Chapter 1- Underground

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It was quiet that morning

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It was quiet that morning.

A man was sitting with his wife on their couch, reading the news paper and drinking their tea together, expecting the usual Sunday 8 o'clock visit from a certain someone.

Just like always, once the clock arrow landed on 8, they heard a knock on the door.

"I'll go get it," The woman said softly to her husband then got up from her seat to open the door. It was Y/n standing in front of her. The woman smiled slightly, "You've changed your clothing style?"

"For the reason of being able to walk around normally without looking suspicious," Y/n said blankly as she walked past her and stopped a couple feet away from the man, who was still sitting on the couch.

"I want my mora," She said to the man, and he just threw a mora pouch at her, in which she caught with her hand. She looked down at it, lifted it up and down in her hand, then frowned, "Why is it lighter than usual?"

"I can't keep giving you money like this, Y/n" He said, his eyes not leaving the article he was reading. 

"Oh quit it, if you have something, then it would be mora. You're a lawyer in a city like this," She said, her tone is one of anger, "I need the mora, old man."

"That's all I'm giving you. Take it or leave it" He said blankly. Y/n was about to burst out of anger, but she decided to not cause a ruckus so early in the morning, since it might lead to her getting caught.

"Fine.." She said through her gritted teeth then turned around and walked towards the front door before hearing his voice again.

"You're still stealing?" He asked. Y/n looked back and her eyes widened once she saw that he had the wallet she stole in his hand. "This wallet looks too nice to be yours."

She snatched the wallet from his hand and put it back into her pocket, then she walked out the front door of the house.

Y/n was furiously marching down the streets of Fontaine, her already ruined mood was ruined even more now. 

She passed by the market, her footsteps slowing down a bit. She sighed before walking back and going in.

 She sighed before walking back and going in

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"Y/n! You're back!"

Y/n smiled as she walked to the children and gave each one of them a small pat on the head as they were all swarming her. 

She crouched down to their level, "I have a gift for you guys"

Their eyes lit up in excitement and they started asking her questions and clinging onto her arms, wanting to know what the gift could possibly be.

Y/n reached into her bag and pulled out a bunch of small heart-shaped lolipops, "Taa-daa! For you!"

The children were all beaming in happiness then took the lolipops from Y/n's hand, and whil they were distracted, she slipped away and to another part of the underground.

As she walked alongside the sewerage, Y/n had once again felt grateful for her vision. Since she was able to slip past the Melusines and run errands for those in the underground, as well as be able to sniff the clean and non-smelly air outside.

"Mom, I'm back.." Y/n spoke in a low and soft tone, slowly walking towards her mother. She sat down next to her, leaning back on one of the pipes, then pulled out something from her pocket.

She took her mother's hand in hers, and placed the small container in her palm, "Here's your medicine... I also have clean water for you to drink."

Her mother smiled weakly at her, "Thank you, dear.."

She watched as her mother took a few pills in her hand and swallowed them. Y/n sighed then rested her head on the woman's shoulder, she lifted her two fingers up and a lolipop appeared, "For you"

Her mother let out a soft and cheerful, yet weak and tired laugh, slowly pulling her beloved daughter into a hug and placing a kiss on her  head, "You might as well become a magician with those smooth fingers of yours, my dear"

Y/n chuckled, her mind shifting back to the magician that was on her mind since yesterday, "Maybe, maybe.."

Her mother kept hugging her and stroking her hair. They both sat in silence and peace, enjoying each other's company. Y/n couldn't help but think of that magician and his offer.

Maybe if she did learn magic from him, she could be paid to entertain people in theatres, and she could stop stealing and gain money to help the people in the underground in a less shameless way.

Maybe. It's all just a thought.

 It's all just a thought

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