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It was been 2 yrs. From suffering and dramas so Yuki and Seira were already a collage students and Yakumo and Haruka living together in Yakumo's apartment and Haruka's apartment she give it already to Yuki (chapter3). Gotou-san and his wife were living happily, Nao-chan graduate from collage as speech especialist from those who had a conditions like hers and also she already had a boyfriend, Makoto-san and Iishi-san had a first born girl and she is 1yr old now and her name is Sakura-chan because she was born on Sakura Festival that is why they name her like that then other who close to them had a wonderful life and also Yuki and Yakumo were partners from investigating crimes and also those who died or missing for so long.
Seira run as fast as she can to went to a place then as she arrive she was searching for her and she was sitting at the fountain.
"Ah... I'm sorry... I'm sorry (she look at her and she was smiling but ) I am truly sorry Yuki should be with you but that guy really he didn't understand his own mother at all besides Auntie he already knew that your pregnant to your second child right?" Seira asked.
"*giggled* I see I'm sorry Seira-chan that Yuki did something like that but well they were father and son right now and only for investigating is their only way to talk to much up until now both of them seems so awkward to talk... And also Yakumo didn't knew that I was having twins." Haruka said.
"*surprise * twins?!... Does Yuki knew about it?" Seira asked.
Haruka smile to Seira as if she was telling her secret no one should know about it especially Yakumo but suddenly Haruka's stomach hurts.
"Ngh!...." Holding her tummy and it was also Haruka would almost drop to her feet and Seira notice it.
"Are you okay Auntie? (Worried) come seat here... (She notice that Haruka almost out of breath then Seira did was taking her pulse and tried to make her calm) Auntie listen to me okay... Your pulse is fast and also you've been sweating to hard I'll call some ambulance okay please hold to my hand for while so that you feel safe." Seira said.
Seira is a nurse helping someone is her specialist but because she was still first year of the last sem it really hard for her to take this by herself, she finished call an ambulance then suddenly Haruka felt the pain again and she collapse.
"Aunt Haruka!... (The medical came taking Haruka to the hospital Seira also came Seira saw how painful she felt and it deeply little scared for Seira because it shouldn't happen because Haruka is almost giving birth at the hospital who which Harukas doctor quite shock.
"How could this happen... (The doctor examin her and trying to analysis it seems her water is almost broke) this is not good take her to the private room for a while... (Then she turn to Seira) you must be...?" She asked.
"Uhm... I'm her son's girlfriend Seira... Hanabe, Seira." Seira said.
"I see... Are you a nurse? (Seira nod but she would like to asked then the doctor told her) because of that (she was trying to say her I.D) Seira... I want you to call Mrs. Saito-san husband or someone to her family right now." She said.
"Wait!!! Please tell me?" Seira said.
The doctor look at her and she sighed.
"Mrs. Saito, her due date must be on next month and half a week but it seems we had an early child birth." She said.
"That means Auntie is only 8 and half month yet she's going to give birth?!... Why so sudden?!" She asked.
"It was only natural sometimes early sometimes they complete the nine months do even you said that its an abnormal birth but its not (then her secretary nurse came and whisper to her something) I see... Hanabe-san please call her husband now." She said.
Seira called Yakumo but no one answer then she tried to call Yuki but still the same he didn't answer so she got nervous at all so then she called Gotou-san.
"Gotou-san.... Gotou-san... Please answer the phone..." Seira thought.
Then she thought that it no use then it stop ringing and Gotou-san answered.
["Oh... Hanabe-chan you called... What's wrong?" Gotou-san asked.]
"Gotou-san... Uhm... Is uncle (Yakumo) in there? Or even Yuki?" Seira asked.
["Yeah... But they still at the ground investigation." Gotou-san said.]
