Eyes of an Angel

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Lance Pov

I woke up and looked at Keith who was still asleep, with a soft smile I got up and walked into the bathroom to get ready. After I got ready I walked back into the room and shook Keith's shoulder lightly, he slowly opened his eyes, I never realized how pretty they are... The beautiful dark purple void in his eyes, I could stare into them all day no problem they are so beautiful, they look like the most beautiful black holes in the galaxy. I snapped out of my trance when he called my name "Lance?" He asked as if he'd been calling my name, I blushed and backed away "y-yeah?" I didn't mean to shudder but it just slipped out as his gorgeous eyes sparkled from the blue light in the room

"You zoned out" he said in his beautiful and soft voice which caused me to blush even more "Right, we gotta discuss a mission today..." I said trying my hardest not to stutter while looking into those eyes it felt like I was in a trance, I couldn't look away from them "oh, ok" Keith said getting up and breaking the eye contact we had, I felt like my heart broke a little when I wasn't looking at his eyes they were just so beautiful

Keith Pov

I woke up to Lance shaking me, I slowly opened my eyes and saw him staring at me, I saw his ocean blue eyes, they were beautiful I wanted to look into them all day but I stopped myself "Lance?" I asked, he didn't respond I called his name at least 3 more times before finally "Lance?" I asked about to give up "Y-yeah?" He stuttered, his stutter was so cute it almost made me blush

"You zoned out" I said trying not to get sucked into his eyes "Right, we have to discuss a mission today..." His voice was quiet but loud enough to hear, we had eye contact and I wanted to kiss him but I held myself back "Oh, ok" I said trying to act normal and I got up breaking our eye contact even though I wanted to stay

I got ready and me and Lance walked to the control room we saw everyone, even Kolivan and Regris were there, when I saw them I ran to give Reg a hug, he smiled and hugged back while Kolivan waited for me to give him a hug, I saw Reg a few days ago when is went to get Kosmo but I haven't seen Kolivan in person since I left so I hugged him tightly, Kolivan has always been like a father to me and Reg was always like a older brother and best friend

after we hugged I went over to Shiro and stood by him with Lance, I trust Lance and Shiro most because Shiro helped me and Lance is super kind to me of course so are Pidge and Hunk but they kinda do their own thing and I haven't really been able to talk to Coran but he seems nice

We went over a plan to take down Zarkon and it was a pretty good one, anytime me, Reg or Kolivan would recommend something Allura would ask multiple questions then ask the group if they agree but if anyone else did she would just immediately think it was a good idea so I started asking Lance or Shiro to say my ideas for me so she would at least consider them quicker plus I don't like to speak out anyway, most of the time I wouldn't wanna ask Lance in fear I might get sucked into those Ocean eyes those beautiful eyes

Lance Pov

Keith was so focused on the plan I could always sneak a look at his eyes but whenever he looked over to ask me or Shiro to say something for him so he didn't catch me staring, every time he looked at me my heart started beating super fast, even faster than it did for Allura, I've never felt this before it felt good but kinda hurt. I still have a theory Keith and Regris are together, or at least have a thing for each other they look at each other so respectfully and always hug, I always feel protective or angry when they are close and my stomach turns at the thought of them dating, I hated it

After the meeting me and Keith walked back to the room but only one thing was different Regris came with us since Kolivan wanted to talk to Allura and Shiro, I felt protection over Keith but he's known Regris a lot longer then he's known me so I didn't wanna do anything, when we got into the room Regris sat on the bed Keith sleeps on and Keith sat in between his legs while Regris played with his hair. I felt kinda uncomfortable but I didn't do anything when Regris was done playing with Keith's hair he wrapped his arms around his waist, we were all talking the entire time and this slight movement made me go crazy but I held it in

After a few minutes maybe hours Regris got a call from Kolivan saying they were leaving Keith hugged him and Regris kissed his cheek that moment my heart sank. Why would he kiss his cheek? Why did Keith let him? Are they together? Will Keith ever like me? Did he think of me as just a friend? My head was filled with questions and the moment Regris left I pushed Keith against a wall "what are you doing?" Keith asked visibility confused "why did he kiss your cheek?" My voice was cold I didn't even recognize it "because he's my friend, Lance what's wrong?" Keith asked trying to push my arm away so he could get away from the wall but I just tightened my grip "Why? Do you like him? Are you two dating?" I asked all at once and his eyes went wide "what!? No he's like a brother to me and yes I love him but not like that!" Keith said, his voice was louder than I've ever heard it but still wasn't very loud "So... You don't like him like that?" My voice already lightened up "No" he said looking at me again with those gorgeous eyes that I couldn't keep mine off of "then why were his arms around your waist...?" I asked my voice went soft "because he's overprotective and doesn't like people to touch me" Keith said lowering my hand as I let go of him

He hugged me, he hugged me tightly and it felt nice he was warm and his body heat was going to mine I put a hand on his cheek after we separated slightly I caressed his beautiful pale skin, his perfect eyes looking into mine again

Keith Pov

I hugged Lance tightly and when we pulled away I felt his soft hand on my cheek he was caressing it and I slightly leaned into the touch, I was looking into his beautiful blue eyes, I wanted to kiss him as always and the way he got protective from Reg touching me made me really happy he was getting protective, I got to see his beautiful tan skin and light freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks, I started counting the freckles but constant ended up looking at Lance's lips, after a little while Lance took his hand off my face and we smiled at each other before we walked over to our beds, deep down I wished he kissed me, I wanted to go back and time just to kiss him but I couldn't so I just had to live with this

I looked at Lance before laying down I wanted to lay on the same bed as him but that would be impossible I wish he liked me back but I'm pretty sure he's straight from how often he talks about Allura and how she said he liked her I was trying to fall asleep thinking about Lance and how perfect he was and I soon fell asleep

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