Chapter 3- Sweet

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"Here you go

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"Here you go.." Y/n mumbled softly, wrapping a blanket around her mother. She sat down next to her and lit up a match, then threw it onto the rusty iron barrel, and added some fresh firewood to let it burn and provide some heat.

Y/N is sitting on the ground, their back propped up against a wall. It's dark and chilly, and the sound of dripping water echoes around them.

They take a deep breath and reach for a couple sticks and some twigs. With a striking motion, Y/N lights the kindling in the middle of the small pile. The fire ignites, licking hungrily at the dry kindling. The scent of burning leaves fills the air, and Y/N watches the flames flicker and dance around the wood as she smiles. 

"This will provide some light and warmth," she muttered before settling back into the ground, content with her makeshift fire.

"Thank you.." Her mom said, and Y/n simply replied with a nod.

"Did you take your medicine while I was out?" Y/n asked, looking at her mom worriedly. 

She smiled and nodded slightly at her daughter, "You look like you have something on your mind, dear..."

Y/n just let out a small carefree laugh, "Remember when you said that I'd make a good magician? Well... I was just offered to be one..."

She was fiddling with her fingers, looking down at her hands with a slight blush on her face. Her mom suddenly held her chin and gently made Y/n face her. Her mother had such a soft and sweet smile on her face.

"That's great, dear... But.."

Y/n's smile slightly faded once she heard the 'but', "But..?"

"Don't become a magician if you don't want to... I know I brought up the idea, but if you don't want to be one..."

Y/n held her mom's two hands, "No, no, no! I want to! Don't worry, mom! I've also been told that the pay is great, so just wait..." Y/n said in a both stern and soft tone of voice, "I'll become a magician, and I'll get us out of here! I'll prove your innocence and I'll get him banished instead!"

"I-I can also get you a new identity! We... We can go live in Liyue, just like how you wanted!" She smiled at her mother brightly, wanting to get back the dreams her mother once lost.

M/n's smile grew brighter before she eventually burst out into a soft laughter, "My dear... I'm glad I gave birth to you.."

Y/n smiled at her mom and gave her a kiss on her forehead, "I'm glad you gave birth to me!"

Y/n smiled at her mom and gave her a kiss on her forehead, "I'm glad you gave birth to me!"

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"M-Morning... Can I see Lyney?"

A girl was standing in front of Y/n, in the house's doorway, blinking a couple of times at her with a completely blank expression on her face. The girl had feline features and a mark under her eye that matched with Lyney's, "...You must be Y/n then."

Y/n's face went red, 'WHAT?! HOW CAN SOMEONE'S VOICE BE SO-' 

She seemed to have an internal panic attack while the girl stepped to the side, to let Y/n through, "Please, come in."

Y/n didn't waste a second and immediately followed the girl's every command, she walked quickly through the door. 

The girl closed the door behind them and let Y/n to the living room, where Lyney was sitting down on the couch and playing with his cards.

He spotted his sister walking in with Y/n, and his eyes went bright while a smirk slowly took over his face.

Lyney got up from his seat and gently took Y/n's hand in his, lifting it up to his face. He bowed down slightly before kissing her hand, "I'm glad that you decided to show up, Y/n~"

"Y-yeah.." She blushed to a great extent before her and Lyney sat down on the couch together. The other girl sat down in an armchair and was stirring her tea.

"I believe you've met my sister, Lynette, she's my wonderful assistant!" Lyney smiled in an ever-so-friendly manner, seemingly emitting a bright and warm aura.

Y/n nodded, mentally sighing in relief, 'So she isn't his girlfriend.. And the genes seem to be running strong in the family, eh..?'

Both Lyney and Lynette were dressed in home clothes, not their usual preforming attire, and that just made them so... cute.

Lyney then cleared his throat, "So! If you're here, that must mean that you accepted my offer, am I right?"

"Y-Yes... So, what exactly do I need to learn? And how long will it take?" Y/n asked with an eager tone of voice, seemingly wanting to get this done quickly

"Woah! Don't get too hasty there, beautiful!" Lyney let out a hearty laugh at Y/n's eagerness to get on stage as soon as possible. He grabbed her hand and kissed it, "Relax...~ Everything will go well.."

Lyney got up from his seat, "Now..." He looked at Y/n with a slight smirk, "Let us see just how good you are with those little hands of yours~"

" He looked at Y/n with a slight smirk, "Let us see just how good you are with those little hands of yours~"

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The livestream yesterday made me wanna just wait until 4.0 is out before I can keep writing this. I need to know what actually happens in fontaine before I start plotting out the rest of the story :P

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