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"hope you have nice shampoo..."

for the least of her expectations, this grown up man should at least have a tiny little apartment, some appropriate food and a small, nice, comfy bed. 

not that he completely lived in a garbage collection area. 

pinching the top of her nose, she stepped in the shower he kindly offered, she took a quick shower to wash off the dirty water and sorts. 

"ah...." she muttered to herself, a towel around her neck to prevent the water to drop onto his shirt, right, his shirt. it was far too oversized, reaching her mid thighs. it was an graphic tee of a cat with flowers around it, and she didn't expect that pink head cockroach to wear something like this, since he was always emo. 

and some short sweatpants, probably too small for Shidou since he grew fat 🤌, it was also slightly tighter then she expected, hugging her mid thighs almost too perfectly.

since the cat tee was hanging over his pants, so it looked like she wasnt wearing any pants. she glanced over the clothes she wore early, gently folding it into perfect squares and opening the door, fresh air covered her face. 

"argh..." she walked out, seeing Shidou who was sitting on the chair near the table, dripping water with his wet hair, scrolling on his phone with a bored face. "finally-" he rolled his orbs, but when his pink ones landed on her, his eyebrows shot up, not to fast though.

"wear some pants bitch." he replied, getting up from his seat, "i am?" she walked by, placing her clothes on the side as she intentionally tried bumped him on the shoulder. "pff." he chuckled, she couldn't even reach his shoulder, brushing his arm instead.

"midget." grabbing some extra clothes and shutting the toilet door. she glanced around, the green haired female young lady had nothing to do, so why not clean up for him?


she sighed, it wasn't her mind, it was her hands and action, bringing her to the piled clothes, she took one in hand, unfolding it one by one. alas, she was done with a couple of clothes, since he only wears the same ones every few days.

"what am i even doing?" she silently smiled to herself, her dimple showing the slightest of silliness. ah... but surely, that was such a bad timing, he furrowed his eyebrows, grabbing the towel from her neck by the side, wiping it on his pink hair instead.

"why are you even smiling?" he asked, walking to the kitchen fridge to see if food spawned for him, "hmm? nothing." she silently facepalmed herself, bad timing it is, patting his graphic tee while placing it back into his closet. he raised an eyebrow, pursing his lips while eyeing his closet, and then to the young lady. 

walking towards the green haired female, he leaned forward, "you sure? you looked like you've been messing around..." he tilted his head, their lips were mere inches away. Yuza gulped, trying her best to act normal.

"yeeeeep..." she glanced at the chair behind the cockroach, "if you were... you know how punishments work..." he smirked, the sides of his fine lip curved upwards, "w-what? but all i did was to help you organise some clothes!" she confessed, hitting her hand onto the sofa. 

"you admitted." he clicked his tongue, she rolled her orbs, placing both of her hands next to her thighs to support her leaning. "yeah... so?" she tilted her green head, "nothing..." Shidou whispered, placing a hand on her soft cheek. "w-what-"

"so tempting to kiss you right now." he leaned forward, "huh? you like me?" Yuza grinned, her voice thin, "hmmm... maybe?" his pink rounded eyes downturned, with a fresh smell of cocoa, "what the goose..." she breathed one last time when his lips crashed onto hers, he wasn't lying after all.

its not like she likes him or anything special, but she couldn't stop thinking about this cockroach everyday, he was stuck in her pretty little head. the female slide her slim arm around his neck, she didn't even know why she was so hungry for this. 

his lips tastes so perfect, as if it was gonna be the last sweetness she was feeling, like biting into cotton candy. his arms wrapped around her waist as he bit her cherry lips, asking for permission. but Yuza could feel her ears redder by every second passing, why was she kissing a person she met not even a week ago?

maybe, cuz, it was too early to say "i love you". 

why, why on earth, would she fall for this exact person, was her life a planned story this whole time? an enemy to lover book, yet they were so ready to devour each other anytime. but no way, no fucking way... she kept trying to persuade herself to not fall in love with the wrong person again

because last time, she got hurt too much. she sweared to god she wouldn't fall in love anymore, love isn't even important, why would everyone give up everything on that one emotion? but promises are meant to be broken anyways, after hearing his small laughs, his smirk, his everything.

he was perfect.

too perfect for a girl like her.

so, this relationship was one sided after this single moment, she was too broken for someone like Shidou. in fact, she had to leave, right now. she couldn't be doing this, everything was falling, collapsing in her world. this kiss would only make her fall more, and she knew Shidou only thought about her as a teammate's sister.

she placed her hand on his chest, gently pushing him away from the long kiss. "sorry... please... don't hate me for doing this." her voice was hoarse, blinking as she looked down. "huh-" 

the female ran towards the door, tears dripping down her cheeks. she shut his door as she rushed down the stairs, she wouldn't dare to look back, but all was met by Yuza was silence. 

perhaps, this emotion to play with, was all just a joke, she unintentionally fell in love with a guy she met at a convenience store at midnight, and she thought this was a one sided crush. so she gave up.

little did she know, he thought of the same thing, 'oh, she must hate me for kissing her.'

 'oh, she must hate me for liking her.'

'you're so fucking stupid, Shidou. a girl like her would never like you, you are just a piece of shit around the roadside, while she was crafted by the gods by their elegant hands.'

'she was perfect.'

'too perfect for a boy like me.'

𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫. 𝐫𝐲𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐢Where stories live. Discover now