"Umh... (She don't know what to do) umh... Ah!... (Then a nurse came and whisper to her something) WHAT!... AUNTIE IS IN ALMOST IN LABOR!... What to do?... (Then she remember that she talking to Gotou-san) Gotou-san! Please tell those stupid Father and son to come here at the hospital... Right now!... Because Auntie is going to labor!" Seira said.
Gotou-san little bit don't quite understand as he went back to the ground investigation then he understand he run and he even fall then the other investigation group laugh at him Yakumo and Yuki who almost finished stare at him.
"Gotou bear stop playing around will you we need to find the other body." Yakumo said.
"Yeah... Some of them keep saying that their body was hidden to somewhere more darker place." Yuki said.
"I see that maybe somewhere have abandoned storage house or somewhere not easy to find those body." Yakumo said.
As both of them still keep talking Gotou-san already had enough to both of them.
"Geez! Could you at least stop talking about that and listen to me for a while or at least hear me out." Gotou-san said.
Both of them look at him and the other one said.
"So why are you so angry D. Gotou...? Is it because you got embarras to us?" He said.
"I think so too." The other one said.
Then all if them laughing Gotou-san had enough and stand straight and shout at them and all of them had his attention.
"Stupid ha!... All of you go back to your station and investigate and you two." Gotou-san said.
Both of them look at him
"What about us?" Yuki asked.
"I was going to say that your mother also your wife(he was looking to Yakumo when he said his wife)."
"What about Haruka." Yakumo said.
"She's giving birth today! (Looking to Yuki) your girlfriend called me because your phone and even your father she couldn't even contact!..." Gotou-san said.
All of them staring to this father and son then Yakumo grab his coat and went to his car but before he went.
"Yuki call your grandparents I'll go to your Mon." Yakumo said.
"Hmm... I'll go after... Dad look after she might got nervous again." Yuki said.
"I know." Yakumo said.
Both of them separate Yakumo already left and went to the hospital then Yuki went to the other group and took his phone then left Gotou-san who stay alone had something to say.
"Does Yakumo knew where was that Hospital? Ahh... I don't care I'll call my wife to tell her about Haruka." Gotou-san murmur.
And he does a he told his wife that Haruka is in labor, Yakumo where the hospital was because she knew she only trust Miki's friend doctor and as he enters he saw Seira who almost in tears.
"Hanabe-chan?.." Yakumo called.
"Uncle?... Uncle!... Why are you now Auntie has been in pain for almost an hour please go inside right now she need you the most." Seira said.
"Hanabe... What do you by in pain does something the matter?" Yakumo said.
"That is..."
"So you must Mr. Saito-san." She said.
Seira and Yakumo look at her as she went to them.
"I'm the Doctor of Mrs. Saito-san... Your wife is 8 months and 5 weeks so that mean she never complete her 9 months and also her water were already broke but we still look for the possibilities that those twins inside her body may a little bit in hasty to go out but don't worry she'all be alright... (Yakumo would like to asked about the twins but the doctor had been called for emergency) I should get going now please go see your wife." She said.
Seira didn't look at him as she tried to sneak but
"You knew my wife had twins when did she told you that?" Yakumo asked.
"Well... That is... *sigh* Auntie want to surprised you after we had a shopping but it just happened she couldn't tell you... I'm sorry..." Seira said.
Yakumo sighed and patted her and he walk to the room Seira left outside, Haruka looks more in pain when she notice Yakumo she bring herself to smile or force herself Yakumo sit next to her and touch Haruka's stomach Haruka made her blushed a bit then a suddenly movement inside of her and that the first time Yakumo felt.
"Are you surprised?... (Yakumo look at her with a smile) *giggled* you know I was wondering if I made you happy?" Haruka said.
"What are you blabbering about?" Yakumo asked.
When Yakumo said that he prick Haruka's nose then Haruka grab Yakumo's hand and put it into her face.
"Haruka..." Yakumo said.
