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he went into the store for the third time today, buying a bottle of soju wine.

she held her own, cold hands on her back, listening to the young man blabber and chuckle at her jokes, "but in the end, yeah, they did get married."she nodded, thinking of her close friends, emma and draken.

"they went through a lot." her voice cracked, her hands showing a slight sore feeling as she let them go, "have you thought about marriage?" 

she hummed, a straight face showing, shaking her head, "nope." she watched shidou chug the last drip of soju, his adam apple gulping as a small amount clear liquid drip out of his fine lips. she bloomed in fresh red, she balled her fists and placed her hand in front of her mouth, "how 'bout you?" she decided ask.

"depends." he threw the glass bottle into some sort of green box with those wheels, perfectly aiming it. the female stopped in front of a vending machine, pressing a red button firmly and grabbed her wallet.

"i'll pay-"

"no. i'll do it. you paid for too much. i can treat myself, shidou." his name rolled off her tongue, it sounded like heaven, but better. only if she would call him my his first name, he was already watching her from his grave.

she insert the small 100 yen silver coins, crouching down to grab the warm corn soup. "mhm." with a flick of her fingers, the soup can opened. they continued their slow journey to where so ever. 

after a moment of silence, he decided to chat again, seriously this time. yuza patiently listened as she watched him small actions, the sweat forming on his forehead even though it was winter, his cracked smile, his dry lips, the small piece of clothing he had untuck, she watched him, his every move.

and he notice things about her too. her free hair flowing with the wind, small strands of extra baby hair covering her eyes as she talked back, her cheeks dry as she licked her lips, she probably forgot to bring her lip balm, her veins were blue, nails undone, but at least she dressed properly. and yet, shidou noticed one small detail she thought no one would help her with, "stop here." 

she obeyed, watching him as he reached down towards her shoe laces, using the bunny ears to help her tie it again. this action was nothing too big, but it lit up her heart. the fuzzy feeling came back, the feeling she tried to ignore ignite, her heart beating out of her ribcage.


"don't want you to fall and smash your face on the floor, that's too much. you can fall for me instead." shidou winked, standing up as she snorted. to be honest, she missed these moments, helping each other while adding some silliness into it, but no, she met him for a complete week only, surely he can find someone better then her, treat him better and stuff.

 its okay. people come and go anyways, so whats the point of keeping him? is he special? yes. what makes him so special? everything

𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫. 𝐫𝐲𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐢Where stories live. Discover now