Chapter 2- Lyney

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"That's all?" Y/n sighed

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"That's all?" Y/n sighed. 

She was sitting on a bench, counting the mora she got today. She sighed and melted in her seat, this was by far the worse way to gain mora, but since she was an undergrounder, it was almost impossible for her to find a proper job.

She took the mora and threw the wallet into the garbage bin, while she tiredly stared up at blue sky.

Y/n was so tired and she was mesmerized by the beautiful sky to notice someone sitting next to her. 

The person did not utter a word, and in fact, they seemed amused by how spaced out she was.

"Still at it, I see?" the person said which caused Y/n immediately sit up in her spot and look at them.

"WHEN DID YOU GET HERE-?!" She yelped then looked at the person who was smiling at her. Her eyes widened slightly as she recognized him to be the magician she crossed paths with a few days ago.

He just tilted his head and smiled at her, not uttering a single word to her.

She sweatdropped, "D-don't just look at me like that.. What do you want? Here to get your wallet back?"

"No, no, not at all. I said you can keep it, didn't I? I mean my word" He stated then leaned back into his seat.

"Then? What do you want?" She asked, dumbfounded by his mere precsence next to her.

"I wanted to get your answer," He then turned to face her, "On whether you would like me to teach you magic or not"

"You still remember that? You see, I just can't-"
"Entertainers such as magicians get paid well in Fontaine."

She was surprised by his sudden statement. It was as if he had read her mind.

Y/n was now intrigued, "On a scale of one to ten? One being me right now, ten being lawyers in Fontaine."

"Seven." He said, smirking slightly at her. Y/n's eyes widened and she gulped nervously.

But how long would this process take?

How long would it take for her to learn magic and start preforming on stage?

Could she really rely on those couple thousand mora she gets every sunday to help the people in the underground?

Y/n sighed, "I'll.. I'll think about it.."

"You'll think about it?" He laughed slightly. He moved his hand and grabbed Y/n's chin, forcing her to look at him, "Darling, this is a no-brainer. You're as good with your fingers as I am. Learning magic tricks shouldn't be a problem, I'm telling you, you'll be ready to preform on stage within a week."

A pink tint spread across her cheeks because of his bold move, but she still thought about his words, "Are you sure?"


Y/n didn't really know what to do, and she didn't want to do anything without consulting her mother first.

"I'll... I'll get back to you in a bit.." She mumbled as she got up from the bench and looked down at the magician, "I don't think I've caught your name, have I?"

He lifted his hat slightly before putting it back on his head, "Lyney."



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