Keith and Allura

16 1 0

Lance POV:

I gave Keith a quick kiss on the cheek before running to my lion with the others. The ship shook as I got in Red, we all flew out of the castle and saw five fleets of galra surrounding the castle. "Paladins, form Voltron!" Shiro yelled, we all did as we were told and formed Voltron as the castle's defenses came on "We need a plan." Pidge said "I have an idea, we should get Keith out of the castle!" Allura yelled "Okay, Allura seriously, what's your problem!?" I yelled "Keith is my problem! Why is he even staying with us!? He can go back to the blade!" She yelled "Because he hasn't done anything wrong!" I yelled back "Enough!" Shiro yelled "Yeah... I can feel our bond getting weaker." Hunk said

"We all just need to get along right now and you can argue later. We have to defeat the Galra." Shiro said "What's the plan?" Pidge asked "How about we all attack from different ends?" Hunk suggested "Good idea, then they can't attack us all." Shiro responded

We all started attacking the ships from different ends, in the end we destroyed all the Galra and went back into the ship, where I was greeted with a tight hug from Keith, I immediately hugged back as Coran smiled softly at me "Is he okay?" I mumbled "He is, just worried about you" Coran smiled "Oh, baby..." I mumbled, kissing Keith's cheek softly "Sorry... I'm being a baby..." Keith said softly "No, it's okay, hun." I said with a smile "Okay, now can we all talk?" Allura asked in a slightly rude tone and we all followed her to the lounge but she stopped Keith "Full blood humans and Alteans only." She said before closing the door in Keith's face

We all just ignored it and sat down "What do you want?" Pidge asked "I want to talk about Keith, and his place here." Allura mumbled "He's staying!" I immediately yelled "Lance." Shiro glared "What do you mean 'his place'?" Shiro asked "I mean, why does everyone want him to stay so bad? Especially Lance." Allura replied "I... He's just a nice guy..." I mumbled "Yeah! And he's fun to talk to, he tells me about Galra tech and teaches me how to use it!" Pidge exclaimed "I was planning to ask him to teach me some Galran." Hunk said "I feel like I've known him for a long time, he's already starting to feel like a younger brother." Shiro stated "He's one of the only people on the ship who let me share stories with him!" Coran yelled "If you got to know him you'd know he's a good guy..." I said, looking at Allura "We all understand you have a hatred towards Galra but it's not fair to blame the entire race for something Zarkon did." I continued

"I... I'll give him a chance. One chance, if he screws up he's gone." Allura said "Thank you!" I ran over to Allura and hugged her "can Keith come in now?" Pidge asked "Sure." Allura replied

I ran out to find Keith, when I found him he was feeding Kosmo some food goo, I decided to sneak behind him and hug him tightly while lifting him in the air. Keith squeaked at the sudden contact, scared for his life before he realized it was Lance and melted into his touch "Hi, hun." I whispered "You scared me, asshole!" Keith tried to push me away but I held him still "But you looked so cute!" I exclaimed "I looked cute so you decided to scare me? That sounds super logical." Keith said while rolling his eyes, before Kosmo barked, eager for food "Let go." Keith said, I sighed and let go so Keith could get Kosmo his food

"Keith." I said softly "Hm?" Keith hummed "Allura said she'd give you a chance." I said with a smile. Keith froze in place and I watched with a smile and he turned to look at me "really?" He asked, I nodded in response. Keith immediately dropped Kosmo's food in front of him and jumped on me, giving me a Koala hug "Woah." I chuckled and hugged back "Thank you..." Keith mumbled "It wasn't just me... Everyone convinced her." I replied before kissing his cheek and smiling "Go thank everyone else." I continued as Keith slid off of me then ran to find the others, I followed.

Keith POV

I ran down the halls of the Castle to find everyone, I saw that they were all still in the lounge "Oh, Keith, hey." Shiro said and stood up, I immediately hugged him, I felt him freeze for a second but he hugged back. After a few seconds I felt more hands around me and when I looked up I saw Pidge, Coran and Hunk joined the hug "Thank you all..." I muttered before pulling away to look at Allura. I walked over to Allura and smiled "Thank you." I smiled "You're welcome... And I'm sorry for being so rude, I just have a rough past with Galra..." She said softly "It's fine, I can't tell you how many times the Blade has gone to planets to help people and they assume we're trying to hurt them." I said with a small smile

I heard Lance panting as he showed up by the door "Why are you... So fast?" He asked in between breaths, I just giggled and walked over to him then grabbed his arm to help him up

Allura POV (just for fun)

I've been noticing how close Keith and Lance have gotten, it makes me wonder why Lance was always first to Keith's defense and is always with him "Do you think Keith and Lance have been getting super close lately?" I whispered to Hunk "Oh, yeah. They've been dating for a few weeks now." Hunk whispered back "Oh... Wait. WHAT!?" I exclaimed "Why didn't any of you tell me!?" I asked, feeling slightly offended "Well... You didn't like Keith so I thought you'd, like... Scold me or something." Lance mumbled "Well i-... I probably would have, but that's not the point! If you told me I might have been slightly more accepting." I said "Yeah, but you really, like really, didn't like him so... Maybe you would, like, kick him out and forbid me from ever seeing him again?" Lance said as more of a question "Whatever, I'm going to bed. Don't bother me, today has been way too much." I said before walking to my room

Lance POV

"So does that mean Keith can stay?" I asked "I think so." Pidge replied, I immediately lifted Keith into a hug and kissed him passionately, he obviously kissed back "Get a room!" Pidge exclaimed in disgust "I'm gonna go to bed too." Shiro said and walked off as I put Keith down "Wanna go to bed?" I asked Keith "Sure." He smiled and we walked to our room together
That was it for this chapter! Love y'all!

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