02. Invitation

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"Time never leaves you alone and carries the past residue with it even in your present"
~~~ ✧~~✿~~✧~~~

Author's POV

5 years later

"Karan...", in an irritated tone someone calls his name.

Sighing for the nth time he closes his eyes for a sec, keeps the tie he was looking for and grumpily walks into the room.

The scenario in front of his eyes left him stunned as the room just before 10 minutes was fully neat and clean looking everything tidy. But now, it seems like a heavy wave of wind just entered his room and destroyed everything.

His one hand reaches to hold his head while the other lies on his waist. He shook his head in disapproval while it slightly spun seeing the disaster. When a loud voice rangs in his ears again and he snapped his head to have a look on that person.

"What the fud..", he cut his tongue.

Laugh escaped his lips as he saw the live version of some vampire standing in front of the mirror.

"What the hell happened to you?", he says trying to control his laugh while she glares.

She huffs while stopping herself from scratching that face of him which couldn't stop laughing at her.

Keeping the lipstick she had on her hand which was now broken she pursed her lips and dangerously looked at him.

"It's your son... I'm telling you I'll smack his ass if he doesn't get well-mannered. What the fuck has he done to me?", she groans.

His laughs slowly die down and watching at her state he passes her the pack of tissue and cleanser. He then sternly says "He is just a 5 year old kid and doing things like this is just natural." So, she can't blame him at least not till his own mother gets well-mannered and chuckles at his own comment.

"What.. what did you just say?", she asked again.

"Nothing... Just clean this mess up and I'll go get ready. Then, we will leave him for his school", he said and started leaving.

"I- I can't come", she says, turning her back.

Karan stops and groans as once again she was ditching their son after promising him. He turned back to find her fixing her caked up face which was all messed up with the lipstick all over her face painted. He shook his head and left to get ready fully and later went downstairs while she was still sitting in front of the mirror doing something.

Reaching downstairs he searched for his son who was hiding behind Shalini hearing his footsteps.

He sighed and smiled and started calling for him in a soft voice making the cute bunny boy appear from the back of his grandma. He passes a peeky glance and hides back again making him glance at the back of his mother. But soon after a second he popped his head again and slowly came forward passing a cheeky smile.

"Come here, my boy!!", saying he pulls him in front of him.

With a forced self he came and stood, looked at his dad with a little dearment and nervousness.

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