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Keith POV

I felt someone shake me and heard a familiar voice "Wake up" it was Lance I opened my eyes to see him and he smiled "Finally! I've been trying to wake you up for 30 Doboshes!" Lance said slightly annoyed "Sorry... " I mumbled quietly "it's ok but get up before Shiro comes in here" Lance chuckled and I sat up

"What happens when Shiro comes in?" I asked in a slightly more awake voice "He gives a 3 Hour lecture on why to wake up early" Lance said "Hour?" I questioned as I have never heard that word "Uh... Varga?" Lance said in a questionable tone "Oh! Is that what humans call Vargas?" I piped up and Lance nodded "Yep, pretty cool huh" Lance said I assume he was trying to act cool and laughed a little then I got up and walked with Lance to the control room where we saw Allura, Shiro, Pidge, and Hunk I run to Shiro and whisper in his ear "Can we call the blade and ask if I can get something?" I whispered in Shiros ear "Sure" he said sweetly and I smiled "What did he ask you?" Allura said annoyed "He just asked to contact the blade for something" Shiro responded

Allura reluctantly let us contact the blade and Pidge took me to their base to grab my thing, I go into my room and see him sleeping on my bed it's my wolf, Kosmo i smile when I see him "Kosmo!" I say and he wakes up and teleports onto me making me fall to the ground "Kosmo, calm down!" I say smiling, me and Kosmo have never been away from each other for longer then 3 vargas and even then it was hard on us I smile as Kosmo likes me "he was really sad without you" I hear a voice say it was Regris I smile at him and stand up "Hi Reg" I say walking over "are you sure about taking Kosmo with you?" He asked placing a hand on my shoulder "I'm sure Reg" I say and hug him before going back to Pidge's Lion with Kosmo

Lance POV

Keith and Pidge came back and when they came out with nothing we were all confused but then a large wolf came out he had pretty colours and Keith was smiling at him so was Pidge "Woah, what's that?" Hunk asked looking at Keith "Oh, this is Kosmo, he's my wolf I've had him since I was 10" Keith said smiling "He's pretty" I say smiling and Keith was smiling looking at us Allura was glaring at Kosmo "He looks dangerous" Allura said and Keith looked at her "I promise you he isn't dangerous but he can help in battles" Keith said petting Kosmo, Allura and Keith were now glaring at each other and Shiro noticed "Uh, Keith! Let's show Kosmo around" Shiro said taking Keith's hand and dragging him from the room with Kosmo following

I looked at Allura as they left "Allura, why are you being so rude to him?" Pidge asked slightly mad "Because, Pidge he's Galra and Galra are not to be trusted" Allura said with her annoyed tone "Yeah but he's really nice" I said to Allura "You're taking his side? I thought you liked me, Lance" Allura said Angrily "Stop Trying to Guilt trip him!" Pidge yelled angry and annoyed "Pidge, Lance why don't we go walk with Keith, Kosmo and Shiro?" Hunk said trying to break up the argument "Fine" I said grabbing Pidge and walking with hunk to find Shiro, Keith and Kosmo

Keith POV

Shiro took me and Kosmo to tour the castle because I only really got to see Lance's room and the control room "So how big is this thing?" I asked Shiro "Huge, it took a few hours to explore the whole thing, we probably still haven't seen the whole thing" Shiro said happily, Kosmo was teleporting all over the place and I laughed when he ran into a wall

Soon Lance, Pidge and Hunk came to join us I smiled when I saw Lance he has such a nice and loving feel to him and he's super nice "Hey, Keith" Lance said walking over to me I smiled at him, I don't like to talk around people I don't really know or trust, Shiro was super nice when he came to get me and is the main reason Allura let me stay on the ship and Lance has been super nice and sweet to me, of course Pidge and Hunk have been nice too but I haven't been able to really talk to them

We get to the lounge room and Lance runs to the couch and jumps onto his stomach laying down and I chuckle "Oh! Keith let me and Hunk show you the tech room!" Pidge yelped dragging me out with Hunk following, Kosmo layed down by Lance I'm guessing he's tired from all his teleporting

