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Lance's POV

Me, Hunk and Pidge took Keith into the Control room to show him all the cool stuff we have "So Keith, how old are you?" Pidge asked looking at Keith happily "Uhm... 18..." Keith said hesitating to talk "Do you not like talking to new people" I asked Keith bluntly "uh... No not really" Keith said hesitating again "Well that's no problem you don't have to talk!" Hunk said, handing Keith a weird Altean food, Keith took the food and cautiously ate it and I watched as his eyes lit up "y-you made this?" Keith said to Hunk in awe "Mhm!" Hunk nodded smiling "It's incredible" Keith said slightly smiling

We took Keith throughout the castle "Hey Keith?" I asked and Keith looked over at me "Hm?" He hummed "You wanna see the lions?" I happily asked "I already saw Shiro's" Keith said confused "No I mean a real ride, not some calm flight" I said grinning and Pidge glared at me "oh... Sure" Keith responded when he did I grabbed him and ran to my Lion as Pidge and Hunk ran after me "LANCE SLOW DOWN!!" Pidge yelled running after me I didn't slow down and when I made it to my Lion and waited for Pidge and Hunk to show up, They ran into red's Hanger "Go into your lions I wanna have a race" I said smiling "Fine" Pidge said clearly annoyed and her and Hunk went to their lions "so Keith, do you like speed?" I asked "Yeah, I usually fly the fastest in the Blade" he said less hesitant I smiled and brought him into red

Keith POV

Lance brought me into the red Lion it was smaller than the black one but it was still really cool "this is nice" I said. For some reason I felt safer just with Lance "Let's start the race then?" Lance asked looking at me but Pidge answered "Yeah we are ready" She said out of pure anger "We're ready Lance" Hunk said sweet as ever and I just nodded, Lance smiled and started his Lion and soon enough we were blasted into space

I smiled looking at the stars from the view of the lion, I could tell we were going fast but it was still just as beautiful "Lance?" I asked "Yeah?" He responded "Can we stop at a planet called Sadix?" I asked "Uhm sure where is it?" Lance asked as Pidge and Hunk turned to go back to the castle "it's just ahead" I said pointing to the small planet "oh, ok" Lance said looking back at me I smiled back

We got to the small and beautiful planet and Lance looked in awe "pretty huh?" I asked and Lance nodded happily "how did you know this place was here?" Lance asked smiling "my mom brings me here sometimes" I responded happily "Oh!" Lance said and I heard shock and happiness in his voice I giggled lightly at this "we should be able to get out it has non toxic air" I said smiling "Oh ok!" Lance said excited as we walked onto the planet and j led him to a beautiful lit lake since it was dark on this planet and I sat on a rock Lance sat next to me "I should take Allura here" Lance said smiling "Why?" I asked slightly confused "Oh, well I like Allura a lot so this is a nice date spot" Lance smiled blushing slightly "Oh, she seems kinda mean" I said "Oh, well the Galra destroyed her family and home" he said bluntly I looked at him worried "N-not that you did you just-she's mean because of your Galra blood it's not personal or anything!" He said with a look of pure regret on his face and I just chuckled "It's ok Lance, I know what you meant" I said smiling and Lance got up to lead me to his Lion

We went back to the castle and when we got in we saw a mad Allura, a worried Coran, Pidge and Hunk and Shiro trying to calm everyone down "what's going on?" Lance asked as Allura's face went from anger to a concerned happiness as she ran to Lance and hugged him "You ran off!" Allura exclaimed "you didn't tell us where you went" Pidge said annoyed "I just went to a small planet with Keith" Lance said looking at me with a smile "Exactly! you went somewhere alone with a Galra!" Allura said glaring at me "Lay off Allura, he's really nice" Lance said and everyone including me was shocked Lance looked back at me "Keith, you can sleep in my room I have a air mattress" Lance said Angry at Allura and pulling me to his room

We got into his room and it's full of earth posters and small earth gifts "these are cool... Can I hold one?" I asked pointing to a figure Lance nodded and I picked one up "Is that really what earth looks like?" I asked looking at a photo Lance took on earth "Yep" Lance said smiling

Lance POV

Keith was holding my figures and looking at photos, he is so curious about Earth I smiled watching him look at the earth stuff "So Keith how did you even get into the Blade when you were 8?" I asked "I got taken to space when I was 8 I wasn't in the blade till I was 15" Keith explained happily that made more sense, he looked excited about learning more about earth since he left at such a young age he probably doesn't remember much about it I smiled at his enthusiasm about the planet as he asked about a million questions about earth he started asking about humans too I tried to answer all his questions and eventually lost track of what he was asking

Eventually tho he fell asleep and he looked so peaceful I've never seen someone look so happy to be asleep and he seems like he doesn't sleep a lot but I guess this is an exception I smiled and started to fall asleep myself

End of pt 2!

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