Chapter 4- Coffee Breath

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"Not smooth enough, butter fingers! I can see you struggling to hide the card!" 

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"Not smooth enough, butter fingers! I can see you struggling to hide the card!" 

Y/n let out a huff and tried again, but somehow she managed to mess it up even more, "AAAAH! THIS DOESN'T SEEM POSSIBLE! IT'S ANNOYING!"

Lyney was sitting across the couch from Y/n with a cup of coffee in his hands. He sipped his coffee, looking entertained while watching Y/n's failure.

"Come on, you must be better with this. You're a thief after all. Where did all those smooth fingers go, dear?" Lyney laughed at his own words while he kept watching Y/n's frustration with a soft smile on his face.

Y/n sighed then she glared at Lyney from the corner of her eye. She put her index and middle finger close together and swiftly moved them in a swiping movement, a wallet immediately appearing in her hands, "This yours?"

Lyney blinked once.

Then twice.

And again.

And then he started laughing light-heartedly, "Oh dear, I take that back. You're still great,"

She gave him an annoyed look, and she went back to trying to practice her card tricks.

Lyney propped his arm up on the arm rest and rested his face in his palm, quietly watching his new friend trying to learn tricks without that much of progress made.

"Hmm... You did well learning every single trick I taught you so far, but it appears you're not so good with card tricks.."

"I don't know how to say this to you, but I'm not that broke that I need to learn ca-"
"But you still need it nonetheless~"

Lyney was smiling so sweetly and he was emitting a bright and warm aura while Y/n just... deadpaned at him.

"That won't help, Lyney," Y/n stated then Lyney's warm aura disappeared. He put a hand on his chin and he thought for a little.

"You sure?"


Lyney stared at Y/n's hand as she practiced over and over again. Her hands looked soft, and they had a bunch of scars on them. Lyney couldn't help but frown a little, yet he made no comments about it.

They both stayed quiet.

For an extremely long time.

And by extremely long time, I do mean extremely long time.

Lyney was resting his eyes with a coffee mug set down in his lap while Y/n stayed sitting next to him, still practing her card tricks. 



"Can I please do anything other than cards?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, anything other than cards please... They're too thin to work with.." Y/n huffed as she dropped the cards onto the coffee table.

Lyney smiled at her and just yawned, "Alright, alright... Say, how about you be one of my assistants for my upcoming magic show?"

"Your magic show..? So soon?" Y/n asked in surprise then Lyney just got up and picked up the cards from the coffee table and started playing around with them.

"Yes, oh don't worry, you won't have that much of a major role. You'll be tagging along just to see how things will go for us in the future, okay?" Lyney said softly as he took Y/n's hand in his and gave it the teeniest of tiniest of smooches~

Y/n blushed slightly and sighed at his antics, "I get it, I get it.."

Lyney smiled and let go of her hand, "It will be two days from now, and you'll be half way through your magic training! So that means that next time we have a show, we'll give Lynette a small break and you'll be my wonderful assisstant instead~"

"So? Where are you going to preform this time? Just in the streets or at Hotel Debord?" Y/n mumbled and rubbed her hands together, and a small white dove appeared in her arms. She patted it for a second before letting it fly out the window.

"Ohohohoho! You think that lowly of me, Lyney, the greatest magician in Teyvat? I must say I feel extremely-"
"You talk as if you preform anywhere else."

Lyney immediately started sulking and Lynette was just giving him a few comforting pats on the back. Lyney cleared his throat and stood straight again.

"I will be preforming at the Opera Epiclse in a few days! For the first time!"

Y/n was a bit surprised and gave him a small applaude, happy for him. He was extremely excited by the looks of it, and she didn't want to put his mood down.

Y/n smiled softly at him, his enthusiasum was contagious. She may have been a thief almost since birth, yet she really never wished misfortune to befall anyone.

"Well then, good luck... I hope all will go well"

 I hope all will go well"

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I hated drawing his braids

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I hated drawing his braids.

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