Human with the Blade?

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This is after they found out about the BOM

"Shiro, we should call the Blade Of Marmora so they can open the entrance" Allura said in a suspicious tone "Yeah, and when they do we can fly in" Shiro responded "If we can trust them" Allura mumbled just loud enough to hear

They called the blade of Marmora "Hello, Castle of lions" Kolivan said "Open the entrance" Allura said in an almost cold voice "Allura" Shiro warned and Allura looked away "The entrance is open" Kolivan said as Lance sprung up "Is That A Human in the back!?" Lance yelled getting out of his chair and pointing behind Kolivan

Everyone else looked and saw Keith talking to Regris behind Kolivan as Kolivan turned around to look at Keith "Why do you have a human on your ship!?" Allura yelled "Don't worry about it" Kolivan said angrily "How can we trust you if you have a human captor!?" Pidge yelled from behind Coran "Just trust me" Kolivan yelled through the chaos as Keith and Regris ran off screen when Shiro saw this he sprinted to lion and flew into the entrance as it closed

When Shiro got in he ran through the base and ran into Keith and the other Galra, when he noticed Keith he grabbed his arm and started pulling him to his lion until Kolivan and the other Galra pulled Keith away from him "Give the human back!" Shiro yelled "calm down first and we will explain" Kolivan said emotionless "Fine" Shiro said hesitant as Kolivan, Keith and the other Galra led him to the control room "Explain" Shiro said sternly "Keith is Galra, he just has a human father so he looks human but he does have a Galra form" Regris said annoyed "Prove it" Shiro said in shock, Kolivan nodded at Keith and he closed his eyes to focus, just then Keith's skin turned purple he had fluffy ears and when he opened his eyes they were yellow and purple

Shiro stood in shock and looked back at Kolivan "How...?" Shiro asked his voice shaking slightly "His mother landed on earth during a mission, she gave birth to him on earth but a few weeks after he was born his father died so she had to take him here" Kolivan responded "so...we can trust you" Shiro said smiling slightly "You can trust them I promise" Keith said going back into human form "If you say so" Shiro said now with a bright smile

Back in the castle the paladins are freaking out "Why Did He Leave!?" Hunk asked in panic "He probably went to save the human!" Allura said frantically "The black lion is moving!" Coran yelled through the chaos as all the paladins rushed over to him, they watched as the black lion got closer "Let him in" Lance screamed, they let Shiro in and ran to his hanger as he came out "Shiro!" Pidge yelled but Shiro moved to the side of the lions exit as Kolivan, Keith and Regris came out and the paladins stood in shock "We can trust them" Shiro said blankly "How do you know for sure!? They have a human right there!" Allura yelled out of anger "That 'humans' mother is Galra he was raised with the Blade and he's half Galra so don't worry about him" Regris said also angry "Half Galra?" Lance asked "His mother was Galra, his father was human, he looks human right now but he does have a Galra form" Kolivan responded "How do we know he isn-" Allura got cut off by Shiro "I can confirm this he showed me" Shiro said sternly

Keith walked over to Shiro and whispered something in his ear "Oh, uh we can discuss that" Shiro said after listening to Keith "What did he say?" Pidge asked "He wants to stay in the castle of lions for a little bit" Shiro said "NO!" Allura yelled immediately "Allur-" Shiro got cut off "This is my ship Shiro and I will not have a Galra on it overnight" Allura yelled as Keith walked back over to Kolivan and Regris as he covered his ears and Regris hugged him the arguing went on until Kolivan had enough "Princess if you don't want us on the ship just say you don't, you don't need to start an argument over a 18 year old boy" Kolivan said with a cold tone and Allura looked at him and opened her mouth to talk but Kolivan already started "Shiro, could you take us back to base?" Kolivan asked and Shiro nodded

Before they could get back in the lion Lance spoke up "He can sleep in my room!" Lance yelled not thinking "What?" Allura asked turning to face him "well he's still half human and he could be a good asset to the team besides we should let him explore the other part of himself" Lance said happily "Yeah! And I could show him human tech!" Pidge also spoke up excitedly "And I could tell him about human food" Hunk spoke after Pidge "Well, Princess?" Shiro asked "Fine, but if he does anything it's your guy's fault!" Allura said through gritted teeth "Go on Kid" Kolivan said with a smile looking at Keith "Maybe I should stay too" Regris said when Keith turned around to hug him "I'll be fine" Keith whispered in Regris's ear "I know but I don't want you hurt... " Regris mumbled and Keith squeezed him one more time before walking over to Shiro "I'll bring you guys back to base, Keith why don't you explore with the paladins" Shiro said happily as Keith walked to the others

Shiro took Kolivan and Regris back to the base and when he came back he saw Pidge, Hunk and Lance surrounding Keith showing him pictures of earth and technology as Hunk was giving him food, Shiro smiled at the sight and walked back into the hallway

End of Part one! Part two might be out tomorrow or it might be out Thursday

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