chapter 11.

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felix then barged in the bathroom looking for jisung

felix: ji?, are you in here??

jisung: y-yeah im here

felix: whats going on?, are you okay?

jisung then opened the stall door and walked out with a fake smile

jisung: y-yeah fine d-dont worry.

felix smiled a bit and hugged jisung which made jisung kinda sad. he was getting sicker, he and his parents knew but decided to not tell felix since they didn't want him to worry much.

-flash back to when jisung found out he was slowly getting worse.

ji's doctor: im so sorry..jisung your not getting any better. your heart and lungs are slowly giving up and its only a matter of time till you pass.

jisung: wait w-what..

mrs han: o-oh god.

she said breaking down in her husband's arms.

ji's doctor: im so sorry..

he said while walking out the room leaving jisung and his parents in the room all sobbing.

jisung: m-mom..i ca-cant die!..n-not yet!..

mrs han: i-i know'll all be okay tho..y-your not leaving us yet..n-not yet baby.

she said hugging jisung tightly while sobbing more.

jisung: f-felix..hes g-going to be d-devastated..

mr han: were not telling felix..he cant know. he wouldn't be able to handle it.

mrs han: so what?. we just keep it a secret?.

jisung: i-its for the b-best mom..felix is to-

mr han: hes to sensitive hun..its best if he doesnt know about this at all. as for you jisung. l-live your life k? w-what makes you happy.

he said breaking down, jisung just got up and hugged his dad tightly. even tho he wasn't showing it jisung was falling apart. he found out he's not getting better but worse..he didn't know what to think or do. he didn't want to tell anyone since he thought they might take pity on him so this was going to be a secret between jisung and his parents.

-back to the present with jisung in his last class.

jisung couldn't sit next to minho. he couldn't and didnt want to he tried to talk with his teacher but they didn't listen so he was stuck sitting next to him still.

ms kim: and now time for everyone's favorite thing, the assignment for today, you will be working with your partner and together you will complete pages 150-155 on your workbooks, then homework will be pages 156-158. please begin.

the two boys just sat there awkwardly and mad at each other, jisung began on the pages but minho on the other hand was struggling since he didn't really understand, ji noticed this and even tho he was mad and upset with minho he decided to help him since he didn't want minho to fall behind.

jisung: d-do you need h-help?.

minho: no. im fine.

jisung just nodded and kept doing the pages, after about tenish minutes minho got frustrated and slammed the book shut making ji jump a bit and well kinda making him feel bad at how bad he was struggling.

jisung: i-i know w-were mad at e-each other, b-but i dont w-want you falling behind..d-do you need help m-minho?.

minho sighed before rolling his eyes a bit.

minho: yes i need help jisung.

jisung nodded and moved over a bit closer opening minho book again

jisung: w-which part?.

minho: fucking all of it?. i just dont understand this bullshit!. it's stupid and useless!.

before jisung could say anything some kids who were sitting in front of them started talking.

??: imagine not knowing basic algebra

??: hahaha literally

before minho could say anything jisung did and suprisingly

jisung: yah!. m-mind your f-fucking business!. y-you dumbasses a-are struggling t-too.

??: awww your standing up for your little boyfriend how cute you fags

??: and you can't even fucking talk correctly shut up

jisung went quite and sat back in his seat a bit kinda upset since he was just trying to stand up for minho but clearly couldn't take what the kids were telling him, minho noticed and said something.

minho: shut the fuck up and mind your business!. calling us fags knowing damn fucking well you asshole probably give each other blowjobs.

??: and you will never get a blowjob dating a fucking disabled.

minho got clearly mad and before he could stand up jisung grabbed his hand and shook his head no.

jisung: n-not worth i-it minho.

??: yeah listen to your bitch, its not worth it.

minho: i will fucking end your life if you say shit like that AGAIN! I FUCKING MEAN IT!-

ms kim: minho. whats going on, why are we yelling?

minho: these fucking assholes-

jisung: s-sorry miss, we w-were doing our w-work but then t-they started to m-mess with me s-so minho was j-just helping and s-standing up for m-me. he didn't m-mean to get all m-mad.

as jisung was talking with the teacher calming the situation down minho just got mesmerized by ji again. yes they fought and were mad with each other but the way jisung tried standing up for him made him feel some type of way, but then again jisung had something about him that made minho just so obsessed and kinda in love with him.


idk heres this uhmmmm these next chapter will be all over the place but it will come tg hopefully and yes thats all have a good day and sorry for any misspellings (short chapter ik-)

words - 962

goodbye - 09

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