Chapter 3

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I have never met this guy, and I haven't even seen him around. Richard or should I say Rick, I don't know much about him. If I do see him again then... when?

I go up the stairs to the girls locker room and as I'm heading inside I see Chelsey.

That's just great, could the odds be ever more in my favor.

She turns around and gives me a dirty look. She turns to her friend and whispers something in her ear. They both turned around gave me a dirty look.

I put my head down, acting like I dint see anything.

I go right to the last section of the lockers... Hmmm, well there's a small locker, and there are long sized lockers. I think I'll take one of the small ones. I shrug and I head towards the end of the section.

I open the locker and .... Oh god. What the hell is that? I look closer and holy shit it smells like shit. (Wow, great choice of words I just used there.)

At the bottom of the locker there is a ball of gum that's like a size of a ping pong ball. Oh but wait, there's more. I look up, and there it is. Baloney slices stuck on the top of the locker. Oh, and here's the best part. Cockroaches crawling all around, and the ping pong ball sized gum seems to be the trap for the cockroaches.

I close the locker, and I moved on with my life. Acting like nothing had just happened.

That will haunt me in my dreams.

"I'll just find a new one." I say to myself in a low voice.

I look for another locker and I find one of the long lockers, I just took it. There's a lot of space that I wouldn't really use. Doesn't matter as long as I lock my things up.

I take off my clothes and I put it inside my locker and then I grabbed my gym clothes and put them on. I try to change fast cause I really don't want anyone looking at me, but as I look around there's no one around... well I am pretty late. My joggers were size small and they fit me like if they were a large size. My gym shirt is small and it fits me like a large. That's just great.

I locked my locker and I had to use one of the school locks, it was required. Then I saw other lockers and they all had different types of locks.

Whatever, I had my hair tie on my wrist so I grabbed my hair up and put on a ponytail. I walked out the stairs and I went to the main gym.

Every one was wearing their regular clothes, oh crap.

This is going to be embarrassing.

I head inside and I felt like a thousand eye balls starring at me, I can see people turning to each other pointing at me. Oh, so now people notice me.

My gym teacher, Ms.Peterson, comes up to me,"Caroline, why are you in your gym clothes?"

"Umm, I thought we had gym today Ms.Peterson."

"Did you not remember me telling you on Friday?"

"No, Ms.Peterson." What I really wanted to say, does it look like I remembered?

"Go take a seat Caroline."

"Yes, Ms.Peterson."

I walked up the bleachers and took a seat. The person who was next to me slid to the opposite side where I was seating.

I look down to my feet and wanting to make an announcement and say, "Thanks to anyone who told me not to bring my gym clothes, so very helpful of you."

"As I was saying, the reason why I wanted this class to bring their street clothes..." she looks at me. "Was because I wanted to show everybody how it sucks to bring street clothes to gym class."

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