46. Riya and Dead end

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22 hours skipped

Riya's lawyer tirelessly sought to dismantle the timing barricade, relentlessly attempting to throw Krish behind bars once more. Meanwhile, Dia, armed with irrefutable evidence and credible witnesses, strode into the police station. There, she methodically presented the damning proof against her sister, leading the police to file charges against Riya for false accusations and lying to law enforcement. The order for Riya's arrest was swift, and Dia took it a step further by suspending the police officers involved with Riya.

The media frenzy surrounding this scandal painted Riya's once-polished image in disgrace, burying it in a metaphorical pothole. Embarrassment consumed her, and Karan found himself relentlessly targeted by paparazzi, unable to escape the harsh glare of the spotlight.

As the police jeep arrived at Riya's doorstep with a warrant in hand, Karan's emotions churned in a tempest of disbelief and anger. He couldn't fathom the depths of Riya's deception, playing such an ugly game for revenge. Fuming with rage, he roared her name in the living room, but only an eerie silence responded. The tension hung thick in the air as the cops prepared to ascend the stairs, but Karan forcefully halted them, his determination to confront Riya himself palpable.

Upstairs, he searched their room, his heart pounding with every futile attempt to find her. Just as he was about to check another room, his eyes caught a letter beneath a paperweight on her table. Approaching it with trembling hands, he unfolded the contents - photographs and a letter from an unknown sender. The letter, written with sinister intent, claimed Dia was Divya. The images depicted Karan and Dia together in seemingly intimate and romantic situations, the angles and shadows distorting reality.

Karan's emotions erupted in a whirlwind of disbelief and confusion. The room seemed to close in on him as he grappled with the unexpected revelation and its potential consequences.

The weight of the photographs and the accusatory letter bore down on him, intensifying the already charged atmosphere. The room felt stifling, and Karan's mind raced to make sense of the sinister revelation.

"F*ck... no!! This can't be happening!" His voice trembled with a mix of disbelief and anger. "Dia... I need to reach her. Her life is in danger!"

He descended the stairs in a frenzied hurry, footsteps echoing through the grand mansion. The cops, witnessing his distressed state, stared at him with evident confusion. Kabir's heart sank, and Shalini's gaze bore a puzzled expression.

"Riya... Riya... she ran away from here," he blurted out, desperation evident in his eyes.

The cops exchanged doubtful glances. Karan, breathing heavily and looking visibly restless, sensed their skepticism. "What happened, Karan? What more is there? Tell me, Beta, do you know where she went?" Kabir asked, a sinking feeling settling in his gut.

"She must have gone to meet Dia. She got to know the truth, Dad," he stated the grim fact. "Dad... Dad... Dia is in danger. Her life is in danger. I need to go... I need to go near her," he said, his words punctuated by heavy breaths, each syllable carrying the weight of urgency.

The tension in the room escalated as the reality of the situation dawned on everyone present. The air crackled with apprehension, and the urgency in Karan's voice mirrored the impending danger. Time seemed to stretch, each passing moment adding to the gravity of the revelation. The cops, uncertain but sensing the urgency, exchanged glances, realizing they needed to act swiftly.

In the grand Kundra Mansion, a palpable sense of foreboding gripped the air, setting the stage for a desperate race against time to protect Dia from the impending danger that lurked in the shadows.

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