just friends?

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he gets me so high- beabadoobee

summary- you and matt always told everyone that you guys are just friends. but is that what you guys are?

y/n's pov

everyone has said that me and matt would be perfect together. it all started when we were kids and matt helped me tie my shoe. ever since then, our families have gushed at the thought of us being together.

i'm not gonna lie to you, i've had a crush on matt since we were in 8th grade. i didn't say anything and i don't want to say anything because i don't want to ruin anything between us. we've been best friends since we were 6. i don't want to be the one who fucks it all up over some silly feelings.


the triplets and i are at the mall right now shopping for some new clothes for their tour. matt has his arm around my shoulders which isn't unusual. but it doesn't stop me from being delusional. chris and nick were arguing about something stupid as usual.

"but they ARE real chris!!" nick yells throwing his hands in the air.

"whatever you say dude. i'm done with this conversation." chris says as he shakes his head.

matt leans into my ear and whispers, "kids and i right?"

"i know right." i whisper back and i giggle a bit.

we decide to walk into forever 21 because i OBVIOUSLY need clothes. when do i ever not need them. me and nick walk away from the other two and we roam around the aisles picking up outfits for each other.

i'm browsing through some of their jeans when i feel someone's arms wrap around my waist. i turn around and i see matt's face looking at the jeans i'm holding.

"hello kind sir. do you need anything?" i ask as i continue to browse.

"i actually do i-" matt starts but then gets cut off by a screech.

we turn around and there's about 3 teenage girls looking at us with their cameras pointed to us. of course. we can't go anywhere nowadays without the guys getting noticed.

"oh my GOSH is that matt sturniolo?!" one of the girls ask.

"yup." matt says awkwardly. he's never been good with getting noticed in public.

"can we PLEASE get a photo?" another one of the girls ask.

"sure!" matt says and he steps away from me and walks over to the girls.

"i hope your girlfriend doesn't mind!!" one of the girls says and she claps her hands.

"i'm not his girlfriend. we're just friends." i tell the girls and i laugh a bit.

"are you sure? matt just had his arms around your waist. normally friends don't do things like that." the first girl said.

"yea. are you sure we're just friends?" matt suddenly asks.

"yes. now take your picture!! i can take it for you guys if you want?" i ask and they agree and hand me their phones.

when i'm done taking their photos i hand the girls their phones back and they say goodbye to us and we continue to shop. but i cant stop thinking about what matt said. what did he mean but my that?

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