43. Jail

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Anyways enjoy, happy reading!

"Your worth in my life is more than you can imagine, and everyday you prove it to me why it should be this deep and important."

~Your sunshine!

Dia and Farha sped away in their car, leaving a trail of dust, while Dia anxiously dialed a number. Meanwhile, Karan, returning home, spotted Dia's distressed state. Her restless eyes and agitated demeanor prompted him to halt, sensing an impending storm. He was on the verge of inquiring, but before he could reach her, they hastily departed. Contemplating the situation, Karan entered his house, his mind brimming with thoughts about the impending drama.

Inside, he found Riya in the living room, visibly frightened. Tension clung to her muscles, and she seemed entrapped in her own thoughts. Karan, intuitively linking the unfolding events, approached her. He gently took her arm, pulling her back to reality. As she looked up, a breath escaped her, and though her mind buzzed with concerns, the focal point was Divya's impending reaction to the potential harm.

Persistently, Karan probed with questions, but Riya remained silent, leaving abruptly and shoving him aside. Confusion and worry etched across Karan's face, contemplating the unforeseen drama that awaited him.


Meanwhile, Dia rushed to the police station, her heart pounding with fear. Sanjeev, her godfather, joined her upon hearing the heart-wrenching news. At home, his wife battled low blood pressure, unable to comprehend the unjust imprisonment of her son. In the confines of their home, doctors and house help worked tirelessly to attend to her.

As Dia entered the police station, she sought out Derek, a familiar face amidst the chaos. The weight of the situation is reflected in her words, "Derek… where is Krish? Did we secure bail?" Her voice trembled with a mixture of fear and desperation.

The environment surrounding them mirrored the tense ambiance. The distant sounds of officers discussing cases, the hum of fluorescent lights, and the scent of anxiety in the air painted a vivid backdrop to this tumultuous moment. Derek, with a heavy heart, began to update Dia on Krish's situation, setting the stage for the emotional rollercoaster that awaited her.

"The lawyer is immersed in that task, and Krish... umm, he's in custody," Derek uttered with a heavy heart, a tinge of sorrow coloring his words.

"But how can they...? It's just so wrong", she deadpans, unable to conclude how to react or what to do.

Behind him, Sanjeev wore a somber expression, his face pale with worry for his son. Dia, suppressing the urge to cry, observed his father's distress. Summoning strength, she implored Derek to arrange a brief meeting with Krish. Derek initially cited restrictions from the police, but Dia persisted, urging him until he relented and ventured inside to negotiate.

On the sidelines, Farha hurried to Sanjeev, enveloping him in a tight hug. A lone tear escaped his eyes, a testament to the emotional toll the situation had taken on the concerned father. Dia, witnessing the poignant scene, released a deep sigh and approached her father.

She was indeed feeling regretful to let that happen and let him face this shit. Her heart was aching but instead of falling weak she stands like a mountain for him.

"Dad, I promise Krish will be out soon, and the one responsible for this will face consequences. Trust me, my Krish is innocent, and I'll ensure he gets a clean chit," Dia vowed, her words carrying the weight of determination.

Sanjeev smiles faintly, his hand patting her head, nodded in affirmation, finding solace in his daughter's unwavering confidence. Dia then turned to Farha, her gaze filled with both gratitude and instruction, asking her to take care of her father and ensure his safe return home while she delved into the unfolding crisis.

Meanwhile, Derek, engaged in pleading with unyielding cops, faced numerous roadblocks. Riya's strict orders further hindered their efforts, with the police adhering strictly to the given directives. Undeterred, Dia took matters into her own hands, dialing their lawyer's number. Urging him to expedite the process within the hour, she emphasized the immediate need for permission to meet Krish. The lawyer assured her of his efforts, assuring her that the bail papers were underway, and his assistant lawyer, currently outside the police station, would secure her the necessary access.

Dia swiftly concluded the call, employing her legal acumen to educate the obstinate cops about their duty, lawfully securing permission to meet Krish within a mere five minutes.

With a mixture of anticipation and dread, Dia hurried to Krish's cell. As she approached, her heart plummeted at the sight of his back turned, facing the cold, unforgiving wall. An involuntary tear escaped her eyes, and her breathing became erratic, the weight of the situation pressing on her like a suffocating force. Krish, lost in contemplation, wondered about Dia's state of mind and whether she still held trust in him.

"K-ri-sh…," she struggled to breathe out, her voice laden with difficulty, tears streaming down her face.

Startled by her voice, Krish turned, and upon seeing Dia, a genuine smile illuminated his face. He sighed, relieved that her presence indicated she hadn't wavered in her trust.

"Dia… I-I am totally innocent… you know that, right? You believe me, right? I would never cheat on you… th-that Riya… she is lying," Krish poured out, his eyes searching for Dia's reassurance.

Dia nodded, reaching out to hold Krish's hands in hers. "I have complete faith in you. You are my only pillar of strength. I can bet my life on your honesty; you would never betray me or take me for granted. I know that," she affirmed, providing Krish with the assurance he sought.

But then suddenly something hits her heart and she starts crying looking down. She feels remorse, and starts cursing herself. As she realises the reason for his false destructive image and him ending up here was because of her. She was the cause of his suffering. Dia feels he doesn't deserve her as she can only bring disgrace to him and his family. She has been nothing but a troublemaker, extra baggage burden.

The strong roaring Dia from a few minutes ago was falling into pieces again as seeing him, she can't hide her guilt and pain anymore. She was vulnerably weak. It hurts and slashes her heart in billions of pieces seeing him in this four walled dark cell.

Krish seeing this breakdown of her was slightly amused and taken aback. He didn't thought she would feel like this nor was he expecting. But then pulling himself together he says, "You love has only made me rise up and it can never be the degradation for me. You are my pride, don't you ever dare to curse yourself."

Dia's tear filled eyes glistening with them shines like a rare pearl in the sea. She was suddenly feeling better and stronger again. And that's when she realises, he is the rarest and wildest gem in this world which God secretly kept in her lap. And she should always cherish it. Krish is a true blessing in her life, who even in this situation calls her 'his pride'. Her heart fluttered with his sweet talks and she vows more determinantly to get proofs against Riya sooner.

She then wiping her tears off, kisses on his hand. Her lips sending a surge of relief to his heart and soul. Now, he wasn't afraid of anyone or anything knowing his sunshine is there for him. She then coming to the point asks him about what happened and how. He informs everything from the start to end only to make Dia loathe her, more than she ever did till the date.

As Krish unraveled the intricate details of the situation upon Dia's probing questions, her disdain for Riya deepened. The emotional turmoil within Dia intensified as she grappled with the betrayal. She couldn't fathom that Riya had plotted such a deceitful act.

"You have always tarnished my every relationship. But I swear to my love, I won't let you harm any innocent soul this time. You'll suffer this time, your end is near", she hisses with a dedication.

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