Chapter 11- Lumidouce

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"Hm? Lyney? Lynette?" Y/n called out softly as she walked up to them, "How did it go with the Traveler and Paimon?"

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"Hm? Lyney? Lynette?" Y/n called out softly as she walked up to them, "How did it go with the Traveler and Paimon?"

Lyney turned back and gave her a small smile, "It went fine..."

She raised an eyebrow, "What's with that half-baked response? Why does it look to me like you've gotten your heart broken?" 

He chuckled at her teasing, "Oh come on, we all know I have eyes for someone else~" He gave her a joking wink.

"Now, how come I don't know who the lucky girl is?" Lynette asked in a harsh, cold tone, deadpanning at her brother, and crossing her arms over her chest. Lyney immediately shuddered and hid behind Y/n upon hearing her tone of voice.

"L-L-Lynette! I-I-" Lyney panicked then Lynette just chuckled and shook her head, waving it off.

"Just kidding. I'm not mad. But I am curious" She said in a soft and slightly teasing tone of voice.

He let out a little sigh of relief, "I'll tell you, no problem.."

"What about me? I want to know too." Y/n stated, looking at Lyney, who was standing behind her, from the corner of her eyes.

Lyney just gave her a little blep, "Oh don't worry, you'll know soon enough"

"I'll go home and talk to Freminet. He must be worried sick" Lynette stated which knocked both Lyney and Y/n out of their little chat and made them go "OOOOOH.." in realization.

"Yeah.. I completely forgot we were here for almost two whole days.." Lyney chuckled a little as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"We should head back. Awh, I could imagine him staring at Pers and mumbling to himself about us.." Y/n said in a bit of a soft and concerned tone.

" Y/n said in a bit of a soft and concerned tone

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"Where were you three..?" Freminet mumbled, hugging Pers close to his chest. The three had just walked in through the front door, and the first thing they had seen was Freminet, sulking and wrapped around in a worried aura.

"Freminet- Listen-"

"How did you even manage to get yourselves into trouble during a magic show..?"

"You see, we had an assisstant named Cowell and-"

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