"Did the doctor told you about our babies? (Yakumo nod) *sigh* I told her to keep it quite for the meantime because I was going to surprised you about our babies especially Yuki.... I guest you already asked Seira-chan (he nod) I guest it cant help it.... (Then the pain started again Haruka grip to tight as she still holding Yakumo's hand) hah... Hah.... *force to smile* I'm sorry..." Haruka said.
Then again the pain back again then the machine was been reading Haruka's twins alarmed then nurses came and the women doctor.
"Sensei... Its time." Nurse said.
The women doctor nod then other nurses took Haruka in labor room Haruka who have been holding his hand let go and it made little bit Yakumo scared a bit but the nurse stop him Haruka saw Yakumo who made a face of concern then she made a sign in her hand saying she'all be alright and the labor start at 11:18 am then little by little the whole gang came.
"How's Haruka, Yakumo?" Gotou-san asked.
Yakumo would like to say something but then Haruka's mother was quite shock.
"What's wrong grandma?" Yuki asked.
"W-well... Hanabe-chan told me that your mother is having a twins right? (Yuki nod and also others who knew already) that is..."
"Tell us mother what about having twins for Haruka?" Yakumo asked.
"That is... Yakumo Haruka already told that time when she gave birth to Yuki the doctor told her that if she could bare again it might be difficult for her to get twins or even having a child because.."
"Because mom had a abnormalities for getting pregnant ... (His grandmother want to asked how did he know about that) that because that time I was going to the comfort room then I heard you two talking... Mom how come she hot twins?" Yuki asked.
"Yuki your mother is strong I think God gave her a new mission to take care off and also she told me already about having a twins she even smile while holding her belly and told me that after having you she is greatful but now having Yuki's soon to be sisters is a blessing and she smile just having Yakumo's love and gave her you and this two Kiddo's in her stomach make her really happy." Haruka's mother said.
Then Yakumo went out Haruka's parents were a bit worried for Yakumo Yuki would like to go after him but Gotou-san stop him and let him handle so Gotou-san followed him as he followed him Yakumo stand and looking at his hand then Gotou-san look at him.
"You look puzzled... Is it about Haruka's health or about what happened that time." Gotou-san asked.
"Both... (Still looking at his hand) that... Shinigami gave something to Haruka that look more than a life span I don't know why but also I was greatful because earleir I was holding her belly and suddenly... It move ... I .. Felt it and I don't what I felt." Yakumo said.
Gotou-san hold his shoulder and smile.
"That means your excited to see those two and not just you but also Yuki so... (He look to where Yuki's hiding) come here you twerp at least say something." Gotou-san said.
"*blushing* (looking away) i-im happy too that I could want to hold them both and also I can see those two grow as their onii-chan." Yuki said.
Yakumo smile and patted his head then suddenly Seira run towards Yuki.
"Yuki!..." Seira shout.
"Seira... What's wrong?" Yuki asked.
"The twins were okay but Haruka..." Gotou-san wife paused.
Yakumo couldn't help himself run towards the laboring room and saw Haruka had been oxygenation.
"Haruka...!" Yakumo called.
"She's fine... (Yakumo look at her) she's only exsausted its been 4 hours of labor don't worry we are going to take her to her room." She said.
Yakumo left alone as he keep watching Haruka take her to the room Yakumo couldn't help himself to sat down and held his head back and Haruka's dad sat beside him.
"I never felt.... Like this... I ... I .. Just can't help myself scared... What.. What if I loss her... I'm trembling..." Yakumo whispered.
"Its a natural to feel like that Yakumo... You know when my wife gave birth to my beautiful daughters I was scared also what would happened if she died after giving birth I was scared too but if you have faith ... (Holding Yakumo's hands and smile) you'll knew that both mother and their children will be alright." He said.
Yuki couldn't help himself smile as he look at his father worried then Seira stare at him.
"You know what you were also look scared earlier?" Seira teasingly.
