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other anime (tokrev) refrences!


"your brother?"

"well, duh."

"wait- so you're that hot dancer that was on the bill board in shibuya!" she took a step back, "excuse me?" well yes, she was a dancer. it was slightly weird, having two really good (yet hot) brothers as football players, and they would have a random little sister that works as a model and dancer. it doesn't make sense, but we're out of topic here.

"the fuck bro? i told you that you shouldn't run off with some pedophile." rin glared at the two, he was only here because getting really late. the so called pedophile looked really offended. "wait up omg." she ran, holding the plastic bag while huffing and puffing. by the time she was fully caught up, she was literally out of breath.

"omg come back you dick!" she tried to catch her breath as she walked next to her brother, who kept a still face until he stared at his younger sister, suddenly stopping.

she suddenly flinched when rin lifted her legs up, hugging his waist while her face met his back, his warmth filled her quickly when she snuggled deep in his arms. "what the fuck??? BRO I DONT WANNA TOUCH YOU DISGUSTING SHIT-" 

he snorted. "shut up and sleep dude. im trying to be nice."


she woke up about at 12pm. a knock was perfectly placed on her door three times, "what." she rubbed her eyes, sitting up. it was rin that opened the door, a slightly annoyed face expression on his face.

"shidou wants to meet you." he was clearly annoyed, sitting on the edge of the bed. "what the fuck is a shidou?" she stretched her arms, earning a sigh from her older brother. "is he hot?" she asked while jumping off the bed, an irk mark played on his head, "no." 

"bro i need someone to hit up 😭" she joked. she went into the bathroom, getting ready for today. she decided to wear a ocean blue sweater, topped off with comfortable pants, some air jordans and simple, light make up.

her phone on the edge of the sink buzzed, she instantly pressed accept to the call. "guess what guys." she announced, "what what what what-" 

"it's definitely a date! look at that makeup girl!" Hina and Emma laughed, "who pulled this time?" 

"this shidou dude- which is my brothers teammate i dont know, he wants to meet me." she made it sound like a question, "ARE THEY HOT?" 



"i heard they're from the blue lock thing." she whispered towards her phone, "like you know the prison my brother was in? that one." yuzuha sucked a breath, "they are lowkey hot." she looked like she was searching something up, she was next to a computer with her glasses. "look." the ginger haired female moved her phone to an news about blue lock, "YOOO BRO I CAN TAKE HIM-" senju screamed through the phone, "but your brothers are hot as well, BUT I AINT COMPLAINING-" she giggled, "girl what." yuza teased, "i have to get my ass out now," she nodded to rin who was at her room door.



"fine" yuza sighed, "it's so loud..." Sae peeked through the door, his messy morning hair displaying, guess he just woke up, "who did you pull this time?" he questioned, "it's rin's friends!"

his face dropped, "okay. bye.... fill me in later i guess?" he left. something made her excited, she didn't know what or who, but it was blue lock she was meeting up with... and she heard they were really hot in person.

like- no joke.

i'm serious. she took a few deep breaths, before heading to the door, bumping onto a chest. "h-"

rin eyed you, he was wearing a black turtle neck, with simple trench coat, some comfortable pants (with a belt for fashion reasons), and monotone converse shoes. "so whos this shidou? is he your friend?"

"he's not my friend. he is my teammate.

"oh bruh."

"whatever. let's get going." 

having rich brothers was like you didn't even need trouble to find a sugar daddy (sorry guys what the fuck did i write 💀), but like- rin is 17, a year older then you, so by law, only sae could drive.

oh but, who cares? rin is so fucking tall, basically a giant, to convince the police. he entered the white porsche after opening the door for her, with a step of his feet, they left for their destination. they listened to music (arctic monkeys because i feel like it) with full volume, and yuza singing along with in, she somehow persuade rin to join in, but he just ignored her.

"c'mon bro!" she turned her head towards her older brother, who was focusing on the road or else he might crash the two of them, he kept his lips pursed while she took her phone out to text her friends.

her wolf cut with the red underneath seems okay today, lucky her it wasn't bad hair day. she wondered why though... tapping a finger on her chin. "we're here." he stopped, right in front of a football stadium.

"seriously?" she groaned, football here, football there, anything football related was in the flesh. well, she used to play football at a young age with rin and sae, but she stopped when sae and rin argued.

every time she sees a football, the sensation comes back, it's not like she hates it or anything though... you could say her skill sets can impress sae if she wasn't his sister. "well... we couldn't think of anything else." he shrugged, leaving the car the same time his sister did. "are we late?" she checked her phone, walking behind the green head, "oh." 

to be honest, she was slightly excited, but nervous at the same time, what if Rin's friends- i mean teammates were like the hot ones? like her type? literally... 

sporty guys >>

she entered the field, air brushed her cheeks softly as she closed her eyes. "for fuck's sake..." a voice cursed, she flickered her eyelashes open, revealing the one and only guy who had spiky blond hair with fading pink at the tips, having two strands falling on both sides of his face, his stare on her was um... steady, yeah, still.

"ew. ratass bitch." she spat, her feet glued to the grass. but what was weird was his face, no, not weird, what was attractive was this freak's face. maybe it was because they're last encounter was in the dark, that's why she didn't really get a good glance at him. 

she's not gonna lie, being straight forward here and... 

he was kinda attractive... 

but not her type. 

i mean...

"i swear to god why is it always this antennae freak?" she asked, just loud enough for the male in front of her to hear. 

"it's fucking ryusei shidou, midget. might be the name you'll scream at night."

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