Chapter 5- Gold and White

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"I have many questions!" Y/n asked as she ran up to Lyney and Lynette who were at the harbor, Lyney looked at the source of the voice and waved at Y/n who was running to them

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"I have many questions!" Y/n asked as she ran up to Lyney and Lynette who were at the harbor, Lyney looked at the source of the voice and waved at Y/n who was running to them.

"Ah! Y/n! I was wondering where you went," Lyney smiled at Y/n who was panting and deadpanning at him.

"'Where I went'? YOU DISAPPEARED-"
"Well I am a magician afterall-"


Lynette sighed and just stared at those two while the golden traveler and the flying white jellyfish were just looking at each other.

(Btw I was planning on using Aeths as the traveller because Lumi gives off hot villian vibes, and we stan that. But for the sake of all the Lumine stans, I'll just using "The Traveler")

Y/n sighed, "So? What just happened? I saw Clorinde and Lady Furina walking away with a bunch of gardes"

"Ah, about that, Lady Furina came to personally welcome these two here to Fontaine" Lyney smiled as all the hustle and bustle of the harbor eventually returned.

"Paimon's Paimon, and that's the Traveler!" The small flying fairy said as she pointed at the Blond traveler who just smiled at Y/n.

Y/n sighed, "I see.. Well-", She then froze up and immediately hid behind Lynette, "Lynette, is that the traveler..?"


"T-The one that...-?"



She tried to completely hide behind Lynette as the rest of the people there were confused as to why she's trying to hide.

Lyney chuckled then he teasingly leaned over to whisper in Y/n's ear, "Hmm~ Seems someone already has a crush~?"



The traveler and Paimon couldn't help but giggle a little while Lynette was just shaking her head, with a very obvious smile on her perfect face.

Lyney was rubbing the part of his head which she bonked and just stared at Y/n with a sad pout, in which we all know to be part of his act, "You're so mean!"

While the Traveler and Paimon were talking to Lynette, who Y/n was still hiding behind, Y/n and Lyney were bantering like an old married couple.

Y/n huffed, giving a side eye to Lyney after repeatedly bonking him directly on the head. Yes, she took his hat away.

"So? What's the deal here?" Y/n whispered to Lyney, who looked more amused than he could possibly ever be.

Y/n's reactions to him were priceless, and so funny too! He didn't understand how a common thief could be so endearing and precious!

"Ah, so, the Traveler and Paimon here were helping us hand out the magic pockets to the people around the harbor," Lyney explained to his dear friend the small events that took place during her absence. 

Lyney's sweet and innocent expression was soon replaced by a devilish and teasing expression, "Say, why don't you go with them to help collect Romaritime flowers? You know, lead the way and talk~" Lyney didn't know why Y/n was so nervous around the golden Traveler and his trusty companion, but he wanted to push things further.

Y/n was just staring at Lyney... Ever so blankly.

Lyney sweatdropped, "Alright then..?" He cleared his throat, "Traveler, so, um, you can find the Romaritime flowers on the east side of the harbor.."

With that, the Traveler and Paimon immediately set out to get the flowers.

"What were you trying to do there?" Lynette asked her brother, her arms crossed over her chest and with a Lynette-deadpan. Lyney just giggled sheepishly and rubbed his head, as he gave his sister a little blep and a wink.


Y/n just chuckled at his silly little face and his silly blep.

HELP OTTER NEUVILLETTE ART IS SO FRICKING ADORABLE I CANT- This chapter got out way later than I had expected since I started writing it about 2 weeks ago (basically right after fontaine was released), but then I had to go to school again and my f...

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HELP OTTER NEUVILLETTE ART IS SO FRICKING ADORABLE I CANT- This chapter got out way later than I had expected since I started writing it about 2 weeks ago (basically right after fontaine was released), but then I had to go to school again and my friend's classes were messed up so I had to do something about that along with keeping up with the school work too. Hope you enjoyed it tho :D

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