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"maybe it's something you'll enjoy."


"you horny asshole." she groaned, taking off the jacket Sae gave her, which revealed her bare shoulders with the cold wing hitting her har. "brrr... never mind... but... if we do win, i'll let you grant one wish." she put the jacket back on, moving her shoulders in circular motion and stretching her hands, talking like a genie. 

"be my bitch." he smirked, which made her roll her eyes, "whatever." she mumbled. 

"anyways... let's start this!" she beamed, gaining pretty much everyone's attention. playing rock paper scissors with a representative from each team, Bachira basically won by luck. andwith Bachira starting off, team 2 had the advantage. "hm... my monster tells me to pass to... Shidou!" the bob cut kicked the ball towards the demon, who grinned. without any words being said, his instincts made him pass to it to the young girl, "show me what you've got. midget."

"it's Yuza to you." she smiled, running pass Nagi and Reo, oh and there was just one more border to get pass, Rin Itoshi, her brother. "how lukewarm of you." he coldly said, "i'm not water." she giggled, performing a bicycle kick she learnt from Sae to avoid her brother stealing the ball, "i'm afraid that won't do." 

"you sure?" she had two things in mind, all she had to focus on is her speed and her goal shooting angles. nothing else, these two points were extremely important, straight from her brothers. relying on her shooting angle now, it was a 80% in accurate shot, trusting her guts, with a swift motion of her jordans, she shot the ball that crashed with the net. 

"should've never taught you." Rin slightly sighed but chuckled at the same time, "ehehe." she cheekily smiled while the green haired male ruffled her hair. to be honest, she didn't even let anyone shine on this field, it's as if everyone was side characters for her, but hey, don't think so cruel, Shidou could've passed to anyone else.

blaming it on him now, are we? welp, anyways, "it's 1-0!" she smiled, "those pretty legs got somethin'" the demon pointed out, "Yuza-chan! do you also have a monster in you?" Bachira asked, "wow..." the princess just stayed in awe by her speed and agility.

"girlie, you know what's missing in my phone? your number." Eita tried, keyword: tried. while Ness and Kaiser had their own chitchat. "that was pretty glam of you!" Aryu ran a hand over his hair, raising a eyebrow. 

"so. we won. now you are my bitch." Shidou cackled, "oh what! i never agreed to that!" she urged, "yes you did you midget, now bow down to me on your fours!" he smirked, "never!"

taking complements from everyone, she politely smiled and bowed, when her phone suddenly buzzed. "oops! sorry, gotta take this phone call!" she stood out from the group, accepting the call. 

"where are you, Yuza-san? you're late!"

"um... huh? for what?"

"for the photo shooting! it's today 1:00pm!" she quickly glanced at the digital clock on her phone, 1:37pm... oh shit... looks like she had too much fun with these boys. "OOH! UM! I'M COMING RIGHT NOW! I'M SO SORRY!" she sweated as she declined the call, gathering all her stuff, "where are you going?" Reo asked, coming up to her, "ah... i forgot that i had a photo shoot! i'm sorry guys! i promise to repay you-" she ran out the football stadium, leaving everyone with confused faces.

"not gonna lie but... Rin! why didn't you tell me you had such a cute sister?" Bachira whined, "you never asked?" Rin replied, "and how did she master such a powerful bicycle kick? i should try that next time... Nagi! try it with me!" Reo tucked his best friend's sleeve, "such a hassle..."

"i should ask for her hair routine next time... Rin has such a glam sister unlike Rin himself."

"wait... i didn't ask for her number!" 

"that midget... is my bitch!" Rin shot a glare to the demon, "what did you say? you cockroach-"


"put your hand like this," she gently held Yuza's wrist, placing her soft hands over her face, "much better."

"aaaandddd that's it! thank you for today, Yuza-san!"

"no worries," since she was 45 minutes late to the photo shoot, she finished late. making her way down the building, she exited as the cold wind hit her hard. 

"oi." she jerked her head towards the familiar voice, "whos- YOU!" she yelped, seeing the person she did not want to see. "h-how did you find me? are you stalking me? are you stalking my aunt's facebook?" she furrowed her eyebrows, acting serious.

"haha. love your acting and all but- you're my bitch so what happen to 'hello' and 'how are you?'?" the demon teased, "how are you?" she answered sarcastically, gritting her teeth as she pushed him away.

"not typically great seeing this little bitch that is suppose and is my bitch who follow will follow my orders." she groaned, "fine. what do you want me to do? there's nothing i can do anyways."

"give me Sae's number." he caught up right behind her, his lips close enough to her ears to give her shivers down the her spine. 

"that's it?" she purposely stopped, making Shidou smash his chest to her shoulder. "aandddddd cook for me everyday and help me do laundry and all those boring stuff cuz i dont wanna do it." 

"what the fuck? no! what am i? your maid?" she argued, "you do know that you can go up to google, and search 'rent a maid', and boom! it's that easy!" he side eyed the angry female, "and i'd said maybe i'll give you something."

"well, i'm giving you my responsibilities, such a great gift right?" he grinned, she sighed and face panned herself, "surely when you get married, oh, your poor wife...! i feel sad for her!" she placed a hand over her chest, acting sarcastic. 

"whatever. you're coming or i'll keep bothering you." ah, the worst nightmare of hers, "fine! yo-you..." she grumbled, throwing her hands. 

"that's my good little bitch."

𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫. 𝐫𝐲𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐢Where stories live. Discover now