Dear Keith

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Let's go!

Keith POV:

In the morning I woke up with Lance's arms around me, his body warm against mine and his soft breath tickling the back of my neck. I giggled softly and gently unwrapped Lance's arms from around me, then got up quietly to not wake Lance. I stretched and heard a few pops and cracks before taking Lance's favorite shirt and my leggings, then put them on. After I got ready I kissed Lance's cheek then went to have breakfast

"Morning, Keith!" Hunk said "Morning." I responded "I made breakfast. You want some?" Hunk asked "Sure." I replied

Hunk gave me a plate of food as the others woke up and got some too. "Morning, Kitten." Lance said as he wrapped an arm around My shoulders. "Morning." I said and laid my head on Lance's shoulder

"Get a room." Pidge said bluntly "Oh, we will." Lance said and winked at Keith. Keith just glared "What are we doing today?" I asked "Train, then visit a planet to see if they'll join the coalition." Shiro replied "Sounds good, me and my princess will get them to join." Lance said "Never call me that again. Also where is this flirtiness from? You've never acted like this towards me."

"Get used to it. Lance was just starting to lose the flirting, then you showed up, now you've been in a relationship for a while so he's probably gonna make a million moves on you a day even though you're already together." Pidge explained "Yep." Lance said and he pulled me closer. I looked up at Lance "And I was just starting to think that you aren't annoying." I said "What! I'm not annoying!" Lance exclaimed after gasping dramatically "Sure, babe, sure." I said, lifting his head of Lance's shoulder "Nu-uh you're staying right here!" Lance said and pulled my head back onto his shoulder

"Okay, lovebirds cut it out." Allura said "Fine, fine." Lance said and let go of Me, I smiled and took Lance's hand "Wanna go sit in the room and cuddle before we have to train?" I asked "Of course!" Lance exclaimed and got up, dragging Keith to their room

Once we got to our room Lance laid down and I got next to him and laid my head on his chest "I love you so much." Lance mumbled into my hair, I giggled "I love you too, Lance." I looked up at Lance and gave him a soft kiss "You're so beautiful..." Lance said as he stroked my hair "Thank you, Lance... So are you." I said with a smile as I learned into Lance's touch

After a few minutes I fell asleep on Lance since he was stroking my hair, it made me tired

Lance POV:

I watched Keith fall asleep with a soft smile on my face. His hair is so soft, and so is his skin. Keith is the most perfect person I've ever met, he's cuddly, brave, smart, sassy, sometimes even really sweet... He's so incredible. If I had to choose Keith or the blue lion, hell, if I had to choose between Keith and Allura+the blue lion. I'd choose Keith in a heartbeat. I feel like I need to protect him, I don't know what I'd do without him...

After a while Pidge came to tell me we needed to train. It isn't mandatory for Keith to train since he isn't a paladin, but he loves doing it. Lance was gonna wake Keith up, but Keith looked too adorable to wake up. So he just slipped out from under him and kissed his forehead.

I decided to write Keith a note. A little note to show Keith how much I appreciate him. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and started to write, then I left it on the night stand, making sure Keith could see it

Keith POV:

I started to wake up, when my eyes fully adjusted I realized Lance wasn't next to me. I sat up and saw a neatly folded piece of paper on the night stand that said '𝘛𝘰: 𝘒𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘩' I smiled softly as I recognized Lance's handwriting. I unfolded the piece of paper and started to read it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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