Chapter 9- Red

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She slowly opened her eyes, but still was overwhelmed by the light she was exposed to.

"Ly.. Lyney.." Y/n mumbled in a hoarse voice, trying to push herself up onto her feet. 

However, a piercing pain in her head said "Ah-Ah-Ah~" with a finger wiggle, and completely making her arms give in and causing her to collapse again.

She grunted softly, and let out a slight sigh as she was laying there. Her hand slowly moved up to the back of her head, caressing it, and feeling that her entire head was wet.

She moved her hand back and looked at it. The only thing her blurry vision was letting her make out of the liquid on her hand is that it was red.

Her breath hitched, and only one thing remained in her mind that was hogging her; Lyney's magic show probably started already.

"Lyney..--!" Y/n gasped, immediately trying to get up on her feet. She failed once, twice, and third time, she leaned all her weight on the wall, and used it as support to walk.

She slowly was able to make her way from the back to the main gate, where the large crowd had disappeared. Her breath was shallow, and she wasn't able to think properly, all from because of the thought of something happening to Lyney or Lynette during their magic show.

That thought alone made Y/n panic.


Slowly made her way through the main enterance.


Walked past the Melusines who were very concerned for her, but Y/n chose to ignore them for now.


And through the doors that lead to the stage and the audience seats.

(both cutscenes btw)

She felt all the color draining from her upon witnessing the glass tank fall onto the wooden box.

Y/n halted in her tracks, her eyes wide, and her breathing unstable out of shock. She slowly turned to face Lyney, who was standing in the middle of the pathway between the audience seats.

Everyone's gaze was on Lyney, but he particularly felt hers. He immediately turned around to face her, and made eye contact with her.

Those eyes of hers were so terrified.




She looked like a scared child.

And that was enough to shatter his heart into pieces.

"Is this... part of a show? Mr. Lyney, you're going to use magic to fix the stage now, right?" An excited audience member said, turning to Lyney with a little confused smile.

Lyney looked as pale as a ghost, and he did not dare utter out a single sound.

Suddenly, a voice shouted out, Neuvilette's voice, "This preformance is over! Medical staff, with me! Gardes, secure the scene and detain all preformers! Seal the exits, no one is allowed in or out at this time!"

Suddenly, a voice shouted out, Neuvilette's voice, "This preformance is over! Medical staff, with me! Gardes, secure the scene and detain all preformers! Seal the exits, no one is allowed in or out at this time!"

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