Chapter 12- Tu m'aimes?

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"Now, now, watch your step" Y/n warned, getting off the last ladder step and took a small hop onto the water pipe

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"Now, now, watch your step" Y/n warned, getting off the last ladder step and took a small hop onto the water pipe.

Lyney was right behind her, and he followed her every step, "You said you wanted to show me something, didn't you?"

She just murmured out a small "mhm" and continued walking on the pipe. Y/n eventually reached even more ladders, and motioned for Lyney to hurry up.

Upon seeing even more ladders, Lyney frowned and slightly grumbled, but yet made no argument against it.

"Y/n... how much more..?" Lyney sighed, following along, and he noticed Y/n's hand extended out to him.

"Just these last few steps" She said, looking down at him. He then sighed in relief then took her hand, and Y/n helped him up.

"What's the big deal anyways?" Lyney asked, seeing her sit down and smile, she patted the spot next to her, inviting him to sit down with her.

"Nothing, just a nice view" Y/n answered, as Lyney carefully walked over to her. He slowly sat down next to her, their legs both dangling down from the water pipes that they're sitting on.

The moment Lyney looked down at the main area of the fleuve cendre, his eyes immediately sparkled and lit up.

"W...What a beautiful sight.." He murmured out, Y/n smiling at him while doing so.

The golden lights sparkled all across the area, lighting up the underground darkness in which it was engulfed in. It was truly a sight to behold, as both Lyney and Y/n were cracking the most sincere and adorable smiles.

"I used to take my mom here back when I was little... I was extremely frail, but the fleuve cendre was always so small that there was no way for me to really exhaust myself.."

"Did you live here your whole life?"

"For as long as I can remember, yes... The first time I've seen the outside world was just a few years ago.." Y/n mumbled, her eyes sparkling due to the reflection of the lights, "Just a few ladder steps were enough to tire me out completely"

"Now you climb those ladders up and down a few times daily" Lyney chuckled, slightly leaning back, and using his arms to prop him up.

"You can say I kind of pushed through the pain? Even though it really messed me up..." Her smile slowly faded, ""My father... He's the reason me and my mom ended up like this.."

His ear perked up, then he quickly turned to face Y/n, waiting for her to further explain.

"A long time ago, before I was born, my parents were so deeply in love... Until my father did something so, so goddamn stupid, and that landed him in court" She sighed, looking down

"He just.. framed my mother for the crime he comitted. I mean, is it not easy to frame someone, who is so clueless, and happens to live in the same house as you? My mother stood trial, and my father was the prosecutor. He forged fake evidence, and chose his words closely. And with that, my mother ended up in the fortress, a few months pregnant with me.."

"It was a miracle I even survived. After three years, my mother left the fortress holding my hand, but none of her family welcomed her back. The only place we could be in safely was the fleuve cendre, where the Spina took care of us"

"And that bastard... he just moved on as if nothing happened. He remarried, and is now successful, and he did not even think of lending a hand to the poor woman he framed" Y/n chuckled, her fists clenching, "And that's the exact same thing I will do to him. I will land him in that place for a lifetime... I will frame him, I will make him go through the same thing my mom did.."

Despite all the light reflecting onto her eyes from below, they were lightless, empty, revengeful, and on top of all, heartbroken.

That made his heart ache in pain.

Then Y/n suddenly shook her head, "Enough of this talk, that's not why I brought you here today for"

"Hm?" Lyney tilted his head, "You didn't want a heartfelt conversation with your favorite magician?"

Y/n chuckled, "No, not really, it just slipped out of my mouth I guess.. I wanted to tell you something-"

"Please don't say you love me"

"Please don't say you love me"

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