A date?

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Lance Pov:

I woke up and looked over to the bed next to mine, I was shocked to see it was empty. Wondering where Keith is I got up and went into the bathroom, I wanted to freshen up but I also wondered where Keith is. When I finished getting ready I went into the control room, Nothing I went to the kitchen, Nothing I walked to Pidges room starting to worry

when I opened the door I saw Pidge and Keith sitting on the bed, Pidge had a computer and Keith was watching what she was doing, they looked up at me and Pidge looked annoyed while Keith just looked confused "there you are!" I yelled and I went to hug Keith tightly "I was so worried!I thought you left, or got kidnapped!" I didn't even remember Pidge was right next to him until she spoke up "Wow Lance, I've never seen you so worried" her tone was suggestive and she was raising her eyebrows

"Shut up" I told her bluntly as I held onto Keith who was now hugging back while cuddling me, I started blushing so I pulled away but I still slightly held him "what are you guys doing anyways?" I asked with genuine curiosity "Nothing!" They both said quickly as Pidge slammed her computer shut "Go away Lance" Pidge said with her usual attitude and Keith just hugged the arm I still had around him "seems like Keith wants me to stay" I said with the same attitude as Pidge "well we're busy so go away" Pidge snapped and Keith tapped her arm, I wondered what that would do but she immediately calmed down which doesn't happen often "Just go away he needs my help" she said only slightly calmer "I can help him" I said with more attitude

"No, you can't" Pidge said and then I looked at Keith "Can I help you, Keith?" I asked calmer Keith looked hesitant

Keith Pov

I really wanted Lance's help but he can't know what Pidge is helping me with "No, sorry only Pidge can... " Lance seemed shocked by my answer but I let go of his arm and looked over to Pidge with a smile after that Lance walked out looking slightly annoyed

I groaned and laid back on Pidges bed "what am I gonna do?" I asked nobody in particular "that's what I'm here for" Pidge said wiggling her eyebrows "yeah but do you even know that much about Lance?" I asked nervously "look if you're questioning my knowledge about Lance go ask Hunk, he's Lance's best friend, go talk to him then come back to me and tell me what you found out, I'll help you from there okay?" Pidge said with the smallest bit of sass, I smiled and got up and ran to find Hunk

I found Hunk in the kitchen cooking and I tapped his shoulder, he turned around "oh Keith it's you!" Hunk exclaimed "Hey, Hunk can I ask you a few things?" I asked quietly "oh, uh about what?" Hunk asked with a smile "... Lance" I said barley loud enough to hear "Lance? Why about Lance?" Hunk asked slightly louder than I would've liked "uhm... I uhm... Me and Pidge are working on something and we need to find out some things about Lance... " I said only loud enough for him to hear "why not just ask Lance?" Hunk asked as he continued to stir the food "these questions aren't ones that uhm... Normal friends ask... " I responded hoping he'd get it "oh, uh o-wait... Do you..." He didn't finish his sentence but I knew what he meant and I nodded

"Oh my god, you do, uhm okay" Hunk said as he stopped cooking and rubbed his head "Can you help me?" I asked trying not to sound desperate even though I was "Sure, what do you wanna know?" Hunk said sweetly "his favorite color is blue right?" I asked knowing the answer "yeah" Hunk replied "uhm well I wanna know things like things he likes, places he likes... His favorite planets so far, maybe his ideal date?" I asked quietly

"oh wow, his favorite things... He likes food and his family and he likes braiding hair for some weird reason and he loves Garlic knots, he likes places on earth and he likes a place on a planet called Ziphira (made up planet), and he likes colorful lights, he likes a few really pretty planets like Ziphira, Sohina, Trugna, and Riphi (all these are made up)" Hunk said with a smile "have you guys visited Viperion yet?" I asked with a soft smile "Viperion? No I haven't heard of that" Hunk responded "oh well I might take him there... If he says yes... " I said more quiet "well for dates he likes picnics and games" Hunk said trying to lighten the mood

I smiled and hugged Hunk softly "thank you Hunk" I smiled as Hunk hugged back then got back to cooking as I ran back into Pidge's room and sat on her bed "how'd it go?" Pidge asked with a smile "amazing! I found out a few things about Lance! And now I think we can plan!" I said excitedly and slightly louder then how I spoke with Hunk "that's great! Now tell me what you wanna do" Pidge said with a smirk as she started typing
"well I wanna take him to a Planet called Viperion, and I wanna make it a picnic and if you can we can watch uh... What are those things called?" I asked "a movie?" Pidge asked and I nodded then continued "and Viperion's light is Pink, Purple and Blue, then I wanna ask Hunk to make Garlic Knots for Lance and let him try some famous Galra foods that I love and it'll be perfect, we can do it in the forest it's so beautiful in there" I said with a smile as Pidge typed down what I said

"Now... Ask him" Pidge said with an encouraging smirk "Now?" I asked slightly caught off guard and Pidge just rolled her eyes and kicked me out so I started to walk towards Lance's room thinking of what to say and when I got to the door I knocked and Lance opened the door "... Hey Lance..." I said more quiet then I usually am with him "Hey Keith what's up?" Lance asked as I looked up at him "I... Uhm I wanted to ask you something..." I said shyly "what is it?" Lance asked "uhm... Would you maybe... Wanna... Would you... Do you wanna go on a date with me?" I asked in almost a mumble but I saw his eyes widen

Lance POV

"Oh... Uhm" I mumbled I can't believe Keith just asked me out... He's been here for 2 weeks now and I already like him "yes, yes I'd love too!" I said more excited then I'd liked and I saw Keith smile "really!?" Keith exclaimed with a faint blush "yes, I mean it!" I hugged him tightly and picked him up spinning him around as I heard him giggle and felt his legs around my waist and arms around my neck and I giggled back when we stopped spinning I pressed my forehead against his with a large smile

I set him down and brought him in the room, when he came in I sat on the bed as he told me the date will be in a few days, I'm so excited and I layed on the bed with a smile, we held hands as we drifted off to sleep I didn't wanna let go of his hand and I held it tightly, I still felt the warmth of his hand as I fell asleep and when I did I dreamed of how amazing our date will be

That's the end of this part
Until next time

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