Last Chapter Words through Marriage

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Slowly Haruka open her eyes and saw everyone who keep waiting for her to wake up and also a smile to their faces then Haruka remember.
"(Sit up) what happen to my mom and dad?!" Haruka said.
"Geez... Haruka calm down Mr. And Mrs. Ozawa-san were fine Yuki save them remember and besides try to asked how long have been out then we would say almost 1 week." Miki said.
Haruka quite a bit shock as she heard almost one week then she mile to them.
"Thank you... For waiting... (Then they smile at her back then Haruka notice her son) where is Yuki?" Haruka asked.
"Eh!... He was here earlier Ozawa-san I thought his with me I didn't notice he left... I'm sorry." Seira said.
Then Haruka notice the necklace and giggled then Seira look at her questionable and Haruka look at her and smile.
"You look good on it and I'm happy you took care it for me thank you Seira-chan." Haruka said.
Seira couldn't hide her blushing face and bowed to her then the room field with lively of laugh and excitement as for Yuki as he watch them he smiled and went out for a bit and found his father standing their as he feel the breeze of air.
"Mom is already woke up." Yuki said.
"... I see..." Yakumo replied.
Yuki quite understand her mother now and he sighed as he stand to the other side of pole.
"Mom sometimes compare me to you... I was angry and I don't want to believe it at first because I never saw you or even talk to you for me your dead that time but for her you are more than that I knew I'm not the one who tell you this but... Dad... Mom, she may be airhead or stupid or anything you called her but the only thing she want is to be by your side." Yuki said.
Yakumo look at him and smile and patted his head as he did to that time (chapter 15).
"You know what... I couldn't help myself to do this after all I'm not their for you... Yuki you were more like your mother than me because you had the passionate and also the positive out look of what you really want I saw you as your mother more." Yakumo said.
Yakumo smile and left then Gotou-san wife call Yakumo, Yuki lower his head just hide his red face Seira notice it she went to him and Yuki didn't want to turn so Seira went in front of him and hug him.
"(Shock) w-what are doing?" Yuki asked.
"Nothing... I just want to do this... Is it bad to do this?" Seira asked.
Yuki slowly accept Seira and hug her back.
"" Yuki said.
Gotou-san wife talk to Yakumo about for Haruka, Gotou-san wife told him everything and also the nurse who examine Haruka told Gotou-san what just Haruka told her
"She only followed her for some reason Haruka couldn't want to take your heavy burden to more she knew it is a bad idea but she think the child best way because she knew this is that man want to make Yakumo fell in despair and hatred to himself and she don't want it so even she could hurt him at least he can forget about me because I knew Yakumo doesn't have a feeling for me she said that but (she look to Yakumo) is it true that you don't have any feelings for Haruka?" Gotou-san wife asked.
Yakumo look at her and he look down as he was hesitate to say anything but Gotou-san wife pat him at the back.
"Well at least tell her (they were at the front door) Haruka has been waiting for you earlier and she even think that you might angry and scold her again but (Gotou-san really felt depressed for both of them) Yakumo why don't you just tell her your feelings she been..."
Before she could say that word Yjumo bow at her
"*knock-knock* (heard from inside saying come in Yakumo bowed to Gotou-san wife and he went in but she heard this to Yakumo) thank you." Yakumo said.
Yakumo gave Gotou-san a heart warming smile and went inside Haruka who standind at the side looking outside from the window and turn
"Well I don't know Miki how long are you going to wait me... (Surprised) Y-yakumo?!" Haruka said.
Yakumo look at her Haruka don't know what say her heart is not ready yet and she felt a little bit embarrassing just to see Yakumo as she tried to go back on her own to her bed she slip and almost fall buy Yakumo grab her.
"S-sorry! And thank you I can manage on my own now." Haruka said.
Yakumo sighed and suddenly he carried Haruka just like a princess and take her to bed but Haruka would like to take her down because it was embarrassing for her but
"If you don't like to drop you just keep quite." Yakumo said.
Haruka stop moving she look away but she tried to sneak what kind of face does he made and it was surprised her it is the first time Yakumo made those expression.
"What should I do Yakumo is angry and ... And .. No way does he knew everything?!" Haruka thought.
Yakumo put him down but gently then Haruka thought that Yakumo would scold her but instead he sighed and stare at her then.
"How long are you hiding it from me?" Yakumo asked.
