figure it out

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falling- chase atlantic

summary- you and matt have been going back and forth with being just friends and more than that

matt's pov

me and y/n have been best friends for as long as i can remember. from every trip to cape cod to having huge sleepovers in the summer time, she has always been there. as time went on, i started to develop feelings for her and from what i can tell so has she.

it has been weird towards us. one day we are flirting and secretly kissing each other in the kitchen, then the next day we are acting like we are just friends. it's tiring at some point because i never know what we are.

we are currently hanging out with nick, chris, nate, and madi at y/n's apartment. we normally all get together when we're not busy so y/n's place was tonight's spot. we're sitting in a circle laughing with one another and having some drinks. y/n is sat next to me and she's telling us some story about one of the parties she went to in high school.

"and then the cops came and me and hannah RAN!! i swear i've never run so fast in my life." she yells, throwing her hands around as she's talking.

"nah that's actually crazy. i wish i was there!!" chris laughs. we all laugh at chris's stupidity for wanting to be at some crazy party that had the cops called on it when y/n speaks up again.

"okay guys. sorry for being such a buzzkill but i'm heading to bed. i'm actually exhausted."

everyone and her gets up and gives everyone a hug and kiss on the cheek saying goodnight. we all go to our coordinated places when we have a hangout that turns into a sleepover. nick and madi sleep in the guest room, chris and nate sleep in the living room on the couch, and me and y/n sleep in her room.

i follow y/n down the hall and into her room. she throws herself on the bed face down with a groan. i laugh at her and i take my shoes off. we all came in our pajamas so none of us had to get changed. i fall onto the bed besides her and i mock the very dramatic groan that she let out.

"i swear i don't think my back has ever hurt like this in my life." she says turning over to her side to face me.

"i'm sorry y/n/n. do you want me rub it for you?" i ask

"that's be literally awesome!"

she turns and lays back on her stomach and i climb over her and straddle her thighs. i massage her lower back where it normally hurts for her. i kneed all of the knots out of her muscles in her shoulders and back. i finish up and i hop off of her.

"thank you matty. you're the best." she says, laying her head on her pillow.

"of course baby. any time." i say, laying on the pillow next to hers.

she looks at my eyes and then back at my lips and then back up to my eyes. i place my hand on her jaw and lean in until our lips meet. it's a short and sweet kiss but i can't help the butterflies that erupt in my stomach. we pull away and stare at each other in the eyes.

"you know i really like you y/n." i blurt out not even thinking about what i was saying.

"you keep on falling baby, figure it out." she says with a smile.

"what do you mean 'figure it out'?" i ask, propping my head on my hand.

"well, we've been doing this back and forth thing for a while now matt. it's like one moment you're all over me and we're flirting and kissing and then the next moment you're treating me like i'm your friend." she explains.

"i thought you didn't like me that way. i thought you were just having fun or something." i mumble the last part.

"having fun? matt i've liked you since we were fourteen years old. i thought you new how i-"

i cut her off by kissing her. she doesn't kiss back right away but when she does, the kiss is full of passion and love. she pulls away and smiles at me.

"well i know now." i smile back and lean back in to kiss her.

hey guys!! this has been in my drafts for literally ever. it's shitty but i felt like i had to give you guys SOMETHING!! anyways requests are open!!

XOXO gossip girl💋

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