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its okay. people come and go anyways, so whats the point of keeping him? is he special? yes. what makes him so special? everything

"hey yuza?" she hummed, turning her attention towards the boy, he stopped his trails, a bitter smile displayed on his pretty face, "let's start again, okay?" she shot her eyebrows upwards, let's start again?

does he even like me? what if i make him hurt, and then what? what if he leaves me like everyone does and eventually find someone way better then me that can do everything better then me, they could even breathe better oxygen out then me?  

does he prefer someone sluttier? im probably not enough, with a b cup like that. shitty clothing style and i wear the same clothes everyday since i hate my closet, and-

"yuza!" she whipped her head at him, "are you listening to me?" she nodded, chewing her lower lip. "no you're not." he suddenly placed both of his tanned hands on her shoulder, making her slightly jump. "yuza, i know i messed up. so please," his eye seemed so hurt, begging for a new start.

"please, can we start again?" 

she stayed quiet, before warmly smiling. to him, her smile was the brightest light, even though if it was night time right now, "yeah." he dropped his arms, swallowing the dry lump inside his throat. "hi. im shidou ryusei, how bout you pretty lady?" he chuckled, holding out his hand.

she giggled, "i'm itoshi yuza, nice to meet you, sir." she emphasised on the word sir, placing her cold hand between the boy's, they shook hands as they held a silly laughter. "well then, pretty lady, do you know what is missing in my phone? your number." he smirked, she held her laughter at the cheesy attempt.

"oh wow." she had to throw some sarcasm in this conversation, "sure, fine sir." she grabbed her phone from her pocket, giving her unlocked phone to the devil (never give your unlocked phones to any of your pookies, friends, family members or people, its dangerous children 👹).

he furiously typed on the bright screen, once done, he handed the phone back to its owner, shooting her a toothy grin. "wanna go to the newest cafe around shibuya next week, pretty lady?" a blush spread on his cheeks, luckily it was dark, the only light of his was the distant light pole and her smile.

"a-ah, sure! i would be delighted to, sir." 

"then it's settled." 

the two laughed at more cheesy pick up lines that made them cringe so much until yuza's stomach hurt. and then, rin had to scold the devil for hurting her, but then they end up laughing more which made rin start to question if they were drunk or on drugs or high.


"going on a date, you're sixteen yuza." rin crossed his arms in front of his chest, sounding like mom, "it's none of your business, it's just that you can't find a girlfriend or pull. you gave all the valentine gifts back from the girls in your school and it's your fault, some of them are definitely hot."

"there are loads of fish in the sea."

"says you." rin rolled his eyes, "i'm especially meaning at that asshole." she frowned, "he's not an asshole." he lazily shrugged, "whatever. i don't give a fuck until you make me related to him." thinking that far already, rin? i'll see who you end up with, maybe you might be with isagi or some 10/10 hotties. 

anyways, why am i interested in rin's gay (dont take it seriously or 🤡) relationship? and no, she's not going on a freaking date, she's just going to the new cafe with a newly met friend. she wore an oversized graphic tee with black cargo, a sanrio character (idk you choose) backpack and a low messy bun tied up, revealing her highlights.

"im going!" 

"come back without a husband-"

"shut the fuck up rin!" 

she sighed, her older brother was actually so unserious, just around her though, with other people, he's a introvert that plans your funeral and when, how and what happened. anyways, (dont) stop thinking about rin you idiot!

warm wind breezed through the air, lighten up her mood. a pink, creamy coloured cafe caught her eye, perhaps that was the new cafe shidou was talking about, the clear glass helped her see a very fine man sitting inside, dressed slightly differently from his normal aesthetic.

he wore a light pink tee with white parachute pants, monotone jordans and a white jacket. wonder why he chose to wear this soft girl type aesthetic today. she pushed the door handle as a sweet ding sound ringed her ears, the moment their eyes locked, she couldn't escape back to reality, lost in his magenta irises. "hey." she took a seat opposite the male.

"hi. why are you dressed like this? it's weird on you, sir." a soft chuckled flew to the air out of his lips, "this is a hello kitty themed restaurant, i just realised when i walked pass a few days ago. so... i found this pink guy in my closet, why not wear it...?" she found that really cute, curving up a smile.

"i have a sanrio character back pack." he flipped through the menu, seeing a hello kitty printed on the top of the pink hamburger, "that's cute." the itoshi pointed at the pudding.

 "you're cute." for the second time their eyes locked, attention spam turning from a second to thirty, before she broke the silence by a blush spreading on her soft cheeks. 

"oh god. you flirty demon."

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