"Yeah... I was scared what if I loss my mom and dad really indeed in trouble and he might be back the way he used to be and would be hard for all of us." Yuki said.
"(Without hesitation Seira hold his hand) then I'll be stand beside you." Seira said.
They both looking in the eyes Seira in her determine Yuki look away and Seira went to Gotou-san and also Miki-san.
Slowly Haruka opened her eyes and she saw the familiar faces and her own parents she smile as she notice Yuki who look happy to see her mother were okay.
"(She true to seat up so she helped by the two her mother and Gotou-san wife) thank you... Yuki... I'm sorry I made you worry..." Haruka said.
"Its alright mom (as he kissed Haruka's forehead) don't worry about it are you excited to seey two little sisters?" Yuki asked.
"Yeah... (Then she notice) where is your father?" Haruka asked.
"He went out... (Then Haruka look worried about him) don't worry Haruka-chan his only worried earlier but he'll be here in any moment." Her father said.
Then a knock on the door the nurses came in an the doctor the three of them look worried.
"Is their something wrong doctor?" Gotou-san wife asked.
"Well.. (The nurses who brought the child went out first) your children were alright and they were healthy as I ever imagined but...
"But...? What is it?" Haruka asked.
"Mrs. Saito-san I wish you won't get shock we will try our best to searched for the medicine for them and try to see what is the diffect to those kid...."
"Wait what do you mean diffect (Yuki got irritated) what was wrong with my two sisters?!" Yuki asked.
"They have bleeding in their right eye and its look more like a cat eyes but red and maybe because we didn't even think they have a difficult to know what sickness is it or virus..."
Without finishing it Haruka smile.
"Its alright... Doctor it was natural for them they had those eyes." Haruka said.
"Eh... You mean is a genetic? I mean how come Mr. Saito-san doesn't have those eyes even your son." She said.
"Ah... You mean (he took off his contact lense) like this?" Yuki said.
"Eh!... Wait you mean even Mr. Saito-san have those too... Okay... I won't force myself but please keep in mind after 2 months please take them back here for their checkup." She said.
The doctor left as they looking at the child Yuki the first one took her new sisters Seira also held the other one Yuki look away as they take some picture as also teasing them as they were the parents then after a long time as they holding had a conversation Yakumo came late and other were going home Yuki and Seira only one who left then he heard Haruka's voice.
"Is your dad didn't came back?" Haruka asked.
"Auntie don't worry (as she place back the baby) Uncle need to feel some fresh air to calm himself he was been worried after seeing you earlier you didn't move so he'll be here." Seira said.
"*pout* but I've been waiting for him patiently you know..." Haruka said.
Then suddenly Yuki went to her and kiss her on her head.
"Mom... Seira right Dad might be here listening to our conversation right now... But I guess we need to go too... Let's go.." Yuki said.
"OK... Auntie please have some rest more besides you still need to heal and also you need to eat just a little okay." Seira said.
Both of them went out and Yuki stop Seira look at him and she look were Yuki has been staring at.
"Yuki?!..." Seira called.
"I see... (Then he smiled) let's go." Yuki said.
As they walk side by side Yuki took Seira's hand and as for Seira she blushed as she tighten to hold Yuki's hand. Yakumo went inside and saw Haruka who fell asleep then he went to her and kissed her and also her forehead then as move he saw Haruka looking at her.
"Haruka...? What's wrong?" Yakumo asked.
"That should be my line... Where did go? I was worried about you and (suddenly the twins cried) ahh... Yakumo could you take both of them please its for their breast milk." Haruka said.
"Yakumo took the twins holding them in a different arm and take them to Haruka as she take of her lab gown and completely seeing her breast Yakumo notice Haruka blushing as Yakumo gave her the twins slowly Yakumo help her to take one by one and seeing his two beautiful girls drinking to their mothers milk make Yakumo smile.
"Your beautiful." Yakumo said.
"Eh... What are you saying just now?" Haruka asked.
