chapter 1.

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minhos pov.

i woke up, sadly another fucking day of this bullshit ass school. i just started my last year of highschool thank fucking god! but still have a long long long ass way to go. as i was laying in bed texting my group chat my asshole of a dad barged in yelling, like its fucking 6:30 in the morning! why the fuck are you already yelling?.


minho: aish! im already fucking awake dad!

mr lee: Hurry the fuck up then!. your mother made you and your sister breakfast!.

i rolled my eyes as he left slamming my door shut, i slowly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom where my sister was taking her sweet ass time, bitch thinks she needs a full face of makeup for tenth grade.

minho: yah! jisoo! open the door! you've had your time already!

jisoo: AISH! wait! im almost done asshole!

i just started knocking and knocking on the door till she opened it clearly upset

jisoo: i told you to wait! i was almost done!

minho: sorry, i gotta get ready too you know? gotta impress the girls

i said smirking, which only made her laugh and walk away to her room, yes sometimes me and my sister dont get along but we still have fun together and joke around.

jisoo: hurry and get ready your taking me to school today i am not! take the bus

minho: ayyyy whyyyy? just take the buss i have to pick all my friends up already

she then started to whine and hug all up on me

jisoo: pleaseeeeee minhoooooo, just todayyyyy im your little sisterrrrrr pleaseeee

minho: aish, alright alright fine whatever, now go eat breakfast before dad comes back up here

as she left i got in the bathroom and started doing my usual things, i get naked, i showered, i out some things in my hair to make it nice and soft, brushed my teeth then head out to my room to get changed, after looking through my closet i found the perfect outfit. i put on my baggy black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt and my black jacket since it was a little cold this morning, after changing i put on my white and black nikes and headed downstairs to eat breakfast before leaving since it was already 7:15

-end of minhos pov.

once minho got downstairs he sat down next to his sister and started eating along with his mom and dad.

jisoo: mommmmm, this is sooooo goodddd

minho: yup i agree with jisoo

mrs lee laughed and smiled a bit

mrs lee: thank you loves, i appreciate it.

mr lee: hurry and finish eating. or you'll both be late.

jisoo: yes dad

the two siblings started eating faster since they didnt want their dad to start yelling, once they finished eating they put their dishes in the sink and started heading out

minho: bye mom bye dad

jisoo: byeeee!! see you later ma

mrs lee: bye sweeties, have a wonderful day and be careful minho

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