Chapter 10- Identity

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"Is it too tight?"

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"Is it too tight?"

"It's alright.."

Lyney, Lynette, and Y/n were sitting on a couch, still inside the opera house, and still under the watch of many Gardes. Lyney was gently wrapping a bandage around her head, after they had just disinfected the cut.

"How did this even happen..?" Lyney asked then tied the bandage at the end. He looked down and let out a sigh, he still was pretty shaken up by what happened.

"Lyney! Lynette! Oh! And Y/n too!" Paimon's squeaky voice called out, and the three turned to face the Traveler and Paimon.

Y/n looked to the side, trying to avert her gaze from them. Lynette immediately took note of this, and took Lyney's hat off of his head.

"H-Hey! Lynette, what are you-?"

Rosseland popped out of Lyney's hat and jumped onto Y/n's face, giving her a big hug.

Lyney couldn't help but chuckle slightly, then he turned his attention back to the Traveler and Paimon who were also smiling at what just happened, "Sorry about everything that happened just now, were you frightened?"

"Of course, who wouldn't be after witnessing an accident like that?" 

"Yeah, I'm still a little shaken up myself... How could this happen? And poor Cowell..." Lyney sighed softly, rubbing his forehead, "I know you already claimed to defend me, but now it's just us talking... Tell me, do you think I could be the murderer?"

"No." The Traveler shook their head and said ever so bluntly. Lyney smiled a little, glad to have their trust.

"Good to hear... Thank you so much for trusting me.."

Meanwhile, Y/n was trying to gently take Rosseland off her face without hurting it, but the cat refused to let go. Lynette was just stiffling a giggle as she watched their antics, and left the Traveler and Lyney to converse with each other.

"We need to find out how this happened. And if someone did tamper with my preformance, we need to know what they did" 

"It is strange, that's for sure" The Traveler stated, rubbing their chin with their finger, and thinking about what could've happened.

"Which is precisely why we need to investigate! As this book says, ahem, 'The impossible could not have happened. Whatever happened must have been that which is possible'!" Paimon said as she pulled out detective glasses-and-moustache toy set and put them on.

"Aaaaand where did you get these glasses?" The Traveler deadpanned at Paimon.

"Paimon bought them when we were reading at the bookshop in the city earlier! Pretty cool, huh?"

"I think they look cute on you, Paimon" Lynette smiled, and Y/n just put Rosseland down in her lap, but the cat was just craving affection from her.

"You have good taste, Lynette!"

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