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"a summer festival?"

 the poster features a vibrant, colourful design evoking the lively atmosphere of a traditional japanese summer festival. at the centre of the poster is a large, intricate illustration of a famous japanese festival landmark, such as a grand torii gate or an ornate temple. there are delicate cherry blossom petals floating across the background, adding a touch of natural beauty and elegance. 

prominent at the top of the poster is the title of the festival, written in bold, elegant calligraphy-style japanese characters. the typeface has a classic, traditional feel that evokes the long history and cultural significance of these summer celebrations.

shidou glanced at the younger itoshi, they were going back home from the hello kitty themed restaurant, coming across this poster on one of the notice boards. 

"you wanna ... go together?" he looked the opposite direction, avoiding eye contact. she stayed still, but without hesitation, she mumbled a quiet "yes." 

the comfortable silence stayed with them for the rest of the day.


the summer festival was in full swing as shidou and yuza made their way through the crowded streets of the village. colourful lanterns hung from the shops and stalls, casting a warm glow over the lively scene.

yuza couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the noise and activity all around them. she stuck close to shidou, not wanting to get separated in the crowd.

"omg, look at all the food stalls!" shidou exclaimed, his eyes wide with delight. "i'm gonna starve to death, let's get something to eat."

yuza nodded in agreement and followed as shidou navigated the bustling throngs of people. they paused in front of a stall selling steaming takoyaki, the delicious scent wafting through the air.

"two orders please!" yuza said to the vendor.

As they waited for their food, Ryusei glanced around nervously. He wasn't used to being in such a large crowd. But Yuza's infectious enthusiasm slowly started to put him at ease.

"here you go!" the vendor said, handing them two paper trays filled with piping hot octopus balls (💀).

yuza thanked him and turned to the boy. "let's find a spot to sit and enjoy these," she said, already popping one of the takoyaki into her mouth.

they wandered over to a quieter area near a small shrine, settling down on a bench. the devil blew on his first takoyaki before taking a tentative bite.

"mmm, this is so good!" he said, his eyes lighting up. the savoury flavour burst on his tongue, the perfectly crisp exterior giving way to the soft, chewy interior.

yuza giggled at his reaction. "i told you the food here is amazing," she said, quickly finishing off the rest of her order.

as they ate, the sound of music and laughter drifted over from the main festival area. the football player glanced in that direction, suddenly feeling curious.

"do you want to go check out the rest of the festival?" he asked her. she nodded enthusiastically, "sure."


as they wandered through the festival, the sights and sounds all around them were almost overwhelming. colourful paper lanterns hung from the shop awnings, casting a warm glow over the lively scene. rhe air was filled with the tantalising aromas of sizzling takoyaki, fresh cotton candy, grilled yakisoba and more japanese traditional foods.

her emerald eyes sparkled with delight as she took it all in. "oh em gee, look at those!" she said, tugging on the football player's sleeve and pointing towards a stall selling intricately carved wooden figurines. "it's so pretty!"

he nodded lazily, admiring the skilled craftsmanship. "yeah, i know right." he agreed.

they continued on, stopping to admire the intricate displays of origami and calligraphy. yuza insisted on trying her hand at a game where you used a paper scoop to catch goldfish, squealing with laughter when she accidentally dropped her catch back into the water.

as they two wandered, the sounds of traditional festival music grew louder. he perked up, recognising the lilting melodies.

"hey, i think theres a performance happening over there," he said, pointing towards a large open area where a crowd had gathered.

the female followed his gaze, her face lighting up. "let's go then," she said excitedly, grabbing his warm hands and leading him towards the commotion.

they pushed their way through the crowd until they had a clear view of the stage. a troupe of colourfully-costumed dancers were moving gracefully to the rhythm of the music, their fans and parasols adding to the mesmerising performance.

he watched, transfixed, as the dancers twirled and leapt, their movements fluid and elegant. beside him, the younger itoshi swayed slightly, humming along to the familiar tunes.

when the performance came to an end, the crowd erupted into enthusiastic applause. yuza found herself clapping along, a sense of wonder and excitement bubbling up inside er.

turning to shidou, she saw the same joy reflected in her expression. "that was lowkey cool." she looked around. 

he nodded in agreement, feeling more at ease and immersed in the lively festival atmosphere than he had all evening. with her by his side, he was starting to truly appreciate the magic of the summer festival. 


i lied about being motivated

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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