chapter 20.

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-day of the funeral.

felix: i-is he not coming?..

chan: he said he couldn't. h-he cant come in without breaking down.

felix: j-jisung is his boyfriend!? hes probably expecting him..its his fucking funeral?!.

hyunjin: hey calm down love..its okay alright?.. ill go talk to him.

seungmin: n-no..let me talk to him. i know how he feels.

everyone then looked at seungmin confused except for jeongin who just smiled a bit as seungmin walked out and went to find minho, once seungmin spotted him he was sitting on the curb sobbing.

seungmin: hey minho..

minho: i a-already told chan..i cant f-fucking go in..

seungmin: yeah..i understand that feeling-

minho: no you d-dont..chans still still have your person..m-mines is gone..

seungmin: minho i-

minho: im not g-going in okay?!..just l-leave me alone!, h-his last breathes he n-needed me!..and i-i was gone!..i was fucking-

seungmin: you were protecting your sister and mom minho! wasnt your fault!.

minho: i-i left him..a-after i p-promised i wouldnt l-leave him again..i cant go inside..just l-leave me alone.

seungmin then sighed a bit before sitting down next to minho.

seungmin: look, i know i cant say anything to change your mind..but i was in your position before. uhm but instead of losing my boyfriend i lost both my parents..

minho: wha-

seungmin: i-i didint think i was strong enough t-to go say my last goodbyes. and s-see their faces for the last time before they got buried and i-i missed their funeral..

minho: so sorry..

seungmin: and ever since that day ive regretted it..i miss them so much but i-i feel guilty for n-not seeing them one last time, i havent been able to go visit them in years because of the guilt. so all im saying is don't make the mistake i did..go see him for the last time minho..if you don't you'll regret it forever..

minho just sobbed a bit as seungmin hugged him

seungmin: i know this is hard..its hard for all of us..but im sure jisung is still with you and watching over you right now..and im most positive that he is waiting for you to walk through those doors right now, ready to hear the speech you wrote.

minho: you think so?.

seungmin: i know so..dont miss this chance minho. you will haye yourself forever if you do.

he said getting up and walking back inside going to sit with the group.

felix: minho?.

seungmin: i hope he comes in..but im not sure.

felix nodded and leaned against hyunjin sobbing a little, once the funeral started almost everyone was crying, everyone was hurt. jisungs family members missed him. his friends missed him, after his parents, and felix gave little speeches it was time for minhos final speech.

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