coming out

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girls like girls- hayley kiyoko

summary- you come out to your best friend and he is there to comfort you

y/n's pov

doubts and second guesses fly through my head. i've known that i'm lesbian since i was a freshman in high school but i didn't tell anybody because i feared they'd judge me or worse. but today i built up the courage to come out to my best friend matt.

i am sitting in my car in the sturniolo drive way trying to calm myself down. it's matt. he would judge me, right? i shake all of the negative thoughts out of my mind and i get out of the car and grab my things. i walk up to the front door and i knock three times. i hear ruckus on the other side and then the door swings open revealing matt.

"y/n!!! come in!" matt opens the door more to let me through and i walk in to the house.

"hey matt!!" i greet him with a hug and a kiss on the side of his head which he reciprocates.

"is everything okay? normally you text or call me before showing up to my house." he asks a little concerned but not bothered by my presence.

"actually i have to talk to you about something. can we go up to your room? it's kind of private." i say anxiously and i start to pick the skin on my fingers.

"of course." matt says and we walk up to his room.

he leads me in and opens the door. i take my shoes off and i sit at the edge of his bed as i wait for him to come over and sit with me. i grow more anxious as seconds go by.

"what's up y/n/n? is everything okay?" matt asks as he sits next to me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"everything is fine. i'm just a bit nervous to tell you." i mumble while tears start to form in my eyes.

"hey hey. you don't need to cry. i'm your best friend so no matter what you tell me i will be here for you. tell me what's going on."

i take a deep breath and i try to get rid of the lump and shakiness in my throat before i speak. this is it y/n. tell him.

"matt i'm gay. i like girls and i have known since freshman year." i say really quick so i don't have second thoughts.

i look up at matt's face and he has a soft smile on his face. my face contorts and i'm confused. i thought i'd get a bigger reaction, a dirty look. not this to be honest.

"please say something matt." i plead trying not to cry.

"first off y/n i'm very proud of you for telling me. i can tell that that was not an easy thing to do so thank you for telling me. second, i got hints that you liked girls not gonna lie. i see the way you look at some of our friends. but im happy that you came out to me and im so proud of you." he says and he gives me a massive bear hug.

"thank you matt. also it's THAT obvious?" i ask pulling away from the hug giving him a pout.

"only to me because i'm constantly around you. have you come out to anybody else?"

"nope. you are the first person."

"wow okay. well if you need anything or any support at all you come to me. i will be there by your side for all of this." he says and engulfs me in to another hug.

i hug him back and i feel a huge weight being lifted off of my shoulders. maybe i didn't have to be as nervous as i was before. i mean it is matt for crying out loud.

"does this mean i get to go to pride parades and shit with you now?" matt asks, his face lighting up.

"yes matt" i laugh


HAPPY PRIDE MONTH YALL!!!! may it be the most glamorous and gayest month ever🏳️‍🌈🤍

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