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"that's my good little bitch."

"oh fuck you." she cursed under her breath, balling her fists and stomping like a maniac behind the demon, "so, my little bitch, give me Sae's number." he ordered, as they made their way in the middle of Tokyo, halfway back to his apartment. 

"hmm no." she huffed, crossing her arms, he raised an eyebrow, signalling her, "fine you-" she grabbed her phone, somehow texting furiously with furrowed eyebrows, "here..." she knew she was gonna regret this, but, she was his bitch, like... 

you know...

"oh look! a figure shop! lezgoo!" she blinked because of his behaviour change, but she dragged herself into the shop anyways. "OMG LOOK! it's Aki! I NEED THIS!" he was literally screaming like a fangirl, upon seeing an Aki figure, "get Angel bruh." she rolled her eyes, "no. we are married but he doesn't know yet." he showed off, which made her scoff. 

"whatever." eyeing the price, it was well, expensive, but when she saw a Gojo figure her head jerked, "nah jit trippin... i- i might need to cha cha real smooth off a building! look at this! oh my god... whoever created this masterpiece?" she shook Shidou's sleeve, who gave her a weird look, "it's GOJO SATORU!" she fangirled, "NO FUCKING WAY IT'S LEVI AHH WHATTTT THIS IS MY FAVOURITE STORE NOW!" she jumped, pointing at the Levi figure. Shidou furrowed his eyebrows, sticking his tongue to his inner cheek.

why couldn't he stop smiling? "let's go-"

"NO NO NO-" he grabbed her by the wrist, and pulled her out of the figure store, "let go-" 

"no." she scoffed, her wrist was trapped inside his strong grip, preventing her to go back to the store. "so mean... you cockroach..." she started mumbling stuff to herself, i mean, doesn't everyone love talking to themselves?

he rolled his eyes and scoffed, and due to the silence, the whole trip all the way back to Shidou's apartment seemed it lasted for an eternity. "why is your apartment so far away bruh." the green hair girl complained, meanwhile singing a rap part of a song she got into recently in her mind. 

"why don't you shut the fuck up?" he demanded, "why don't you let go of my hand? or what, you like me or something?" she joked, half laughing, "why the fuck would i like you? Sae is my husband." he winked, "never in my life i wanna be related to you." she shook her head in a worrying manner, "and my brother wouldn't marry you! you're disgusting as fuck." she added. 

he didn't say anything, which was oddly weird for him, until a small droplet fell on his shoulder, "fuck." he pulled the young women as he ran, "it's raining!" she smiled, "i know." 

the rain got heavier and heavier but they didn't care at all, there was two different things going on their minds, one wanting to get home already to rewatch Chainsaw Man, and the other wanting to stay out, wanting to dance under the rain like every other romantic lovers.

oh but, she knew he was gonna turn her down on the suggestion.

"you're so gay for my brother." she giggled, running behind the demon, "who said i was gay?" he suddenly stopped, glancing over his shoulder. 

"oh so you're bi?" she laughed, her eyes shut, unknowingly, she bumped towards him. "hey, Shidou?" the way his name rolled off her tongue was just too alluring, even his ears could heat up in this weather.

"let's dance." she sounded like she was drunk or something, which made the demon furrow his eyebrows, "what the hell are you thinking? it's fucking raining!" his words went straight into her ears then left, she completely ignored him.

gently holding his hand and placing it on her shoulder, she adjust her hands on his waist, "you're my princess!" she giggled, slowly moving her feet to a rhythm. "what the-"

she placed her finger over his lips, "let us listen to this moment, yeah?" the side of her lips curved upwards. she sounded and acted like a total different person, her voice was exactly like honey, soft and sweet at the same time, ringing each syllable through his ears. 

letting her control this small dance of theirs, with water dropping down their faces, they didn't mind actually, Shidou couldn't help but to laugh at her clumsiness, her silliness when she told Shidou to turn like a lady would. 

after spending their time in the rain, they finally made it back to Shidou's apartment, that was a few blocks away from Yuza and Rin's. 

"hey Shidou... i didn't know you lived in a garbage collection place..." she held the tip of her nose, "i didn't know you were born in a garbage can." he rolled his eyes, "go to shower!" he threw some random clothes of his towards the female, who caught it mid-air due to her reflexes.

"hope you have nice shampoo..." 

𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫. 𝐫𝐲𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐢Where stories live. Discover now