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she huffed and puffed, rain was painting her cheeks wet, her sneakers ruined. the sound of raining passed, guess the clouds are still upset.

but nothing mattered at this point, she had just ran away from her love. in the middle of no where, right beside the ocean was railing. at this point, she would commit suicide, she sweared to god not to fall in love, the cost of it is too much for the young lady to handle. 

"shit..." she breathed heavily, water padding down her lip and hair. she dropped her chin, making anyone unable to read her expression. this rich noise noise to hear ringing through her redden ears, a navy blue circle surrounding her shoe, splashing around different directions.  

"why am i so afraid of love...?" she chuckled, her voice was dry, tears blending with the drops. she didn't even know where she was currently, her phone ran out of battery, his clothes soaked in rain. she flickered her eyelashes, staring into the grey sky out there. "Yuza! what the fuck?" it was a distant voice, not to sure who it was.

in fact, she was too tired to even care who her saviour was, "Yuza!" the voice yelled, approaching closer, "mmhm..." she dropped her chin, falling backwards. "what the hell!" a pair of strong hands gripped onto her back, holding her just in time. "seriously... what are you doing here? you'll catch a cold!" his green irises widen, dragging her back towards their shared apartment.


"this is my girlfriend, say hi." he has a girlfriend now huh, he didn't even care about me, i knew it. i fucking knew it. his girlfriend was wearing a short tee, her belly button shown, with a short, mini skirt that any pick me girls would wear, some creamy leg warmers and 2kg of heavy makeup.

"hi." i cleared my throat, fixing my sweater. but all she did was to roll her eyes and 'cutely' complain to her boyfriend. "this is so boring, can we go somewhere else Ryu?" she said with puppy eyes, holding his tan forearm. "sure. let's go." he didn't even look back, the couple heading towards the lighten area. 

words could not come out of my mouth, i was speechless, i mean, he wasn't mines so what was there to say? his girlfriend was right in front of me, a literal person, that's enough proof for a one-sided love, right?

the figures got smaller and smaller, until they completely disappear from her sight. Yuza sighed, she was so sick of love, she was so hurt from it, just seeing her love with someone else. 

love... was something everyone lived for, but now, she was thinking this wrong the entire time, it was love that we wanted. 

and jealously was what we added to the fuel, perhaps everyone is just ruining their love life because of theirselves, it's fine though, mistakes are made.

but this is no mistake. it was clearly a written script. would anyone randomly argue with another stranger at the convenience store, and that stranger so happen to be your brother's teammate, and that stranger was the person you chose to fall for.

it was hella so obvious.

now, all i needed is to escape the story, then, everything will be free for me, no more lovesick, no more feelings. 

𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫. 𝐫𝐲𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐢Where stories live. Discover now