Love just Love

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Keith POV
I woke up to Lance's arms around me, I groaned and tried to push his arms off so I could get up but his grip only got tighter "Lance." I groaned but he still didn't let go "Lance." I tried to shake him off but it was no use. After a few more minutes of struggle Shiro came in "Shiro! Please get him off!" I pleaded and Shiro chuckled. Shiro walked over and gently lifted Lance's arms off of me... Or at least tried to "...Geez... Haha... He has a strong grip on you" Shiro said, clearly struggling

After 10 minutes of trying to get Lance off Shiro had to go get Pidge for help "Yeah uhm... How am I gonna help exactly?" Pidge asked "Do math or whatever it's called!" I exclaimed "Math isn't gonna get Lance off of you, have you tried to wake him up?" Pidge asked "yeah! We tried everything!" I groaned "try to wiggle out of his grip..." Pidge suggested "uhm... Okay" I said then tried to wiggle out of Lance's arms but he just pulled me against him tighter "Ow! Okay now it's getting hard to breathe!" I exclaimed then just gave up "Maybe wait till he wakes up?" Shiro chucked "Fine..." I said as Pidge and Shiro left the room

Lance POV

I woke up to see Keith playing with my fingers, like wiggling them, kissing them, curling them, making them touch, it was so cute, I chuckled and flipped him onto me causing him to squeal "Morning, cutie" I said with a wink "Morning, Sunshine" Keith responded sarcastically "what's with the early morning attitude?" I asked with a chuckle "You had a death grip on me. While you were sleeping. And everytime I tried to get up, the grip would get stronger. So strong that Shiro couldn't get you off me" Keith explained with sass and playful annoyance "Well I'm sorry, cutie, I just didn't want you to leave me" I said squeezing him tightly causing him to gasp

Eventually Keith managed to push me off of him and pull me to the lounge "Keithhhh" I whined as he litterly dragged me across the floor in the hallway "if you don't want me to drag you then walk!" Keith almost yelled but didn't which caused me to whine once again "I didn't even get to do my skin care! Or get dressed! I'm still in my pajamas!" I whined "well, you should have thought about that before I had to drag you out of bed!" Keith said in an annoyed tone. I whined and pushed Keith off before running back to my room "Lance!" Keith yelled chasing me, when I got in my room it was only a few seconds before Keith also came in "Babe, please! Just let me do my skin care!" I pleaded "fine- wait... What did you call me?" Keith asked "uhm... Babe?... It's what couples call each other on earth..." I explained also not wanting to tell Keith it just slipped out "is that the only one?" Keith asked "Well, no... There's, babe, baby, honey, hun, sweetie, darling, all kinds of things but... We just started dating so... " I explained "oh... I like it" Keith said with a smile, I smiled back before going to do my skin care and get ready

After I got ready, me and Keith walked to the lounge holding hands, luckily he wasn't dragging me this time, when we got to the lounge Keith let go of my hand because he saw Allura but it seems like everyone else was happy to see us. I sat next to Shiro and Keith sat next to me, it was hard to hide but I managed to rest my hand on Keith's back which caused him to smile at me and blush

After a while everyone started talking even though there was tension coming from Allura's side of the room, Keith didn't talk much but I was glad he was ignoring the way Allura glared at him. By the time it was noon we were all either tired or hungry, Keith was tired and leaning on me, using my shoulder as a pillow and my arm as a blanket, Allura was still talking with Pidge so I thought it would be a good time to try to get Keith off of me before she noticed "Keith..." I whispered quietly slightly shaking him to see if he would wake up "Babe..." I whispered again but this time giving him a soft kiss on the cheek and his arm a light squeeze, that got a soft whimper out of him

After 5 more minutes Keith finally opened his eyes and looked up at me with a soft smile, I smiled back and gave him a quick and soft kiss before nudging him lightly off my shoulder, he understood and sat up, I removed my arm from around him but I left it resting on his lower back like earlier "The galra haven't been very active lately" Shiro said as we walked to the dining room

"I bet Keith has something to do with it" Allura said glaring at Keith who is helping Hunk and Coran in the kitchen "what's that supposed to mean?" Shiro asked "I mean, the galra wouldn't wanna attack with their own member on the ship! he's probably collecting information!" Allura yelled "Don't say that!" Pidge snapped back "... Why are you protecting him?" Allura asked with attitude "He... He's our friend!" I yelled hesitantly "and what makes you think he isn't using you?" Allura asked and I stood in shock... What if he is just using me... "Stay out of it Allura, Lance go sit down" Shiro instructed so I did

When I was walking into the dining room I decided to see what was taking Hunk, Coran and Keith so long and when I went in there I saw Keith... Covered in flour, Coran holding up a plate as a shield and Hunk with a plate of food goo just watching Keith and Coran... They were fighting with food goo and flour, I had to hold down a laugh

Keith POV

I was in the Kitchen helping Hunk and Coran with the food goo when I felt something powdery and slightly cold in my hair, I turned around to see Coran with a bag of flour and a hug smirk as he threw a handful of flour in my face... That's it I grabbed the food goo machine and started blasting Coran with it "Hunk save me!!!" Coran yelled as he hid behind Hunk causing me to accidentally hit him "Oh! Sorry Hunk!" I apologized "No problem man" Hunk said with a smile before handing Coran an empty plate and putting a hand full of food goo in my hand, Coran realized what was happening and grabbed the flour before hiding behind the counter

I threw the food goo at Coran and hit him in the face this fight went on until we heard a laugh from outside the door, I went to check who it was and when I saw it was Lance I smirked and grabbed his shirt before yanking him into the kitchen "Oh, hey Lance" Hunk said with a wave as Coran hit Lance in the back of the head with food goo I smiled and kissed Lance's cheek before dumping the flour on his head "Oops" I said with a smirk "... Your dead" Lance said before he tackled me to the ground I yelped and Coran smiled before walking out with Hunk "Blame it on them" I heard Coran whisper to Hunk "Lance!" I giggled and Lance started to tickle me

He tickled me for about 10 minutes before Shiro came in and glared at us... He was mostly glaring at Lance though "... Hey... Shiro... " I laughed nervously as Shiro came over and yanked Lance off of me "... Just... Go get cleaned up" Shiro said with a sight pointing out of the kitchen, I nodded and dragged Lance to his room "You shower first" I said with a smile "yeah! Good idea! Why would you dump the entire bag on me!?" Lance asked "Because you look cute with white hair" I said and kissed his cheek again, Lance sighed and walked into the bathroom, when he came out I smiled and went in "Lance? Can I borrow one of your shirts?" I asked after my shower "Sure" he said and slipped one of his light blue hoodies through the door

When I came out I hugged him "why are your clothes so comfy?" I asked with a small giggle "Because I know how to pick out good fabrics" Lance smiled and picked me put, I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck "You're pretty... You know that?" Lance asked looking into my eyes "am I?" I asked in a slightly hushed tone "Yeah" Lance said in the same hushed tone "thank you... I think you're pretty too... And your skin is always soft... " I smiled. I heard Lance hum and I smiled as I leaned in to kiss him, he smiled and also leaned in... His lips are so soft and calming... When we pulled away we smiled

"How about we go eat...?" Lance asked with a smile "okay" I smiled and held his hand as we walked into the dining room, we sat next to each other and started eating but after a while...

Cliff hanger, sorry I haven't updated in a while but I'm working on a story I think you will love... Not saying what though

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