"Uhm.... H-hide?!... ... (She try to sneak at her and found him staring at him back then he sighed again) okay!... I'm sorry I hide it from you because .... Because (tears dropping from her eyes ).... Because... I was scared and that time .... That time when I told you if... If... If I was pregnant with your child what would you react but instead.... Instead... Instead *hic* you didn't say anything so I ... I run away just to hide from you but I didn't want Yuki would feel alone and felt uneasy because you were not there and I know it was I fault... But... But..."
Before she continue to say anything Yakumo hug her and tight.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry (when Haruka heard this she felt more to cry so she let it out while hugging Yakumo) I do really sorry... Haruka..." Yakumo said.
Haruka couldnt stop her tears as if it was trying to let it out for so long so a minute latter Yakumo wipe the other tears in her eyes then slowly Haruka giggled.
"(Curious) what's wrong? Why are you giggling." Yakumo asked.
"Tehee!... That because it is the first time too see you like this so cute." Haruka said.
When Haruka giggled again then suddenly Yakumo hug her again and this time it was more tight than before.
"Yakumo? What's wrong?" Haruka asked.
"Haruka... Haruka... This time I won't make a mistake again and this time (Yakumo move away and took her left hand to her ring finger and put the ring on it Haruka was so surprised and it felt like that Haruka would like to ask but Yakumo add) this time I want you to be with me... I know it might be stupid to say this but I love you... I truly loved you for so long... Haruka marry me... Marry me." Yakumo said.
Yakumo look at her and looks like that Haruka was in tears again then suddenly she hugged Yakumo.
"Yes... Yes, I'll marry you no matter how many times do I have to say it Yes is always Yes!" Haruka said.
Haruka broke down into tears again then Yakumo kissed her and Yakumo put his head to hers and also his nose and both of them smile Yuki who were watching them slowly closed the door and hr smile them Miki who went out to buy some drinks.
"Oh... Yuki going out? (Yuki sighed and drag her away from that door then he notice a sign board so he took and right something and put it at the door knob Miki who still don't have any clue at the waiting area or living room Yuki sat down then Gotou-san and his wife and others who were there waiting for Yuki to say anything then he sighed and look at them.
"Yes..." Yuki said.
Then suddenly they were so overjoyed and clapping and hugging, Miki who still doesn't have any clue asked.
"What's going on? Yuki drag me here and sat down then he only said yes you were like oh!... Wow... Then as if someones getting married." Miki said.
Seira stood up and whisper to Miki what was the meaning when Yuki said yes when after she said it everything Miki then she look at them and sighed to that why then she pause and suddenly.
"M-MARRIAGE?!... when that happened? I mean when did Yakumo asked Haruka for marriage?" Miki asked.
"Well just right after you left... Sorry Miki-chan." Gotou-san wife said.
Miki puoted and then all of them laugh at the same time Yuki stood up and went out Gotou-san notice even Seira so Gotou-san tap her and gave her a sign to go where he went so Seira bowed and follow Yuki.
"It seems you made something romantic." His wife said.
"Hmm... I was just looking to the same person who also like them." Gotou-san replied.
"You were thinking about Yakumo-kun and Haruka-chan?" His wife asked.
"Yeah... (Almost teary) I just want those two to tell their own feelings." Gotou-san said.
His wife put her hand to the other side of him as she lay her head to his shoulder.
"Yes... I know that but anata don't forget you are still Nao-chan father after all and also Yakumo's guardian you also promise to be their guardian until they have their family we need to let them go." His wife said.
He look at her wife and smile with a bit tears in his eyes.
"I know... And I'm happy just to see them grow and had their own dreams." Gotou-san said.
Outside Seira notice Yuki that he was talking to someone and as she close by suddenly Yuki turn at her and smile.
"It was my aunt Ayaka... Mom's twin sister she was just telling me that her work was done and she can leave peacefully without worrying Mom." Yuki said.
"I see... So you think you can be close to Saito-san?" Seira asked.
He look away and as he feel the breeze then he remember what his father said when they trying to save Haruka and he smiled.
"Hmm... (Seira look curious as she stare at and Yuki was smiling as for Seira, she would like to asked but Yuki add) maybe I had their personality that's why I'm like this right?! (When he saw Seira face look dumbfound Yuki found himself hugging Seira) I won't be the person you think I may be but Seira all I need is I want you to be with me." Yuki said.
"(Surprise) a-are you... Proposing to me?" Seira asked.
Yuki let her go turn away as he hide his embarrassment just to say those word then Seira giggled.
"(She move her fave to gave Yuki a kiss to his kiss and went back to her position Yuki look at as she was smiling and saying) OK... I love that *smile*." Seira said.
Yuki look away again as his face turn more red and as he was holding Seira's hand and slowly they were both smiling.

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