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Lance POV

"Ahem" I hear Allura say, so we all looked at her "what is it, Princess?" Coran asked "I have a question" Allura responded "What is it?" Hunk asked "It's for Keith..." She said back "... What?" Keith asked quietly, I could tell he was nervous so I gently put my hand on his knee and he smiled softly at me "you said your father was human but your mother was galra?" Allura asked "Yes...?" Keith said, but it was more like a question "how did they manage to meet?" She asked
"Uhm... My mother was undercover as a worker for Zarkon... And when they sent her to find the blue lion on Earth she shot down the other galra soldier... But one of her motors got shot so she crash landed on Earth in my father's yard... He helped her and she lived on Earth for a while..." Keith explained "Why didn't you stay on Earth?" Allura asked "Oh... Uhm" Keith shifted uncomfortably "A few weeks after I was born more galra came to Earth... My mother was planning to leave me on Earth with my father but a few days before she left my father died in a house fire... So she took me with her..." Keith continued

"So she didn't want to take you with her? She had to?" Allura asked and Keith was clearly getting uncomfortable "Well... She only wanted it that way to protect me..." Keith mumbled "But even with the galra she left you under the care of people in the blade of marmora? She never really took care of you, she just ignored you" Allura said "I... I uhm... She had missions... And she couldn't take me with her..." Keith said and squeezed my hand tightly "But she could have quite at any time, but she didn't, she didn't care about you" Allura said and Keith's eyes widened as he looked at her "She didn't want to take you with her, She didn't take care of you, and she barely knows you" Allura said while glaring at Keith

"That's enough!" Shiro yelled and stood up "What? It's just a question" Allura said and Keith immediately cuddled his body into my arms and I saw tears fall from his eyes "Allura, why would you say stuff like that!" Pidge was also standing now and I gently caressed Keith's hair. Hunk and Coran came over and hugged Keith tightly as Shiro and Pidge yelled at Allura "Maybe we should go to bed, yeah?" I asked Keith in a soft tone and he nodded slowly "I'm so sorry, Keith... Allura can be very insensitive..." Coran said also softly "I-it's okay..." Keith said and smiled at Coran but there were still tears in his eyes

Me, Coran and Hunk helped walk Keith to my room, when we got in the bedroom I laid down with Keith and he immediately cuddled me. After barely five minutes Keith fell asleep in my arms and I gently caressed his hair, Hunk and Coran we're still in the room talking to me and me and Keith cuddled "Me and Shiro are going to talk to Allura about that" Coran said, he was caressing Keith's back "Yeah... What she said was mean... Really mean" Hunk agreed "Maybe we should call that Galra friend of Keith's? What's his name? Regris?" Coran asked "Maybe..." I said "I'm not a big fan of him... He seems close to Keith, too close" i continued "But didn't Keith say they're just friends?" Hunk asked "That doesn't mean they don't have a thing together... Or had a thing..." I mumbled "Well me and Coran are gonna go by Pidge and Shiro now... But we can't talk to Allura without you." Hunk said "Okay..." I said and continued to cuddle with Keith as Hunk and Coran left

Keith POV:

I woke up with Lance's arms around me, his grip was strong and almost protective. I smiled because he was sleeping and I placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. I don't remember falling asleep or even coming into the room... I do remember yelling but my memory is foggy... I think I was crying and I remember Allura saying some things but I can't really remember what they were, only that they were hurtful and enough to make me cry in front of everyone... I cried in front of everyone... They all probably think I'm weak for that...

I felt a hand on my cheek and jumped but calmed down when I realized it was just Lance, he woke up and smiled at me "How do you feel?" He asked quietly "Better..." I mumbled as he kissed my cheek softly "We have to meet with the rest of the team in the lounge." Lance said "Why?" I asked, confusion all over my face "We need to talk to Allura." He mumbled "No." I replied immediately "Keith-" he tried but I interrupted "I don't wanna talk to her!" I yelled "Calm down, babe, you don't have to talk, me and the others will do the talking, okay?" He asked in a sweet tone that he knows I can't resist "Fine." I mumbled

We walked into the lounge, I was holding Lance's hand tightly and my grip only got tighter when I saw Allura, she looked unbothered and like nothing happened until she saw me. Allura glared in my direction making he hide behind Lance as a shield, Lance smiled at me and held one of my hips as we walked in. I sat between Lance and Shiro, Shiro sat at the end, Hunks was between Lance and Pidge and Pidge sat next to Coran as Allura was across from us, me specifically but she moved to be across from Shiro even though she was clearly confused on both what was going on and why Lance was holding me

"Allura, we understand that you don't like the Galra, but that doesn't mean you can disrespect the ones that help us." Shiro explained "If that's what this is about then I'm leaving." Allura said standing up but Pidge stood in front of the door "Allura, Keith has been a big help just like the rest of the blade of marmora. He deserves our respect, he hasn't said anything rude since he got here and you're just being extremely rude." Lance said holding me tighter "... I... I know I've been rude, but I still don't trust him... He's done nothing to prove himself to me." Allura said just before the castle's alarms went off and the castle shook. Allura shot a glare in my direction.

"You told the Galra where we are!" She accused me "I promise I didn't!" I yelled while clinging to Lance "Keith..." Lance mumbled taking my hand "What?" I asked quietly "You... Your ears are changing a-and your skin is turning purple... and you have a tail..." Lance mumbled "O-oh... Sometimes my Galra form is triggered by fear..." I said, clinging to him tighter but the castle shook again knocking everyone off their a-and as the power went out "Paladins to your lion's!" Shiro exclaimed as he, Pidge, Allura, and Hunk ran to their lions. Lance just kissed my cheek then ran with them as I huddled over to Coran

Sorry it's short i just wanted something posted, next chapter will be longer I promise, but enjoy until next time

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