Chapter 8- Chase

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The sounds of Y/n's boots clicked against the hardwood floor of the opera house. She kept looking around the place, turning her head left and right, but to no avail.

Y/n sighed a little then looked down at Rosseland, who was dangling from her arms, and Rosseland looked up at her.

Rosseland mewed a little before licking the tip of Y/n's nose.

"Damn okay," Y/n blushed, "You little flirt."

Rosseland let out a small sound that would be mistaken for a human's chuckle, but it remained hanging from Y/n's arms as they went backstage, looking for Lyney.


"Miss Y/n? What are you doing here?" Cowell asked, getting up on his feet from his crouching position and putting down the screwdriver he had in his hand.

Y/n's eyes darted to the side, looking at Cowell, before turning her head to completely face him, "Did you see Lyney?"

Cowell was caught a bit off guard by the sudden question, "Y-yes, he should be..." he pointed towards the stage's direction, "...there."

"Okay then" She said blankly and then her gaze shifted towards the stage.

Her eyes slowly wandered back to what Cowell was doing, 'Why is he so active around the stage..?'


"What is it?"

She extended a hand of hers to Cowell, "How about I take over that? You've been working hard today, let me help."

Her face was blanker than it could possibly ever be, her tone was dull, however, it was not threatening in the slightest.

"It's okay, I can do it myself-"
"No, no, I insist"

He shook his head, "It's fine."

Y/n put Rosseland down, and pulled something out of her pocket.

A bottle of purplish liquid.

She held it up to Cowell's face, "I know what you are..."

Cowell's eyes grew wide, and before Y/n could finish her sentence, he slapped her hand, causing the vial to fly out of her hand and shatter on the floor, spilling the liquid.

She was so flabbergasted by what just happened, that it took her a hot second to notice Cowell getting up and sprinting away from her.

"H-Hey!" She shouted, immediately turning around and running after him.

She ran down the backstage steps, chasing after him through the service corridors.

"Tch-! Where did that- Where the hell did he go?!" She cursed under her breath, agitated by Cowell and his disappearance.

She looked around the reception of the Opera Epiclese, her head turning right and left.

'He couldn't have went upstairs... I didn't hear any footsteps going up... ' She thought to herself, slowly walking up the stairs, and quietly panting for air.

Y/n scanned the place quickly with her two eyes, but then her ear perked up at the sound of boots clicking against the floor in a hurry.

A small gasp escaped her lip, looking back towards the source of the voice, and her eyes widened upon seeing Cowell run out of the Opera house's doors.

Before she could properly think of what to do, her legs were already running and sprinting after him, 'Shit shit shit...! If he gets out, I won't be able to find him... The crowd outside is too large!!'

Y/n burst out of the main enterance, slightly pausing for a second to check which way he went, but once her eyes caught sight of him, she raced after him again.

Her breath coming in shallow gasps, Y/n arrived to the back of the Opera Epiclese.

The moment she saw the great lake in front of her, she lost track of him. Y/n walked around, catching her breath, but also remaining wary of her surroundings.

"Where.. Where did he..?" She mumbled, her breath slowly getting more stable.

All of a sudden, she found herself collapsing onto the floor.


She fell, her head hitting the concrete hard, and her breath is knocked out of her

Y/n's vision was blurry, all she could make out was a man standing next to her, holding something in their hands.

Her eyes fluttered shut, and darkness encroached on her vision. The last thing she heard before losing her consiousness was the sound of a man grunting and a faint whisper, "Serves you right.."

Laughs in has 50% of the plot ready but was stuck on this part for 3 weeks bcuz I didn't know what to do at the Y/n and Cowell interaction

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Laughs in has 50% of the plot ready but was stuck on this part for 3 weeks bcuz I didn't know what to do at the Y/n and Cowell interaction.

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