Chapter 6- Flutter

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"How many times do I have to tell you

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"How many times do I have to tell you..." 

Lyney gulped as he saw the furious and murderous aura emerging from his dear friend. She was wrapping his ankle with bandages... roughly.

"-Ow! Y/n, it h-"
"Are you complaining?"

He shuddered, sensing her muderous intent , "N-no, ma'am.."

Lynette was sitting next to her brother with her rare so-done-with-lyney face.

Live footage of Lyney tripping and spraining his ankle:

Live footage of Lyney tripping and spraining his ankle:

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Art by Pawnyao

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Art by Pawnyao

"How did this even happen?!" Y/n sighed. The aquabus's atmosphere was lively and cheerful as the Traveler and the pink-haired journalist from the Steambird were chatting their hearts away.

Lyney gave her a sweet closed eye smile and a blep, "I may or may not were attempting to catch a thief while you were gone getting us tickets for the aquabus"

Y/n's eyebrows arched up. He was trying to do what now?

"Ooookaaaaaaayyy..." She trailed off for a second, ", um.."

Lyney smiled softly at her then flicked her forehead, as she was still kneeling down and bandaging his ankle, "My, butterfingers, don't you look a bit... unsettled by that?"

"Pft- I don't know what you're trying to say" She turned away and tightly jerked the bandage, in order to purposly cause him more pain.

"EEK- Okay okay! I'm sorry!" He grunted in pain and then sighed. He leaned in to whisper something in her ear, "You're mean, you know that, deary?"

"Don't ever talk about that again... Why else do you think I'm here with you?"

Lyney just had dot eyes, then he rubbed his index and middle finger with his thumb, basically saying 'Mora'

She sweatdropped, "That is part of it, yes- But! Mostly because I want to leave that life behind, Lyney!"

He did a "oooooooohhhhh" and smiled, "Well, be sure to do your best. I'll help support you in any way possible"

"Why so nice? We met less than two weeks ago..."
"But we're friends, are we not?"

His kind and sincere smile melted her heart.

She felt her heart flutter and her stomach doing the thing.



'I think I'll warm up to that concept soon enough.'

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This chapter was written in honor of the pretty new book cover

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This chapter was written in honor of the pretty new book cover. 

Omg hes so adorable i cant- 😭

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