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"oh god. you flirty demon."

they end up ordering the pink hamburger with the hello kitty print on it , cutting the soft bread in half since neither of them were hungry . the itoshi picked up the metal magenta fork and knife next to her right hand , then holding it to cut the soft bread . as the well cooked meat and vegetables move in sync , steam came out of the hot food .

his stomach rumbled like a drum , as she giggled . "shidou , if you were hungry , you could've just told me !" she placed the food on his plate as she served herself . the two enjoyed their food in silence as a few eye contacts burned in the air , "this is not bad." shidou chewed , the fat bread in his cheeks , making him look like a hamster . 

the younger itoshi nodded in agreement , cutting the hamburger in more halves for herself . they had a few small chit chats about random objects , such as " is water wet ?" and some more stupid questions. "i will pay." yuza slammed her (brothers) credit card onto the table,making the surrounding people flinch.

"nah its okay." shidou was already halfway towards the cashier, picking up the receipt on his way. " hey shidou - " she stopped when the card made a 'bop!' sound, saying "successfully paid".  he lifted his chin towards the glass door as he placed his card back into his wallet ,  "c'mon . " 

she had no choice but to sigh , exiting . "i - i will pay you back !" she exclaimed, searching for her wallet in her bag as they walked side by side . "its okay, my treat ." the devil placed a hand on his chest ," like really, you don't have to pay me back." yuza chewed the inside of her cheeks , giving up and nodding.


guys im back after like 3 months because i was so unmotivated wtff 🤡 

i will be posting more often now yayayy i think

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