We got to the tech room and I gotta admit they have pretty cool stuff then as I was looking at a computer Lance ran in and hid behind me "KEITH, YOUR DOG IS TRYING TO KILL ME!!!!" Lance yelled "first of all he isn't a dog he's a wolf and I doubt he's trying to kill you" I said looking at Lance as Kosmo ran in Lance screeched and climbed onto the counter "GET DOWN!" Pidge yelled trying to pull Lance off, I looked at Kosmo and sighed "what did you do boy?" I asked looking at Kosmo and he just glared at Lance, I turned to look at Lance "Lance, what did you do?" I said calmly "All I did was take his treat!" He yelled still being on the counter "Well you-... Wait, you WHAT!?" I yelled at Lance "I wanted to train him!!!" He yelled jumping off the counter and putting his hands on my shoulders shaking me

Everyone calmed down and Lance gave Kosmo his treat back we were all sitting on the couch when Allura came in, she looked at me for a second then at Shiro "Paladins we have a mission" she said clearly annoyed that I'm in the room, Kosmo just shot her a glare before sitting on my lap to sleep, Lance was sitting next to me and pet Kosmo "What's the mission Princess?" Lance asked still petting Kosmo and I whispered to him "I thought you didn't like Kosmo" I said sarcastically "I never said I didn't like him I said he was kinda scary" Lance whispered back and Allura cleared her throat trying to get our attention probably mostly Lance's "We are going to attack a base on planet Merkin" she said "Excuse me but that isn't a good idea" I said and everyone looked at me, Allura raised an eyebrow "Why not?" She asked annoyed "I've been to that base with the blade, we all almost died, that base it connected to Zarkon's ship and he knows when it's being attacked he showed up in under 10 Doboshes when we went, but if he knows Voltron is there I bet it will take less then 5 Doboshes to show up" I said explaining to her, she sighed "if you know so much about this base then where should we attack?" She asked as if she was forced "on Planet Fiver there is a small base with mostly sentries, if you attack that base first it will most likely give you at least 40 Doboshes to take down the base on Merkin" I said

They followed my plan as Pidge, Lance and Shiro thought it would be a better idea and Hunk didn't wanna disagree with Allura so he stayed quiet Shiro told Allura I should come with so I went with him in the black lion I helped guide them through the base and Shiro kept telling me how me helping was making the mission easier, Allura kept doing the opposite of what I said and almost got caught at least 10 times so Shiro told her if she doesn't listen to me he'll send her back to the castle "Wow Keith thanks to you we didn't even have to use Voltron!" Shiro said smiling at me, I smiled back and we headed to Merkin I needed to make sure we had enough time to destroy the base

We got to Merkin and I switched lions and rode with Hunk because he had the main part in the plan at first everything went smoothly, but after 30 Doboshes Zarkon showed up "I Thought you said 40 Doboshes!" Allura yelled to the speaker "I'm sorry! It was just an estimate!" I told her "This is why we don't trust Galra, Shiro" She said and I looked down, I felt pitiful I was ashamed of myself "Too Bad, he helped us this much! We can trust him like he said it was just an estimate it's not like he can see into the future" Shiro snapped back "Yeah! If it weren't for him we'd all probably be dead!" Pidge agreed "don't put him down for one mistake when he did a million things right" Lance said, when I heard Lance's voice my body warmed and calmness washed over me, I've never felt like this before it was nice

We managed to destroy half the base before we left and when we got out of the lion Hunk hugged me "oh uh... " I have never really been hugged before "Thank you!!! You saved us!" He yelled with tears in his eyes, he's definitely the most emotional, when he let go Lance put his hand on my shoulder "yeah thanks man" he said smiling I felt myself blush and I looked away "y-yeah no problem" I said

We all were tired so we went to bed and as I layed in the bed next to Lance I noticed how calm he looked asleep his hair was moved and his breathing was calm I blushed more as I watched him and fell asleep watching his chest rise and fall

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