Chapter 7- Rosseland

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Y/N stood on the side of the huge stage, watching Lyney who was standing and illuminated by the stage lights above

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Y/N stood on the side of the huge stage, watching Lyney who was standing and illuminated by the stage lights above. She looked out at the empty seats of the opera epiclese, that are yet to be filled with the audience.

Lyney took a deep breath, closing his eyes and focusing on his breathing. He slowly opened his eyes and began to rehearse for his performance. Meanwhile, Y/n and the others were checking the props and the stage, making sure everything is in place.

As they finish the preparations, Y/N can feel her nerves start to soothe. Things would probably go smoothly now that everything has been checked, and hopefully anything won't go wrong.

Lyney had just finished his rehearsal, as he looked down and let out a deep sigh. He went backstage, where Y/n was sitting down on the floor, screw driver in hand, and fixing the screws in order to make sure they don't give in mid-preformance.

He smiled slightly and quietly snuck up behind Y/n while she was so immersed with the object in her hand. 

With every step he took, his grin grew bigger and bigger, thinking, "Oh boy... I can't wait to see the look on her face-"
"Hi Lyney."

He anime fell, hearing his friend greeting him with the dullest tone he had ever heard, "Dear me.. How did you know I was there?" He pouted as he sat down, criss cross apple sauce, next to Y/n.

"I could feel a certain someone's gaze drilling into the back of my head" She mumbled then put the object and the screwdriver into Lyney's lap. She let out a loud sigh, "Everything should be ready now for your show... Don't mess it up."

Lyney chuckled and gave her cheek a little pinch, "Of course, I won't! Afterall, you'll be watching me from the front row, am I right~?"

"Who lied to you? I'm the one in charge of that box swapping trick," Her speech was muffled due to the fact Lyney was pinching her cheek.

"Ehh? Is that so?" He sulked again and Y/n just took his hat off and petted his head gently. He grabbed her arms, and continued his sulking session on her shoulder.

She smiled and rubbed his back, "Don't be so down, I'll be watching most of your show."
"But you won't see the best part of it~!!"

"You can show me some other time, you know" Y/n said then Lyney sat up properly and let go of her shoulder. He sniffed a little, "Yeah.. You're right.."

He got up and gave Y/n's hair a quick ruffle before turning around and walking back out, in order to not disturb anyone anymore.

Lyney sighed then immediately smirked to himself as he walked over to his dear sister, Lynette, deciding that it's a good time to annoy her.

While Y/n was attatching the object she was fixing earlier back onto the box, one of Lyney's other assistants came up to her, "Hello? Are you by any chance Ms. Y/n?"

She turned to the man and put her screwdriver down, "Who's asking?" 

"My apologies for not introducing myself earlier, I'm Cowell." The old-looking man said as Y/n just blankly stared at him, while being awfully on guard.

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