she didn't want to go back home and she asked Claire to schedule a few more meetings and send her reports of the new ongoing projects. She asked other staff to show her more files and also the finance count. She asked the manager to show him those reports twice a week and if any loop holes are found in that he and that person both would be fired. Apart from that she got to know a secret information saying someone in their office is working as a spy for Khanna Industry who is a business rival of hers as well Karan.

A suspicious observation is going on in her office from her own trusted people which she brought as her own team in this office. She has asked them to keep a tight eye on them and if feels even a bit of suspicion she should be informed immediately.

This damn Intruder!!

She reached home late at night as after work she left for Krish's parents house. They were worried for her while she was feeling weak without them. She needed some boastful energy and she went there and had a great time with them trying to hide her pain inside her. But before leaving Sanjeev caught her and asked what's bothering her and hesitantly she shared her heart with him. And after hearing her fully he just asked her to go with her heart but by not avoiding her brain's advice.

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