Yakumo smirk as he sat down beside Haruka and kissed her.
"I said your beautiful and also thank you for giving me another blessings." Yakumo said.
Haruka blushed but instead she pur her head to Yakumo's body and slowly they were smiling then Haruka remember.
"Yakumo what would name them?" Haruka asked.
Then the twin stop drinking milk and slowly Yakumo took one and grabbing Yakumos finger and smile at him then next she open her eyes and saw they have same like him then Hatuka already finished put back her lab suite.
"They had your eyes right the red eye... You know they have faith that just like they can see ghost or spirits but I'll give them the love as I gave to Yuki as well because now I can be sure that their father love them and always their for them as I love you." Haruka said.
"... .... Haruka.. (Haruka look to him and Yakumo gave him a kiss and slowly took apart) you know I've always been in trouble and in a danger but you never let go of me and still loving me Haruka your the one change me... I love you..." Yakumo said.
"*smile* I know..." Haruka said.
Yakumo notice her daughters has a different eyes then he smlid.
"This is Aya... And she will be Ayaka." Yakumo said.
"Ayaka?... Why ?" Haruka asked.
"That because she has the looks of her mother and a part of your sister too don't you like that?" Yakumo asked.
"No... I'm happy!" Haruka said.
For a long months Haruka staying at home is her top priority taking care of her daughters, Yakumo manage to gain his position and also he became a early bird because he went home early to see his daughter, Yuki had a time to visit Yakumo and Haruka and also Seira with him too when they want to visit them Nao-chan finnaly engage to her boyfriend as Gotou-san quite emotion when he see that he have knowing as his own daughter have finally found someone to love and his wife always cheered for Nao and she also went to Yakumo's apartment to visits the twins, Haruka's parents were been also in a good life as Yakumo had a time they visits Haruka's parents just too see how the twins are and also time passes by and Yuki almost graduate and also has a date with Seira, Seira quite happy and enjoy their time as they eating parfei Yukibstare at her.
"Uhm... Yuki?... Does something in my face?" Seira asked.
Yuki look away and as he also eating his parfei.
"N-nothing..." He said.
Seira quite embarrass to asked more then the last ride they are going to ride is the ferris wheel as they ride it Yuki suddenly asked this question without looking at her.
"Why did you love me?" Yuki asked.
"Hmmm...? Why sudden you asked that?... Are you okay?" Seira asked.
"Just answer my question." Yuki said.
"Well... I love you because your cute and handsome... (Yuki look at her then suddenly Seira laugh he would like to say "be serious" but suddenly Seira look at the window glass as she touch it) the truth is you were brave, a nice person, you have a weak points when it comes to a bully, you don't want to see your wicked side but you shown me to it and maybe I fell in love with you because all I know that I love you *smile*." Seira said.
Yuki somehow don't know what say as they got out from the ferris wheel Seira notice something and it made Seira worried a bit when he asked that Yuki grab her hand and walk fat as he can as for Seira she already running then they went to the school building and as they went to the rooftop some student who stayed follow them at the roof top.
"What are we doing here?" Seira asked.
"Mom and dad told me about something in the future and I was drastic about that but (Yuki suddenly hug Seira) remember what I asked you... (Seira nod) Seira I was also scared in the future but with you I think I can be who I am (Yuki move and take something in his pocket as he kneeled down Seira was a bit in shock and don't know what she's going to say or is she move away turn around she don't know because she was already stiff then Yuki talk) I won't make a promises but one thing I knew in my heart your important to me... Hanabe, Seira... Will you be my wife for the rest of my life?" Yuki asked.
Seira couldn't help herself cry then she jump to him and hug him.
"Yes... Yes... I'll marry you." Seira said.
Then they look each other and smile in a sundown and kiss.
......,......... .. .. . ....... . . ....... The End....

SHINREI TANTEI YAKUMO 2Where stories live. Discover now