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"but rin!" she argued, "we ran out of cup noodles! it's definetly an emergency!" she cried, hanging onto her brother's shirt. 

he sighed, "bitch it's 3am." she pout her lips in disappointment, she knew her brother perfectly, in every way any humanity can think of, but this was the button she didn't know how to push. "pleaaaassseeeee! if not then i'll ask sae!" 

"go and ask." Rin stared at the television, blinking. "hmph..." jumping up, and walking towards the older brother's bedroom door, she was about to knock when she heard slight snores, "oh..." she looked down at her sanrio slippers, maybe it's best for him to rest after such torturing training. 

even though Sae and Rin were not on good terms, Yuza managed to somehow get the three of them to live together. sighing and facepalming herself, she returned to the living room. "so?" 

"he's sleeping." her stomach growled, it wasn't on purpose either, placing a hand over her stomach, embarrassed. "fine. go. be back before 4. dont run off with some pedophile!" rin yelled, "fuck you." she rolled her eyes, then rushing into her room to throw on a hoodie.

it was indeed freezing, outside. she was wearing short jeans that was covered by her hoodie, so her legs were exposed. anyways, she quickly ran to the nearest convenient store, grabbing seafood flavour cup noodle off the shelf. but then, the baby star ramen caught her green orbs. 

she tiptoed and reach for it, except another tanned (not racist please) hand grabbed it first. her hues went round went her feet were touching the fully touching the floor, furrowing her eyebrows. "aw." she mumbled, eyeing the stranger. 

he had spiky blond hair with fading pink at the tips, having two strands falling on both sides of his face. He has pink coloured irises with white silted pupils in them like a cat, he had headphones on, playing hide with spread beaver by pink spider on spotify.

"what the fuck! ads these days..." he mumbled, snatching out his phone from his sweatpants pocket. he felt a strange aura and stare right at his face, at the corner of his eyes, he saw a girl with green hair clipped with a claw clip, holding a seafood flavoured cup noodle in her hand with a black oversized hoodie covering her pants, with crocs.

"what? you think im hot?" he smirked, fully facing her now. her face twisted into a disgusted one, "ew. never in my 23094702348753942 lives." 

"and gimme that baby star ramen." she commanded, "like i'd ever listen to you asshole." a smug grin appeared on his face before disappearing into thin air. "bitch! you freaky ass nigga!" she balled her fists, having to choice but to get the seafood flavour one instead. 

"that antennae freak..." she walked towards the door after paying basically her remaining money. "what did you say, you midget?" she jerked her head around, "midget? excuse me? i'm 5 foot 1!" she stomped her right foot, once again, balling her fists together. 

"lmao shortass." he snickered, she rolled her eyes, "you're wasting my precious time, fuck off." she spat, "Yuza." her eyebrows shot up, oh no, oh no! that familiar voice must be... rin!


"that dude? seriously?" the stranger groaned, Rin stitched his eyebrows together when he saw that demon. "the fuck are you doing with her?" he pulled his younger sister away, "nothin'." he shrugged, "i can't believe even you pulled before i pull Sae!" 

"he can only pull push doors- hold up... you're gay with my brother?"

"your brother?"


𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫. 𝐫𝐲𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐢Where stories live. Discover now