dance party

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clarity- zedd

summary- chris and matt walk in on you, madi, and nick having a dance party at one of your slumber parties

y/n's pov

i'm currently setting up a big nest of a bed for me, madi, and nick's LONG needed sleepovers. we have been really busy with figuring out things with tour and my new album coming out. so let's just say the famous three need alone time.

"you almost done y/n/n? madi's here." chris says coming into our room.

"yup!! just finished up. i got the snacks and drinks over there, i have the movie ready, and the bed is all set up." i say pointing at everything proudly.

i look at chris and he just laughs and shakes his head and walks out of the room. i follow him out and i see madi. i scream and run up to her and give her a hug.

"dude you saw her three days ago." matt says laughing

"so what? she's my best friend. three days feels like three years." i say hugging madi again

"matt you wouldn't get it. you're not a girl." madi says laughing

matt puts his hands up in a defensive way and then nick comes into the room and does the same thing i did with madi. he screams and runs up to her and hugs her.

"you guys are fucking funny" chris says and then hugs me

"alright we're gonna head out now. we'll see you guys either later tonight or tomorrow" matt says grabbing his keys

chris and matt are going out with justin tonight because he's in town. they're gonna go to some sports bar that they've been drooling over since we moved to LA.

"alright. have fun and be safe. don't come home too fucked up (they are over 21 in this imagine)" i say kissing chris and matt on the cheek goodbye.

" i can handle myself. i don't know about this kid over here." matt says chuckling while pointing ti chris

"dude be quiet. i can handle my alcohol amazingly." chris says

the two boys give us all a hug goodbye and then we practically push them out of the door. when me, madi, and nick are alone we always have the most fun time.

"guys i have a surprise for you guys!!" i say and clap my hands.

"what is it?" nick says laughing a bit

"let's just say matt and chris aren't the only ones getting drunk tonight!" i say and then i pull out a few bottles of alcohol that i've hid in my room so no one steals it.

"OH MY GOD GIRL!! you got the good shit." madi says taking one of the bottles out of my hand.

"she always does." nick says sending me a wink.

i send a wink back and i walk into the kitchen, them following behind me. i grab three cups and make us our drinks. i made madi's not that strong since she is a lightweight.

i hand them their drinks and they say their thank you's and they start to chug their drinks.

"jesus guys. i didn't even take a sip of mine." i say laughing while taking a sip of my drink

"well i'm trying to get drunk. i don't know about y'all." nick says finishing his drink.

"word" madi says and finishes her drink as well.

i just laugh at them and chug the rest of my drink. it makes my stomach feel all warm. i missed hanging out with my best friends.

1 hour later

it's about an hour later and let's say we're all fucked up. i'm about four drinks in and nick and madi are about five in. we're sitting on my bed laughing at something on the tv. nick picks up the remote and pauses the movie.

"what the fuck nick? we were watching that!" i say slurring over my words a bit

"i'm putting music on. i want to dance." nick says getting up to turn the speaker on.

"yay!! i love dancing!!" madi says putting her drink down as she gets up.

nick puts our playlist on and we all start to dance. it's not the prettiest thing but i mean we're having fun. we're about three songs in when i hear the front door open and close.

i think nothing of it so i keep on dancing. nick does some weird ass dance move and i start pissing my pants. me and madi are 'grinding' on each other i guess you can say. to be honest i didn't even know what we were doing.

"what the fuck are you guys doing?!" i hear matt slur and he's holding up his phone recording us.

"dancingggg!!" madi tells him and waves at the camera

"how the fuck are you guys drunk? did you guys go out?" chris says also slurring his words

"nope! i bought shit from the liquor store a few days ago and hid it from you guys." i say laughing

"damn. nice move." matt says and puts his phone down.

before i know it matt is dancing with me and madi. nick is on dj duty right now but from what i can tell, he's vibing by himself.

"well are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna dance?" i say looking over at chris

"this is ridiculous. we aren't even at a club or party." chris says picking up my drink and taking a sip of it

"this is a fucking party. what are you talking about?" nick says giving chris a baffled look

"yea!! a dance party!" madi says picking up her drink and taking a sip

"come on chrisss!!" matt says, slurring a little bit again.

"fine." is all chris says before he pulls me and away from matt and madi and starts to dance with me.

i just laugh and i continue to dance with him. we're all just a bunch of drunk 2o-something year olds dancing in our bedrooms. i missed this.

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