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oh heck, it's only been 2 days, yet his voice still sounded so nostalgic, she missed it so much. "um... hi. it's always the coincidence store, ain't it?" ryusei grinned, handing the baby star ramen to the girl.

"a-ah, no, it's okay. you can have it." she declined, shoving her hands in front of her chest, he didn't say anything though, placing the ramen in between her slim fingers. "have it. i took it last time."

butterflies flew around her stomach, a childish smile curved onto her lips as her heart skip a beat. he couldn't keep his hands flopped down there, he tried to resist, he really did, but his hands were now on her head, patting her.

god, forget that her heart skipped a beat, her heart might as well skipped a whole song.

his touch felt so foreign, probably because she distanced herself away from everyone, "i'll take the seafood flavour one." he removed his hands off, easily grabbing the cup noodle off the shelve, "i'll pay for you,"

"o-oh its fine. really, it's fine."

"it's not. j-just give it to me." did he just stutter? no way, he did! you shy little boy, she giggled at the thought while ryusei glanced at the female before paying.

after digging into his small wallet, he placed some yen coins onto the counter, showed a head nod that looks like a small polite bow, he exited the store as the coldness hit him hard. the devil stared at the female in front of him, leaning over the railing as wind played with her messy bun, her little strands of hair in front, her invisible lip balm that makes her lips so pleasant at view, her complete outfit fitted her, god, she would look good in anything, even better in his clothes.

she raised her eyebrows when she saw the male staring at her, whipping her hand to guide him towards the railing. he followed and sat onto the bench nearby, "i filled it with hot water already." he informed, as the female folded herself onto the seat, patiently waiting for 2 and a half minutes to pass by.

"it's really breezy today, it's perfect for picnics." she smiled, shidou was thinking who would picnic at 7 degrees, but he nodded, supporting her clumsiness. "yeah."

"..." silence flew by them like time, as 3 minutes quickly passed by, he handed the hot cup to the green haired girl, who mumbled a quick thanks, "itadakimasu." they clapped their hands and said in unison, digging into the food.

once again, silence filled the area, only the sound of noodle slurping was up in the air, which was kinda awkward. they couldn't think about what to talk about, it's like two people were texting and both of them wanted for the other person to type first, so they delete their messages.

this perfectly describes their situation now.

he had to think of a topic to talk about right now, "how... is life?" he questioned, "it's okay." her voice was hurt, and oh great, he didn't know what to say now. "it's not okay." he eyed her bruised leg, blinking and realising. "wait... who did this to you?" he wouldn't dare to place a hand on her to hurt her even more.

she rubbed the purpled area, "no one." shidou couldn't believe in that lie, "there's no way you fell down like 20 stairs, let me see." he raised from his seat, bending down to see her leg eye level. "its fine shi-"

"it's not fine." he stood up, "wait here." he rushed back towards the coincidence store, distantly watching his mouth move as he exited the shop. he snatched open the package, grabbing a piece of white plastic and biting it as he opened another package. yuza watched him in silence, his every move.

"what did you even do.." he sighed, kneeling down as he twist open the cream bottle, applying some soft cream (😏) on your injured ankle. after that, he blew it dry and used his hand as a fan, placing a mofusand bandaid on your bruised area.

"there." he clasped his hand as he whipped his head, the young itoshi puffed her cheeks, embarrassingly mumbling a quiet thanks. "wanna go for a walk?" the devil said, she eyed her bruised leg, "okay."

𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫. 𝐫𝐲𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐢Where stories live. Discover now