Our perfect date

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Keith POV

I woke up a lot earlier than I usually do meaning earlier than Lance, when I opened my eyes I noticed our hands were in each other's. I slowly slipped my hand out of Lance's grasp trying not to wake him up. I wanted to hurry and get our date ready, I wanted it to be perfect so I ran down the hall to Pidge's room but as I was running I ran into her, Shiro, Hunk and Coran along with Kosmo who probably snook out

"Hey guys" my tone is quiet as always "Keith! We were just about to wake you up, so let's set this date up!" Pidge said with a large smirk as Shiro started to walk with me to the control room "so where is this 'Viperion' located?" Shiro asked as we walked into the control room "not far from out current location actually" I said looking at the scanner "we got up before Allura so you wouldn't have any problems with her" Hunk said his usual kind tone "Thank you guys for being so kind" I said with a soft smile "your welcome, and I for one thing your great Keith" Coran also said kindly

We split up into two lions we took the black lion and the yellow lion, Hunk, Pidge and Coran in the yellow lion, while me Kosmo and Shiro were in the black lion and we started flying to Viperion so we can set up the date spot "so the date isn't until tonight right?" Pidge asked on the com's "yeah... Viperion is pretty in the morning but at night... That place is gorgeous" I said thinking of the first time I visited Viperion with my mother "well it's better safe then sorry" Pidge said as we landed on Viperion "so, where do we set up?" Coran asked rushing towards me with baskets of supplies "in the forest, there's a really pretty ledge I used to sit on" I said with a smile "so... What does this place look like at night?" Hunk asked

"beautiful... Emerald green lights light up the forest and the sunset is always purple, blue or pink, the water becomes a dark but clear blue and the place looks magical" I say imaging last time "well we should go set up then" Shiro said and I lead them to the secluded forest with beautiful lakes every few minutes and specks of colorful lights floating up "Wow... You weren't kidding, this place I gorgeous, Lance will love it" Hunk said looking around "I hope so... " I whispered under my breath as we made it to the leadge "here we are" I said turning to look at everyone who just looked in awe "well let's get started" I said with a chuckle as we all started to set everything up until it was finally time to go back to the castle and wait till night

Lance POV

When I woke up I didn't feel Keith's hand, I assumed it just fell out of mine while we slept but when I opened my eyes he wasn't in bed but when I looked further up I saw him looking in my mirror and messing with... His hair? Oh yeah, out date is tonight... "Hey, Keith" I smiled and he turned around "what are you doing?" I asked with a small chuckle "nothing, how'd you sleep?" He said as he walked over "good, your hand was really warm" I said with a smile as he sat next to me "anyways what got you up so early?" I asked flirtatiously "don't tell me you were thinking about me~" my tone was bow more flirty and I saw Keith blush, mission complete "i-i was just getting some stuff... " Keith stuttered "for our date~?" I asked as I held his hand. Keith looked at me flustered and nodded "for our date?" I asked again but less flirty and he nodded again "your so sweet" I said as I squished his face "hands off blue boy!" Keith said and pushed me off but I could tell he was only kidding

"I'm not yours yet" Keith said with a smirk "oh? I think I can change that~" I moved in for a kiss put felt a finger push against them "not yet Lance" Keith said more serious "oh man" I said in a joking tone and I take Keith's hand to stand up with him "still short as ever, huh?" I said teasingly "oh, shut up" Keith said and dragged me out of the room

When we got into the lounge he let go of my hand because he saw Allura and sat down next to Shiro and I went to sit by Hunk "Keith" Allura called out then he looked at her "uhm, yeah?" Keith asked, I could see how scared he was "Your mother and Kolivan called and said you must call them back instantly" Allura said not even looking at Keith "uhm, okay..." Keith said and started to get up "Oh uhm...I'll come with" I said and followed Keith

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