Chapter 13- Je t'aime

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"But I do"

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"But I do"

Those three words- Those simple six letters- They were enough to make his heart skip a beat. They were enough to make his heart pound so harshly against his chest.

He cleared his throat, looking away from her as a pink hue spread over his cheeks, "You love me...? Which way are we talking about-? Romantic or platonic love-?"

Y/n shrugged, "I don't know."

It felt like an arrow shot through his heart. Not the good kind of arrow, not Cupid's arrow, but the type of arrow you get shot with when you recieve a fatal hit of emotional damage right at once.

"My heart pounds a lot around you, as if it is restless" She spoke up again, placing her hand ontop of her chest, "The first time I met you, it was also pounding really hard... But it's not the same"

Lyney's ear immediately perked up, and he got out of his sulking mood, getting more interested in what she was saying. He looked at her face and noticed how beautiful she looked in the dim lighting of the Fleuve Cendre, and how her eyes seemed to sparkle more than usual.

"I was scared the first time, but now, despite how my heart beats the same, it gives me a pleasant feeling." She mumbled, as her heart began to beat faster and faster for some reason.

Y/n didn't understand the reaction her body had to his mere presence; why her heart was so restless, why she always found herself caring about him, why she always had the urge to hold him.

Did love have different forms?

She loved her mom, Lynette, Freminet, and many other people in her life. 

So why is it that Lyney recieved a different kind of love?

"I just... I guess I love you..." 


"I shouldn't have said that, have I-?"

Y/n looked back to him, though her hand kept her face slightly covered. The first thing she noticed was how red and flustered he looked. 

Once he noticed she was looking at him, he took his hat off his head, and covered his face with it, which just made Y/n even more confused as to what was going on.

As flirty and charming Lyney appears to be for everyone who has ever laid eyes upon him, he actually is clueless on how to deal with real feelings.

Though he was overjoyed right now that she loves him back, and wanted to hold her, spoil her, and kiss her all over, he was also terrified of his own feelings. He didn't want to hurt the only person who immediately accepted him for who he was. 

He loved her.

Way too much.

He then gently held her hand and brought it up to his mouth, placing a soft kiss on each of her knuckles. Lyney then put her hand on his cheek, and squeezed it, melting into her touch.

"I love you too much to say yes to that..."

He whispered hoarsly, his eyes sparkling by just looking at her. Y/n's face had become even more red due to his sudden acts of affection, but she liked it too much to say anything against it.

 Y/n's face had become even more red due to his sudden acts of affection, but she liked it too much to say anything against it

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Been slow burning with my best friend for two years and still nothing happened so I refuse to write slow burns 😒 /hj

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